Princess Protection Program

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Teddy's Pov
My hands are sweaty as I stand on tbe steps. It was Natalie's first day back at school after her two day break and I'd decided that it was now or never. I can hear the street lamps flicker to life above my head and I take a deep breath. I raise my arm slowly and knock on the door. The minute that passes drags its feet as an eery silence fills the air and then a sliver of light creeps out from the door as it opens. A beautiful lady appears in the doorway, a perplexed expression on her face as she rests her weightt on one leg and places her hand on her hip. I clear my throat as a way to look proffessional, "uhm, Mrs Heit? I presume?" I smile weakly as the lady laughs, "not quite. My name is Beca. I'm Natalie's aunty. You must be Theodore come on in, Nat's just on the piano. To the left." I smile and nod as I walk through the door. There she sits perfectly poised playing the most beautiful melody that ever did fill my ears. No, that's a lie, it's nothing in comparison to that magical voice of hers.

I lean against the doorframe and politely wait for her to play the last chord before slowly beginning my applause. "Bravo, you never cease to amaze me with your talents." She turns, her curled hair flowing behind her and landing perfectly upon her other shoulder. I'm gifted with one of her beautiful smiles, "Teddy!" And then she is walking towards me and hugging me. I smile into her hair, I couldn't imagine a more perfect moment. "Hey Natty Cat," I whisper as she pulls away, keeping ahold of my elbows, "I wanted to ask you something." She raises her eyebrows and my heart begins to race and practically jumps into my throat. "I-I was just wondering if you would give me the absolute honour of becoming my girlfriend?" I see her eyes hover somewhere above my shoulder and a small smirk forms on her face as she pulls me close.

Beca's pov
"I-I was just wondering if you would give me the absolute honour of becoming my girlfriend?"
I'm standing in the doorframe so Nat can see me but Teddy can't. She gives me a small look, a sort of 'should I do it?' I nod, laughing silently to myself. A small smirk forms on her face as she pulls him closer and kisses him. "I-I suppose that's a yes then?" Theodore stutters which cracks Natalie up. I look to my left and notice Natalie's camera, I quickly grab it and begin taking photos.

At 6 o'clock I finally hear the sound of keys turning in the door, "Beca?" I get up and rest against the wall, "where's Natalie? I need to speak with her." I raise my eyebrows, "she in trouble?" Jamie saunters up to me in a menacing way, "That is none of your business. She is my daughter, not yours. You already hid her suspension from me, you've done enough! I completely forbid Natalie from seeing you without myself present ever again!" My throat goes dry and it feels as though all the air from my lungs has dissapeared, "she's in her room. With Teddy." And with that I push past my brother and slam the door behind me. Tears sting my eyes but I don't let them go until I'm safe in my car. My niece is my everything and she's been taken from me.

Jamie's pov
I open my daughter's door to see her with a boy. Not only is she with a boy, but she is kissing him! I'm doing the right thing by forbidding her to see Beca. How could she let this happen? I push the two apart and lift the boy up by his shirt, shoving him against the wall, "what on earth do you think you're doing? Did you seek my opinion before you came in here doing this?" The boy begins spluttering out an excuse but I push him out the door, "you are never to come back here again! Do you understand me boy? Do you?" I walk closer to him my hand raising in a fist as he nods, "yes, yes sir!" I slam the door to Natalie's room as he flees down the stairs. I turn my attention to Natalie, "a suspension and then this? You little lady are grounded and don't ever think that you'll ever see that boy or your precious Aunty without my supervision again! All of your free time will be spent studying. For law school so that you can become the best lawyer the world has seen. No mor prancing around a stage, what good is that? It's all that your useless mother has done for the entirety of her life and it's gotten her nowhere. It's all for your own good. No theatre, no boys and no no-good Aunts." My daughter's eyes fill with tears but she refuses to let them spill down her cheeks, "what have you done?" I narrow my eyes into slits to match hers, "I protected my princess." And with that I pick up her phone and walk out of her door.

Natalie's pov
The door slams. I wait until I hear his footsteps leave and then I turn and sob into my pillow. How could he do this? My own father tore away 2 of the people who are most important to me, I hate him. If he thinks that telling Teddy and I that we can't see eachother is going to work then he's got another thing coming. I really like Teddy. He likes me for who I am and nothing that my stupid father says is going to stop me from feeling that way. My god, I sound like Juliet.

Heya! Told you I was going to write more! I made Teddy and Natalie get together :) how do you feel about that? Anyways, thanks for reading xH

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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