chapter eight

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It's been about a month since I walked out on sean. I had almost 1,000 missed calls from him and 2,000 unread texts. Each morning I woke up to a new voice mail. Each time I listened to it I wanted to break down and cry. It was always the same.

"(Y/N) I'M SOOOO SORRY! PLEASE TAKE ME BACK! I miss you......I...I need you!" I curled up into my blankets at my mom's house as she walked in with a cup of warm milk. "Dear. You have to cheer up. I know that was wrong of him but you can't pout all day long. Go fix your make up, put on something nice, and call up (best friend) for a girls night out." I sighed and stood up and walked into the bathroom. I put on some light makeup and walked back towards my room. I pulled out a pair of  denim shorts with a pair of galexy tights under them. I slipped on my only tank top which was black with Septic-sam in the middle of it and read like a boss. It was the most comfortable shirt I had and I still wasn't fully over Sean yet. I still slept with septic-sammy every night. I brushed out my hair and put a hair bow in it and walked out the front doors. I pulled out my phone as I made my way down the old concrete pathway. "Yellow?" I heard the soft voice of
(b/f) on the other end. "Hey...Wanna meet up at starbucks?" "Uh yeah. Sure...just give me a while?" I sighed into the phone and muttered out an "Alright" before I hung up.

I sat alone in the booth. The same booth sean and I would sit at. He always got me a hot chocolate and a coffee for himself. We'd then talk about how amazing everything is...But its like everything hated me. It had started storming outside a little while before I walked in so I was soaking wet and (b/f) had to cancel due to a college exam she had to do. So here I am. Sitting alone. No one to talk to. Drowning out my sorrows in the rain.

I heard the door open a while later and someone walk in. I only cought a glimps of the stranger when they walked in but my hair made it impossible to look at them, since it was in the way. I looked back down at the drawing I was currently working on. I didn't fully realize what I had been drawing until now. It was Sean. He was sitting on our sofa with a pair of shorts on and his long white socks and his favorite blue hoodie. He had a game controller in his hands and his hat was sitting next to him. I sighed and went over the picture again to add more shading. The stranger from before walked up and sat across from me. I didn't look up even though they were sitting at my table. "You're very good at drawing" I glanced up at them. "T-Thanks..." He pulled down his hoodie and his bright green hair slowly fell into his face as he smiled a bright grin that showed his teeth. "Oh..." I started to get up but he grabbed my hand. "Please...Give me another chance. I'll never do it again..." I sighed slightly "I know you miss me. Obviously I mean look at you..."...."That sounded better in my head!" I laughed Slightly and sat down next to him. He scooted over so I had more room and I leaned on him even though he was soaking wet. He pulled of his hoodie and placed it around my shoulders. "Last chance..." I saw him smile at me from the corner of my eyes and I couldn't help but smile as well

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