Nick returned an hour later with a grey zip-up hoodie, a matching pair of sweatpants, a white T-shirt, and sneakers. "Sorry Boss, there aren't any clothing stores around here that are open this late," Nick apologized. "It's fine," Giovanni said, "She needed to lay down for awhile anyway." "I brought McDonald's too," Nick handed Giovanni the signature McDonald's paper bag, full of fries, chicken nuggets, and burgers. "Thanks Nick, I owe you one," the dark haired man thanked his driver. "Just doing my job Boss." Nick left to go back to the waiting room. It was now almost three o'clock in the morning and Giovanni knew that he needed to get Giuliana back home.

"Giuliana you need to get up," Giovanni tried to gently wake her up. "I got clothes for you to change into, then I'll take you home." She nodded in understanding as she attempted to sit up on her own. She was still too weak to do much for herself so Giovanni stood her up and she leaned against him as took off his suit jacket, he then paused, "Is it okay if I take off your dress?" "Yeah," she croaked out. Giovanni helped her step into the sweatpants, and then quickly slipped the skimpy dress over her head and off and replaced it with the T-shirt that ended up being a men's size small, instead of a women's small. He then pushed her back into a sitting position on the edge of the bed and slipped the sneakers on her feet and tied them. Giovanni had never been put in this position before, and oddly enough he didn't feel annoyed by it.

"Are you ready to go home?" he asked as he zipped up the grey hoodie. Giuliana nodded, she didn't want to admit that even though this night had taken a dark turn she enjoyed being cared for by Giovanni. She was debating on whether or not this could be considered a date, this was the first time that they have been alone together for an extended period of time. This was probably the most he had spoken to her ever. Giovanni stuffed her dress and heels away in the bag that Nick had gotten when he bought the sweatsuit.

"I'm going to go hand this stuff to Nick and then I'll be back okay?" Giovanni basically asked for permission to leave. "Alright," Giuliana replied swallowing hard, her throat felt dry from the effects of the roofie. Giovanni handed Nick the bag of McDonald's and the bag containing Giuliana's clothes. "She's going to eat on the way back," Giovanni informed him, "We have to wait for the doctor to tell us about her test results and then we can leave."

When he headed back in Giuliana was in the same position as before, but this time she had his suit jacket folded neatly across her lap. "Here you go," she held it out for him to take, "I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble." "It's fine," Giovanni said, "As long as you're safe that's al that matters." He took the suit jacket from her outstretched hand and put it back on.

"Mr. Graziano, Miss. Bellucci," Dr. Bianchi knocked on the closed door before entering, "Your test results came back fine as was expected, you were in fact drugged with rohypnol as I thought but you seem to be recovering nicely and are over the initial effects. So I would say that you are free to go home." Giuliana gave the doctor a grateful smile, "Grazi, thank you for all of your help."

"Thank you Dr. Bianchi," Giovanni said as he wrapped one arm under Giuliana's legs and one around her back and picked her up. "Anytime Mr. Graziano," the doctor smiled, "I look forward to being at your wedding."

Giovanni placed Giuliana into the backseat of the Escalade and climbed in next to her. "Nick brought something for you to eat," he handed her the bag of fast food. She plucked a container of fries of the top and began to eat, "Thank you Nick, you didn't have to do this." The driver smiled at her through the rearview mirror, "It's not a problem ma'am."

"Aren't you going to eat?" Giuliana looked over at Giovanni who was looking down at his phone. "No, I'll just get something when I get home," he said. "Please eat something," Giuliana urged. Her guilt was gnawing at her, his hadn't eaten dinner or been able to go home because of her, blue he had to take care of her like she was a child. He grabbed a burger and bit into to make her happy, truthfully he hated fast food but he would eat it if it made her feel better. He knew that she felt guilty, and that she thought that this whole night was her fought.

After Giuliana had handed a burger and fries to Nick, she leaned back and stared at the passing city lights, even at three o'clock in the morning the city was still buzzing. "Are you ready?" Giovanni's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Ready? Ready for what?" she asked turning to look at him. "For the wedding," he said casually. "Oh," Giuliana was bit surprised, he never spoke of the wedding, "I think so, I'll be relieved when it's over. Everything has been so stressful but I think it will be a very nice wedding." "Should I expect flowers?" he smirked already knowing the answer, at least five florists in New York had been called to fit the demands of the bride. "Yes," she giggled, "They've made my mother crazy but I like them very much. What about you? Are you ready?"

"I'm ready," he answered, "All I have to do is show up." Giovanni didn't want to dive deeper and ask if she was ready for the marriage, the wedding was for one day, but the marriage was meant to be forever. Giuliana handed him a carton of fries as he finished his burger, he didn't know if she realized it but she seemed to dote and care for those around her. It was one of the traits that he had picked up on almost immediately after meeting her at her graduation and then the next day at her home.

"I know you don't want to talk about it but it's important to discuss," Giovanni cleared his throat, "I need to know what Enzo said to you when he came up to." Giuliana tired to remember exactly what was said, her memory was hazy but she did her best, "He introduced himself and then tried to get us all to leave with him. When I started to feel bad he kept trying to get me to let him give me a ride home and then he grabbed my arm and then you showed up. He was just creepy." 

Giovanni nodded thoughtfully, he had to find out what Enzo Santorelli was trying to do. He wouldn't dare to try and assault the daughter of a rival mafia boss and future wife of another. But the threat that his father had said during the meeting of the Five Families. Lorenzo Santorelli had said that the wedding would not happen, and then his son tried to drug the bride? Giovanni didn't want to involve Salvatore or Anthony but it may be necessary. The threat was so personal and violating, that it warranted severe retaliation.

They had another thirty minutes until they arrived at the Bellucci Mansion. The conversation between the two had been easy and comfortable. But he could see that she was beginning to become tired again, she kept blinking her eyes in an effort to try and keep herself awake. "Go ahead and lay down Giuliana," he moved the fast food bag out of the way so that she could lay her head down. She was fast asleep and stayed that way the rest of the ride to her home.

He woke her up as Nick turned the headlights off of the SUV, they would have to walk down the street and get over the fence. The guards weren't expecting any cars to be arriving at this time of night. "Wait here Nick," Giovanni instructed as they exited the car. They walked down the street for a few minutes but he could tell that she was still struggling, "Get on my back, I'll carry you." She climbed on as he searched for a weak security spot along the perimeter of the property. "There's a few bars of the fence that are weak on the right side," Giuliana whispered into his ear and pointed to direct him. He followed her instructions as she told him where to go and when to hide, she knew exactly which guards would be patrolling which areas and when. They eventually made their way to the back door that led to the unused back staircase.

He remembered Monica's instructions; go to the third floor and it's the fourth door on the right. He crept quietly along the carpeted hallway with Giuliana holding her breath as she clung to his back. Salvatore would shoot first and ask questions later, it didn't matter that they were a month and a half away from being married, he would not tolerate Giovanni in his daughter's bedroom in the early hours of the morning.

"Alright we're here," he breathed out as he sat her down on the bed. She kicked off the sneakers as he threw the decorative pillows off the bed and pulled the covers back. He then helped her lay down in the bed, and pulled the covers back over her. "I'm going to text your sister and tell her that we're back, and then I'm going to go ahead and leave." Giuliana nodded in understanding, she knew that he couldn't stay with her the entire night, her father would kill him if he caught him in her bedroom. Once he was done tapping on his phone, he put it back in his suit jacket, "Do you need anything else?" he questioned looking at her through the darkness. "No I think I'm fine." "Well goodnight Giuliana," he said. "You don't need to call me that," she spoke. "Call you what?" he turned around looking at her quizzically. "Giuliana, I always hated it. I prefer to be called Giulia," she told him. "Okay, but only if you call me Gio. I don't like my name either," he gave her his dashing smile. "

"Goodnight Giulia."

"Goodnight Gio."

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