Natalie's Birthday

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Natalie's pov
My eyes flutter open as I hear my mother singing. I grin up at her as I sit up and lean my head on her chest, "happy birthday, princess." She smiles as I hug her, "thank you." I yawn and smile when I see my father walking into my room with an in bed table full of food. "Woah!" I whisper as Dad places the table over my legs and kisses my forehead. "Happy birthday, beautiful. You can come and get your presents from the lounge when you're finished" I nod and both my parents leave.

Once I've finished my food I pull on my black dress that I plan on wearing to school and braid my hair nicely. Not that anyone's going to notice seeing as I have no friends. I sigh as I look in the mirror before putting on a fake smile and heading out to the loungeroom. When I enter the room Mum takes a bunch of photos. I giggle begging her to stop, "awe, my baby's all grown up!" She says with tears in her eyes as she hugs me. I hug her back and turn to face my father, "you are going to make a fine lawyer one day." I look at him in shock, "what?" Dad smiles at me as he hands me an envelope. I open it and begin reading. I drop the letter in shock when I realise what it is, "Natalie? Baby what's wrong?" My mothers voice is filled with concern, "have you read this?" My voice shreiks through the room, "let me read it to you, 'dear Mr Wellerstein, we would be delighted to accept your daughter to our highschool when she comes of age. Here we pride ourselves on making brilliant young minds into the best of lawyers.' I won't go!" Tears are flowing down my face as my mother hugs me close. "No baby, you don't have to go, I don't know what your father was thinking. Now come open your presents."

After opening my presents it was time for me to go to school. I sigh as I get out of the car, bidding fairwell to my mother. I stepped into the lions den and made my way to my first class, English. I pull my book out and open it up, revealing a hand written note. My eyebrows furrow as I pick it up and begin to read.
To my dearest Natalie.
I can't believe you're this old! I love you dearly and I really hope you have the best day possible. Try and make some friends, have fun and keep smiling. Your smile can brighten anyones day. I have a big surprise for you this afternoon, beautiful. I love you more than anything,
Xoxo Mummy.
I smile as I quickly fold the paper and slip it back between the front pages of my book.

Class rolls by slowly and soon enough I'm released from the cage. I walk down the hall, head down, towards my locker. I hear some quiet whispering and giggles behind me and roll my eyes once I work out who it is. Lilly-beth, the most popular girl in the grade who is dating the hottest guy in school. I speed up my pace a little as I spy my locker in the distance. Suddenly a feel a gust of wind next to me and a large body rams into me, knocking me to the floor. I land with a thud; my books flying out over the floor. I cringe in pain as people laugh. A few seconds pass and the crowd disperses. My bones ache as I begin to sit up, "hey, are you okay?" I flinch at the soft voice before turning to see who it came from. A boy my age is knelt behind me. His hair is jet black and shaggy, his face covered in freckles and his light blue eyes are framed by glasses. I find myself blushing, "I-uh yeah, I'm fine." I sigh as I start to pick up my books, "happy birthday." I freeze, how did he know it was my birthday? I turn to face him with an accusing look. He giggles, "I found this." He holds out my note and I snatch it away protectively, "thanks." He picks up my books, standing up and holding out his hand. Tentatively, I place mine in his and he pulls me up, "my name is Theodore." I grin, "Teddy. I'm Natalie." He smiles at me, "so, what class have you got next?" I smile as we walk down the empty halls to the cafateria.

"Teddy!" My new friend turns and walks back to me. I grab his hand and write down a number, "that's me." I give a slight smile and he grins, "See you tomorrow, Cat." He laughs at my confused expression and walks to his bus. I smile as I see my mother and run up to the car. I throw my bag onto the floor and grin at her, "good day, huh?" I nod, "at lunch there were these idiots and they slammed into me and knocked me to the floor. And then-" Mum raises her eyebrows, "what? How on earth is that good?!" I laugh, "not that. Mum, I made a friend." She grins at me and envelopes me in a hug before kissing my forehead. "Good on you, birthday girl. Now, surprise time?" I smile and nod as Mum pulls out of the carpark.

Everything is black. "Mum? Can I open my eyes yet?" I whine as she pulls to a stop. She giggles, "shush! Just stay there and don't open them!" I hear her door close and mine open. My mothers hands fall on my shoulders and she leads me out of the car and into an elevator. I know because of the 'ding'. I hear a door open and I'm ushured through. Somebody else's hands land on my shoulders, "who the heck is that?!" I yell as I wriggle, "Baby girl, stop!" My mother says from behind me. So I do. "Okay, open." I open my eyes to see a beautifully decorated apartment. I turn around and grin, "Aunt Beca!" She smiles, "happy birthday, kid." I smile and hug her. She pulls away and holds out a present. I begin carefully unwrapping the package and pull out the most beautiful dress. It's black and has gold details. Underneath it is a matching gold hair bow. I grin and usher out thankyous. Another two presents are pushed into my lap. A brand new camera and three tickets to a broadway production, "We're going to see Dear Evan Hansen?!" I scream and hug my mother and Aunty. "Best birthday ever!"

Sorry for the long wait, for those of you who are reading. There's a lot of assessment stuff going on right now and on top of that regersals 😝 Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will try to update again soon.

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