Clarke, heartbroken at the pain Lexa must be in to make such a request said she would check the wound in the morning and make her decision then. Lexa hoped her wound showed some improvement. She couldn't take this torture much longer.

Clarke lay beside Lexa and stroked her back, outlining the brunettes tattoos was one of her favourite exercises and Lexa seemed to like it too. Clarke hadn't really thought about tattoos before, certainly not for herself but she certainly liked them on Lexa. She didnt want her covered in them, wanted a bit of natural flesh to admire, but if Lexa wanted more she wouldn't be objecting too loud. She would ask Lexa once she was well.

Soon Lexa started to calm and Clarke pressed a kiss to her sweating brow and said she needed to bind her back and that would be it for the night. Lexa didn't so much as grumble and with assistance sat up. Clarke bound her as quickly as she could and was just tying it off when Octavia called out requesting entrance.

"Enter" Lexa bade and quickly pulled the rugs up to cover herself.

"Just as well" Clarke grumbled making the brunette smirk before Octavia entered carrying a large platter. Clarkes mouth started to water when she smelled roast pork and saw a pile of heaped meat with some bread and potatoes. Oh thank God, a decent meal.

Octavia placed it on the bed in front of them then returned outside where a guard stood with two mugs of water. She thanked him and re entered the tent, placing the mugs down in reach.

"I'll be back later for the dishes" she informed

"Stay. Go bring your meal and eat with us" Lexa requested surprising Octavia and Clarke alike. Octavia beat a hasty retreat and Clarke turned to Lexa in surprise. "What? She is our guard. I should get to know her"

"Ha. Three days ago you wanted to kill her" Clarke muttered, organising herself to sit behind Lexa so the woman could rest against her. Lexa shrugged and reached for some meat. She had to admit it was a lot better than their previous meals and suddenly her appetite returned and she attacked the meal with gusto.

Octavia, who returned and sat at the foot of their bed noticed this and shared a smile with Clarke. Maybe the Heda was on the mend.

The following morning after a surprisingly large breakfast of bacon cuts on toasted bread Clarke checked Lexa's wound then looked up into begging green eyes.

"OK we will see. But you will need more baths and today I need to go pick seaweed to make tea and a supplement paste. This one won't sting but will take longer to work" Clarke informed her "If you go backwards you get the second needle and we go back to the salve, ok"

"Sha" Lexa smiled relieved and stated "the pond and the stream leading out of it should have plenty of what you are looking for"

"Fine, no complaints about me not taking naps with you either" Clarke warned. Lexa was disappointed but agreed.

So the day was set and when Clarke wasn't assisting Lexa with her baths or meals and during her nap times she would be collecting the seaweed she required. She instructed Octavia and the guards that they would be staying a week, possibly longer and to expect supplies in a couple of days.

She requested they boil water for Lexa's meals so she could make tea for her. They nodded their understanding and Clarke left while she had a break in the weather to collect the seaweed.

The rest of the day followed suit, collecting seaweed when she could, making tea and paste which she treated Lexa with. The paste was cold and slimy but Lexa dared not complain.

When they went to bed that night Clarke was relieved to see that there may indeed be a small improvement in Lexa. She held the brunette closer to her as she let herself relax completely for the first time in days.

Two Into One (Clexa)Where stories live. Discover now