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Natalie's pov
It's 6:00pm and I'm sitting on my bed, in my room, all dressed up. We're all meant to be going to one of Dad's book parties. I don't want to go, I don't think Mum does either. Another tear slides down my face as I listen to the sounds coming from the living room. "There's no point in us going, Jamie! We go every time and it's always the same thing. We are sitting in the corner getting totally ignored. Honestly, no one would notice if we skipped just this one!" I sigh as I try to block out the noises and I begin to flick through my scrapbook to distract myself.

I'm at the Disneyland page when something I hear makes me stop, "Cathy, stop being such a bitch!" Then a loud thump and Mum screaming. "Mum!" I fling open my door and race downstairs to find my mum on the floor holding her face. Tears sting in my eyes as I look at my father, "get out." My voice stays calm as I kneel next to my mother. "N-Nat it's not what it looks like." I look at my father before standing up, "I said get out!" I scream. My dad gives a slightly defeated look before turning and slamming the door behind him.

Cathy's pov
He hit me. I mean he didn't mean to,  it was just a moment of violent white rage. He loves me, right? I hear my daughter talking to me but I can't face her right now. She can't see me like this. I stand up emotionlessly and walk to my bedroom before closing my door and shutting the world out.

I sit in my room, on my bed and cry. I hear a quiet knock on the door and I look at the clock, "Mum? It's me. I have some ice for your face. I-I'll just leave it out here for you." I sit there staring at the door. I can still see the shadow of my sweet little girls feet behind the door. I don't go and get the ice until I hear her walk away.

Jamie's pov
I pull up outside the venue and smooth over my hair. I step out of the car and walk into the building with a flashy smile. The sound of cheers and clapping erupts as I come into view. As usual I smile and wave at everybody. I adjust my tie as I walk over to the bar. "Hi there" I turn to see who's talking to me. "Elise, just the woman I wanted to see." I smile at her as she orders her drink, "where's Cathy and Natalie?" I let out a loud sigh as I drink all of my drink at once. "They didn't want to come," My voice sounds bitter as I place my glass back down on the bar and turn towards Elise, "but maybe that's a good thing."

Natalie's pov
I sit in the loungeroom waiting for Dad to get back. I check my watch 11:00, the party finished at 9. I sigh as I stand up and walk down the silent hallway to Mum's room. The door's been open and a shard of light creeps out of the crack between it and the frame. I carefully press open the door, "Mum?" My voice comes out as a whisper as I quietly creep to her side. She's asleep. Her cheeks are tear stained and she's bundled into a little ball. I carefully pull the blanket up around her shoulders and go to close the door. After locking the door I creep in next to Mum, "goodnight" I whisper before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

I'm suddenly awoken by a rattling at the door. Turning to face Mum, I notice she's still asleep. "Cathy, open this door right now!" Dad is banging on the door and I huddle close to Mum, who's now awake. "Go sleep on the couch." I yell back at him before hiding back under the blanket. There's more banging at the door, so much that it looks as if it will break. Then a slow stomping down the hall. I hug Mum tight as I realise he's gone, "I won't ever let him hurt you again." I sob quietly into her shoulder. She pats my hair softly, "Natalie, your dad loves us. He didn't mean to hurt me." Her voice is quiet and shaky as she tries to calm me. "I love you," I say quietly as I close my eyes, "more than anything else."

Sorry for taking so long with such a short chapter. I really have no inspiration right now :/ but I'm working on it. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed! Xx H

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