Chapter 10

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I walked to my locker, after the bell rung, signaling it was time for lunch. I texted Sophie that I would be eating with Harry. I invited her, but she really didn’t want to be around him, I guess. She is still intimidated by him. I put my books in my locker and slammed it shut.

“Ready?” Harrys voice asked, startling me. I hadn’t even noticed him come. I looked up at him, his green eyes piercing into mine. He really was a beautiful sight.

“So are we gonna go to the cafeteria, or are you just gonna watch me all day?” He teased and I swatted his arm. We walked side by side into the lunchroom. All eyes were on us. I hid behind Harry was we made our way to the line to buy our food.

“What’s wrong?” He questioned while we waited in line.

“Everyone is staring at us.” I half whispered, knowing that no one would hear us, but still feared that someone was listening in on us.  

He looked around the lunchroom, shooting glares at everyone who looked at us. They quickly averted their eyes, obviously afraid of Harry. I wanted to tell him that what he did was rude, but honestly I was glad he did. I couldn’t take anymore of the attention.

After we bought our lunch, which he insisted on paying, we sat at a table at the back of the room.

“What is your next class?” He asked, taking a bite into his pizza. Even when he was eating he looked like an angel. Whenever I ate, I looked like a pig.

“Math. You?” I took a small bite of my apple.

“Chemistry.” He shrugged.

Two boys, who looked familiar, made their way to our table. They had tattoos and piercings, and wore mostly all black. Ah, Harrys friends. I put my apple down and smiled at them as they sat.

“Hey, babe.” A boy with a blonde quiff and blue eyes said to me. Harry shot him glares, and the blonde guy moved his seat slightly away from me.

“Hi.” I greeted. “I’m Belle.”

“Niall.” The blonde introduced himself, trying to make the least amount of eye contact as possible, obviously scared of Harry.

“And I’m Zayn.” The other boy said, giving me a small smile. He had tan skin, and beautiful brown eyes, and an amazing facial structure. He could definitely be a model. “Are you Harrys girl?” He asked and I blushed.

“No. We are just friends.” I looked at Harry, but he seemed to not have cared.

“Well would you look at that Harry, you made a new friend!” Zayn joked and I giggled, while Harry just rolled his eyes, leaning back into his chair, his long legs extending under the table so that our toes were just touching. It was such a simple movement, and I am sure he had not noticed, but it made my heart flutter.

“Are you still fighting Smith tonight?” Niall asked Harry and he stiffened.

“Do you have another boxing match today?” I questioned.

“No, he’s-“ Niall began but Harry interrupted him.

“It’s nothing, Belle.” Harry said coolly, but his body was still rigid. I squinted my eyes at him, not pushing it any further. I didn’t want to ask him anymore in front of his friends. Zayn and Niall looked at each other briefly, before Zayn changed the subject.

“So Belle,” Zayn began. “Where are you from?” I told them about myself, but I knew that they were not really paying attention; it was just a distraction from the conversation before. Why couldn’t Harry tell me? I will be sure to ask him later.

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