Locals Only

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A/N This girl is how I picture Ashlynn to look. I'm not sure if she is what you pictured (maybe if her hair was a bit wavier then she'd be perfect) Let me know who you thought should play Ashlynn? I casted Rhona Mitra, however I don't think she does her any justice, being as she's only supposed to be 22. Along with a bit of whatever I'm listening to, which just happens to be grime. So if you don't like rapping, don't play it. Anyway comment at the end what you think, love muchly Abbie-Joy xoxo


I didn't really understand what made me do what I do. I suppose it's the fact that these scumbags, I came into contact with most days, thought they could go about doing what they do and get away with it. Looking for them afterwards was often too much hassle for Police and if the matter ever came to court... well you'd need a whole stack of evidence to plead your case, not to mention that they'd have to search like they're looking for a needle in a haystack to get the right person. Mostly the perpetrators slinked back into the shadows, not to be seen until they commit their next crime.

That's justice for you.

So, that is what got me out around the Arboretum tonight, the park had been officially opened in 1852, offering Victorian Nottingham botanical gardens for relaxation and peace. Though through the years the landscape has come host to many different events, Nottingham Pride was hosted on these very grasses. Not that I attended. I'm not homophobic, I just don't like the exuberant crowds the festival always seemed to bring. However accredited this place may be, when the sun goes down and the street lights come on it's an entirely different kettle of fish.

Tonight was dreary and dank, the wet hung in the air like thick fog, eerie. Well it would be if I weren't accustomed to walking around at night in these climates. I ambled across the park, towards the lake, knowing the trees that littered the place created shelter for more than just the animals.

As I walked, treading carefully, I heard rustling deep within the bushes to my left. Branches, leaves and, if I wasn't mistaken, clothes. Someone was obviously getting down and dirty, this was confirmed when I heard a female giggle, a slap sound, a male grunt and then a very distinctive gasp of pleasure. I shook my head, that was just gross. I actually cringed as I walked away. Surely a bed was not that hard to come by, they both had to sleep somewhere at night. Leaving the adventourous couple to their...um doings? Anyway as soon as I was out of ear shot of them I let out an audible sigh of relaxation. People these days.

Walking towards the lake, the temperature dropped, the ground began to squelch lightly, I could see the little droplets of water resting on the top of my Nikes from the dewy grass. I took cover in the shadows of a large oak.

After 25 minutes of picking at my split nails, walking between the shaded area of trees muffled sounds caught my attention. Definitely not the couple from earlier as I'd already seen them scamper off. 

They grew louder.


"Mate, what the hell are we gonna do with her?" snapped one male. I caught a glimpse of three silhouettes. Two men, flanking both sides of a female who couldn't even hold herself up properly.

"I don't fucking know, Danny," Man number two said, "Just fucking hold her up!" I heard them rustling, rearranging the semi-conscious woman. I got a clearer glimpse, Danny was apparently very broard, dark, short back and sides hair, looked to be touching 30, like his friend, who was also broad, but with lighter hair, and slightly taller than Danny, who stood at about 5'11". The girl was much shorter than both, but that could be because her feet were dragging behind her.

I followed them through the park in the shadow of the tree. They came onto the main road and walked for about 5 minutes until finally cutting into a side alley. I stayed at the top until they were half way down then I slipped into the shadows, slowly following them. The womans head was rolling about. Small moans escaping her lips every now and again, they told me she was still alive, at least.

The men stopped, lowered the woman to the floor, I ducked behind an industrial bin, peaking out at the edge to watch. The two men were now speaking in hushed voices, making it hard to hear properly, snippets of their conversation floated up the dark passage.

"...Can't leave her here..."

"...Her own stupid fault for getting in this mess..."

"...Should just leave her..."

"...No, we can't do that..."


"...Would be funny..."

Then they stopped their whispering, voices growing louder as Danny obviously said something the other man didn't agree with.

"Oh yeah, Danny Boy," the mans voice carried, full of malevolence, "Look at her, look at the mess she's in!"

"She wouldn't be in this mess if her fucking boyfriend-"

"Don't start that her boyfriend bollocks with me Danny, I'm warning you. She came out tonight to see both of us, and her boyfriend hasn't tried to contact her once, she's better off without that tosser." He hissed.

"Danny..." The girl had stirred and reached her hand up blindly searching for the voice. Danny knelt down next to her, taking her hand, she tried to focus on him, but looked to be having difficulty, she giggled a little, put her finger to her lips and slurred "I'm soo drunk, Danny..." I rolled my eyes.

That was the understatement of the century.

She was evidently drunk enough for 4 people. figuring she was probably in safe hands as these men seemed to know her and her life, I decided to leave the occupants of the alley to their own devices. I headed out on the main road, strolling across, much to the annoyance of the late night drivers. I headed to a chicken shop down the street, I needed something deeply southern fried.

The shop was set out with a small lino area, a small table and chairs was there for anyone wishing to eat inside. After I had ordered myself some chicken, I stood with my back against the hot display case, warming myself while watching the headlights outside. The man behind the counter cleared his throat.

"Your food, love," He announced. I glanced up gave him a small smile and took the little box filled with greasy goodness. I walked to the table and sat down, flipping open my box and grabbing my first piece of chicken. After about 10 minutes, I'd devoured all my chicken and was attempting to degrease my fingers with a serviette. I lounged back on the chair, rubbing my belly in appreciation. Then my attention was snatched by two figures walking down the opposite side of the street. Danny and his friend... but no female was with them. I thought this odd as the last time the girl ahd been far to drunk to know what day it was let alone how to make her way home. I shrugged it off, maybe they'd took her home already.

I stayed for a further 5 minutes, but I couldn't get that silly girl out of my head. I nodded to the man behind the counter, slipped my empty box into the bin outside and headed back up the street.

I now stood opposite the alley with a clear view down it, I couldn't see the woman anywhere. That was until I spotted movement at the far end of the alley. I checked the road before darting across, again slinking down into the shadows, I crouched behind the bin, sprinted to the opposite side of the alley, taking cover behind some boxes thrown out by one of the shops. I was closing the distance now.

I spotted the girl immediately when I popped my head up to get a better look, a bedraggled man loomed over her. Sneering down at her, he gripped a handful of her hair, pulling her head up.

Those assholes had left their friend, I was beyond pissed right now.

"Well, well, looky here," the sneering man laughed like he'd just won the lottery, "Leon will be pleased to see you, my lovely..." He paused, I didn't know who the hell Leon was but I had no intentions of letting him anywhere near her. "Oh he'll be very pleased indeed."

I couldn't help it my instincts were telling me to gut this guy and string him up with his own intestines... Yet my head was logically saying, follow him, it could make for a more eventful evening.

So that is exactly what I did. I watched the man struggle to hoist the girl up, drag her arm across his scruffy shoulders, he half-carried half-dragged the girl along, I skulked behind in the shadows, following.  After what felt like a long while, we finally arrived at what appeared to be  the back door to some dingy pub further away from the blustering city crowds. Obviously this was a 'locals only' kind of joint.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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