chapter four

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Your P.O.V

I ran all throughout the apartment grabbing my books,papers,folder,and everything I needed for class for tomorrow while Sean lazily flipped through the T.V channels. "Why the mad dash?" He finally broke the silence with his random comment. "I cant be late to classes!" He laughed Slightly "you have like twenty something hours till then!" He chuckled at me as he patted the spot next to me..."sit with me..." I sighed and sat down with a yaw. He changed it to a local news station just in time for the weather reports..."snow?" I smiled wide "really!?!" I had grown up in Texas so snow wasn't a real thing that we got. He nodded. "It is the middle of February so...But it wasn't that cold a few days ago..." I shrugged and yawned again. While I yawned Sean glanced over at me "tired?" I nodded and in one swift move he pulled me closer and I fell asleep on his shoulder

Lazy chapter

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