Chapter 3

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~Laura's POV~

"L-Laura?" The familiar voice asked me. I looked up and faced the stunning boy who I once saw at Starbucks.

I gazed into those green eyes which were filled with confusion. I got lost and saw the sparkles in his eyes. I noticed how curly his hair was, how green his eyes and how deep his dimples. Then I faces back to reality, where I didn't called him, where I had found no friends tonight and where some guy wanted to rape me in a club.

"Uhm..Yeah?" I replied finally. I shut my eyes "L-Laura?" The familiar voice asked me. I looked up and faced the stunning boy who I once saw at Starbucks.

I gazed into those green eyes which were filled with confusion. I got lost and saw the sparkles in his eyes. I noticed how curly his hair was, how green his eyes and how deep his dimples. Then I faces back to reality, where I didn't called him, where I had found no friends tonight and where some guy wanted to rape me in a club.

"Uhm..Yeah?" I replied finally. I shut my eyes tightly, thinking again about the incident in the club.  He stared at me with an intense gaze and I started feeling uncomfortable, so I quickly pulled away and faced Edwards boyfriend. His looks were just like they from a god! So sad, that he was gay... He smirked at me and I blushed deep red.

"Hello gorgeous. I'm Louis." He said with a wink. I smiled and faced back to reality where he was gay.

"Laura" I replied kindly and suddenly his smile fell.

"Are you Laura?" He asked surprised and looked over at Edward. I was confused as ever.

"Uhm..yes?" I said but it came out more as a question. His smirk returned and was bigger than ever. Suddenly Edward pulled on Louis' arm, looking at him angry.

"Well, I better get going now.." I said kind of awkwardly an turning around on my heal, but someone held tightly onto my arm.

"No, such a pretty girl can't go home alone in the middle of the night. We'll take you home!" Louis announced, ignoring Edwards protests. I cringed at the memory of the guy in the club and nodded my head.

"Well, okay then." I stood there and Louis came beside me, taking my hand in his. I felt suddenly so comfortable and happy that I didn't realised the evil glares from Edward in Louis' direction. I giggled shyly and held tightly onto his hand.

We made our way to the parking, where a very expensive car. I walked past it, didn't believing it was either Edwards or Louis'. I heard chuckles behind me an I turned around, seeing the boys standing beside the car.

"I-is this really yours?" I asked in disbelief, walking towards them. Louis nodded his head and stroked over the roof of the car.

"Yup! I mean, it's no big deal. Being in the biggest bo-" He started to explain why he had such an expensive car, when Edward cut him off by slapping his hand on Louis' mouth.

I narrowed my eyebrows but shrugged it off, why was Edward acting so weird. I opened the door and I realised something: There was only a driver and a passenger seat and we were three people. I looked at the boys. Edward looked at the ground and Louis has his signature smirk plastered all over his beautiful face.

"Uhm...Guys? How did you think we would suit all in this car?" I asked confused. Louis didn't answered my question, he just jogged over at the drivers seat side and sat down in the car. I just stood there with Edward, looking awkward at the ground. He came over to me and looked in the car, where Louis was gesturing him to sit down and Edward mouthed 'but what's with Laura?'. Louis just winked and Edward shrugged his shoulders, sitting down.

"Edward? Where am I supposed to sit?" I asked slightly annoyed. He pointed on his lap and I rolled my eyes. "Are you actually serious?" He smiled, revealing those deep dimples. I sighed and realised if I wouldn't seat on his lap, I would have to walk home alone. I sat down and he smirked proudly. I tried to shift my weight off of him, but he wrapped his strong arms around my waist and cuddled me into him. 

He cuddled his head in my back and inhaled deeply.

"Edward? Are you alright?" I asked turning around and facing him. Our faces were just inches apart and I could feel the tickling feeling of his minty breath brush on my cheeks.

"Better than ever." He replied sternly with a smirk. I turned around again and told Louis where he should dispose me, but he didn't seem to bother. We drove some minutes in silence, the only sound coming from the radio and Edwards deep breaths in my back. We passed the curve who leaded to my flat.

"Louis! We just passed my flat!" I shouted at him, making Edward jump. He didn't replied.

"Edward! Say something!" I shouted annoyed. But he didn't got the time to answer, when Louis cut in.

"Yeah Edward! Say something!" He mocked.

"I-" he started, but Louis interrupted again.

"I drove past it, because tonight you won't be sleeping at yours." He told me as if it was the most normal thing in the world. My eyes widened and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Is that so? Well, where am I sleeping then?"

"At mine and Harry's." He told me bluntly, focusing his attention back on the road. I was confused as hell.

"Two questions. First: what the fuck?! Are you kidnapping me?" I earned a soft chuckle from Edward which made me smile. "And second: who is Harry? Aren't you living with your boyfriend?" Louis eyes widened at my question and his mouth opened in shock. Edward was laughing his ass off. I turned my head to see tears in his eyes from laughing so hard. I felt myself blush a deep shade of red.

"N-no! What are you talking about?? I'm bot gay!" He stuttered embarrassed and I looked at my lap fiddling with my fingers. So he was not gay! I actually had a chance then.

"Well I thought you and Edward were a pair.." I said still blushing. Then Edward stopped laughing too.

"You thought I was gay too??" He asked shocked. I nodded my head and waited for someone to broke the awkward silence between us. Then I decided to make it on my own.

"So, who's this Harry you're living with?" I asked curiously. He cleared his throat.

"I didn't said Harry, I said..Edward." He said, gripping onto the wheel.

"No, you didn't." I said sure of what I've had heard, but he insisted.

"Yes, I did."




"Yes!!" He shouted and I decided to give in.

"If you say so.." He smirked, proud of himself. He stopped the car and stood up. I sat there, didn't realising I was still on top of Edward.

"Uhm..Laura? Don't you want to exit? If you want to stay like this, I'm okay with it!" He chuckled and I stood up quickly, embarrassed. I ran after Louis up the stairs to an magnificent villa. I looked around me and wondered how he could make this much money. I entered in the villa and admired it. It was wonderful designed and just huge. I felt someone place a hand on my back and resting his head on my shoulder. I felt the soft curls brush past my cheek and I wondered when we became this close.

"Edward? Are you alright?" I asked amused. He backed away and shoved his hands in his pockets. Just then Louis came in the living room and saw Edward standing there embarrassed. He high-fived me.

"I like you Laura. You can make my Harry embarrassed!" I smiled, but then realised he'd said it again.

"There! You said it again! You said Harry!" I pointed at him and he looked caught. He tried to avoid my gaze. I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Is there something anyone wants to tell me?" I demanded, but no one reacted. "Who is this fucking Harry?!"


•do you think they will tell her? I want to know your opinions!  The song maybe don't fit perfectly, but i think it's great ;)

pleeeease comment!

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~Catherine x

Based on lies. (Harry Styles Fanfic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now