Sparked Emotions

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Blue's POV

Sitting on this tree stump while looking at Red's sleeping body eases my mind. It's a little chilly and foggy this morning. The  morning clouds are covering the sun rise, making it little dark out here. I played around with the pokeball, Plusle, is in.

I know it makes since for me to have Minun, but I wanted Plusle. Plusle reminds me of Red. Having Plusle with me will remind me of the guy I like. So, if we part are ways or if something happens to Red, then I'll have Plusle to remind me of him.

The thought of Red thinking about me, floats around my head. I wonder if he does think about me. . . I wonder what though. Sometimes I wish I have the telepathic thought of a physic Pokemon. The ability does come in handy in certain situations, I bet.

On another thought, will I ever work up the courage to tell him how I feel? It feels like time is running out. I must be foolish to waste many years of not saying anything at all. Someone could've snatch him up. 

Actually, that did happen a few years ago. This girl. . . I think her name was. . . Lizzie. She was attracted to Red, I mean who wouldn't? He is quite the looker! Anyways, Lizzie actually forced herself on top of Red one day. The sight made me furious, wanting to kill her. Thankfully, Red opposed.

My thoughts were interrupted when I noticed Red waking up. He shifted, stretching his limbs. Rubbing his eyes to get a clear view.

"Good morning! Someone is a early bird." He laughed.

Smiling, "Hey, Red, good morning!"

He stood up, "You know, I had a really nice dream about you and me."

"Oh? Then tell me about it." I leaned closer, eagerly to hear his story. Him dreaming with me in it? I must know what was it about!

"Well, we where playing around on a playground. It was a beautiful day in the world." Thinking to himself, "It was weird, I was in Plusle's body and you where in Minun's body." Red chuckled. "We where having the time of our lives! I guess, the dream was metaphorical. Like, representing that we are great friends." Smiling, "It's true, I do enjoy hanging out with you."

Blushing, "Wow! That's a fun dream! Mine was that I was in a apocalyptic world filled with Pokemon zombies and I died because a Pysduck ate me . . ." Oh, gosh. Why did I say that?!

Laughing, "Whoa, dude. That's amazing!" He finished cleaning up his camp bedding, "Let's sent out everyone to greet our newcomers."

"Yeah, good idea!" I agreed.

Little later, everyone enjoyed Minum & Plusle. They were having they're own party while the humans step aside, watching. I'm amused at the sight of this. It's pleasing that Pokemon can live together in harmony.  

"Hey, I'm gonna hang back here, wanna join me?" Red asked.

Following, "Sure." Red lead me to a distance where we can hear our Pokemon's chatter lightly.

"So, enjoying the journey?" Red asked.

Sarcastically, "Yeah, of course. I mean, this forest is full of surprises!"

"Oh, definitely." He lughed. "Hey, do you feel weird in this forest?" 

Confused, "What do you mean?" 

"I don't know, I just feel weird.  It gives me the creeps!" He admitted.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know the feeling. The forest is scary in the dark, but otherwise. It's fine." I added.

He looked down, "Hm, never mind. Just me then." 

The vibes he is getting is questionable, but I didn't mean to make him feel like a outsider, "I may not know what you're talking about, but I really care in what you have to say."

His eyes glazed at me, "Thanks, Blue. You know what to say at the right times."

Honestly, "I will always be there for you."

Our gazes didn't broke at all for a minute. A true system of hypnotism has locked in in our eyes. I didn't even know it, but I leaned forward, slowly. Wanting to kiss him, so bad. I know something has sparked between us. I just know it!

Shinx interrupted us just now by jumping between us. The moment that me and Red shared. . . it was something. It had to mean something!

"Hey, Shinx. I see you got better!" Red complemented.

Shinx you little attention whore! I love you though, even knowing you interrupted us. "We should keep moving. We're losing sunlight."

"Alright." Red agreed.

"Okay, guys. Hope you guys had fun! Back into your pokeballs!" Minum & Plusle were the only ones out, and Pikachu of course.

We decided to let them out since they weren't used to of being in their pokeballs. They walked close to us while we continued our stroll.

Red's POV

The day is currently afternoon. We didn't say much while we walked, except Minun & Plusle.They kept chatting among themselves. I'm actually glad we arn't talking for now.

Isolation is what I need in my head. To think about what I felt back there. I felt something new. A emotion that rise up inside of me. Foolishly, I leaned closer! Fascinated by Blue's conversation. Wanting to kiss him was presentable, but in a way. I wanted to back down.

Blue is my best friend. The very idea of him and me. . . is fascinating, honestly. It's better to date your friend than some stranger. Blue does have many qualities that make him very likable. Every time I'm with him, I get excited. . . like I'm emotionally attracted to him. Wow, I guess I do like him. . . have I been blind this whole time? 

I should tell him right now. Actually, I can't. I'm trying to activate my mouth, but I'm feeling nervous? Why is this happening? Nervousness rarely gets to me. Is this how love is? 

"Hold on! Where you guys going?" Blue shouted. 

Mimun & Pluscle ran off for some reason. "Let's follow them." 

We followed to the direction they went to. It wasn't long when we reached them. They're on top of a cliff. Gazing at a gorgeous view in front of them.

"It's beautiful." Blue chimed.

Amazed, "It's really lovely." The view of the sunset. . . and Blue.

"What's that over there?" Blue pointed

"What?" I glanced at the direction he's looking at, "It looks like a building."

"There's a big red P on top of it. I think it means that it's a Pokecenter." He added.

Confusingly, "What would a Pokecenter be doing in the forest?"

"Let's go check it out." He suggested.

"Yeah, let's do that." I picked up Mimum.

A pokecenter in the middle of a forest? Really weird. . . is anyone even operating it? I guess, we'll find out when we get there.

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