The night after remembering that, no one woke me up. My dad was usually the one to wake me up, always; he never missed a day. I used to hate that he woke me up so early, especially on Saturdays, but for some reason I really wished he had woke me up early.

I shrugged it off, got up and took a shower. I walked down the stairs and found my mom in her pajamas tapping on her tablet. She looked up at me, a tight smile on her face as she said,"Good morning."

I held back a scoff,"Morning." I said plainly, grabbing the milk and a cup. I serve myself some milk, chugging it down before setting the empty cup in the sink. I acted like I didn't hear my mom as I rushed up the stairs.

I spent about three hours writing some quotes on my wall, searching some of my favorite ones on tumblr then writing them down. I glanced around my room, the only thing catching my attention was my cap and gown I had yet to hang up. I sighed quietly to myself, standing up tiredly and grabbing the two items. As I walked to my mom's closet, because that's where I planned on putting my cap and gown, I heard some quiet chatter downstairs. But I ignored it, hanging up the two things then making my way back to my room.

The door to my room opened five minutes later, my dad walked in and smiled at me but I rolled my eyes at him. I grabbed my pencils, markers and pens and set them on my dresser before sitting down on my bed.

"You're mad. I know why." He sighed, standing in front of my bed."I'm sorry I didn't wake you this morning. I didn't want to bother you, I knew it was a long night last night."

"Yeah. Because of you and mom. Why the hell did we have to clean in the first place?" I asked harshly, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Want me to show you?" He smiled, making me roll my eyes but I couldn't help but smile. I stood up groaning playfully which made him laugh, then walk out of my room as he said,"Ill be downstairs waiting." I grabbed a pair of socks, tied my hair in a ponytail before following him downstairs.

I could never stay mad at my dad for so long. My dad was patient with me, instead of screaming at me like my mother would, he would speak to me and I would learn something new whenever he did. He was wise, and he was reason why didn't I drop out of school. Because on the car ride to school, he would talk to me about how he was so proud of how I have come so far. I wanted to give up, because I was alone at school and he knew that, but he didn't let me. He held me in his arms when I cried after having a horrible day at school, while my mom and sister told me to stop being a baby. When I had the diploma in my hand, and he stood in front of me with a wide smile,"I am so proud of you." He told me right before we took a picture together, and I thought his smile would never go away...I was showed differently after that night.

Eventually, I found out they were "pushing" me away because they didn't want to tell me about my surprise party. My entire family was there, and of course my mom wanted to invite people from the church we attended, well they attended, I stopped going when I turned eighteen. But overall the night went well, it went great, perfect actually.

Too perfect, so perfect that I cried because they were proud of someone they didn't know. They didn't know me, not all of me. I remember the ride home from the party, my sister looked at me with a smile and told me she was proud of me. She must have noticed my frown, because she leaned closer to me and said,"But you need to try harder." I didn't want to understand, but I did understand what she meant by that.

When we arrived home, there were two other cars in the driveway. Turned out my grandma and cousins had come over to see what gifts I had received, along to gossip of what they saw during the party. Before I could sit in the middle, where everyone could see me and the gifts, my brother pulled me aside and handed me a small box. It was rectangular and it was flat, he tapped it and said."Open it now."

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