Chapter 9

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I lie in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. The wind echoes throughout the building in a chorus of creaks and rattles, the only break from the piercing silence. The sound of my breathing is deafening against the quiet of the empty house. I can feel myself slowly going insane with the unsettling quiet throughout my now very lonely home, so I quickly reach for my phone and call Jordan. He picks up after two rings.

"Hey, you doing ok?" He says as soon as he answers. "You dropped off Tori this morning right?" I let out a low sigh.

"Yea," I say. "I'm alright though. The house is just really quiet. I've never been here with Tori AND Roxy gone." 

"Well how about we get you out of the house? Help get your mind off things?" A smile creeps across my lips and I nod my head before I remember he can't see me.

"That would be awesome. Tori and I were planning on seeing The Huntsman today as part of our Tori-Kasey Week of Awesome, so I still have my tickets. You wanna see it with me?" 

"Definitely, it's a date!" I get in the shower and turn my music up extra loud today to compensate for the extra quiet in my life. I set my music to my "In Case of Emergency" playlist on Spotify. It's filled with super fast pace and upbeat songs to help get my mood up when I'm feeling especially down. It never fails to put a smile on my face and make me totally jam out. The playlist works wonders today. I do a little spin dance and in one motion I swoop up my keys and shut off the lights. By the time I'm out the door and on my way to Jordan's house I'm belting out the songs and dancing along and smiling like an idiot. I pull into Jordan's driveway and let myself into his house.

"You ready?" I call out as I walk through the door.

"Yea! Coming now!" I hear the pitter-patter of Jordan waddling down the steps. Halfway down the stairs he stops in place and stares at me. "Oh," he says, almost inaudible. 

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing... Just..." He looks down at his clothes, his usual green basketball shorts and green t-shirt. "I feel a little... Under-dressed."

"What do you mean?" I ask. 

"Well, you just... You look like really really nice and I'm just..." I look down at my own clothes now, a short, colorful, lacy dress with thin black strips of fabric going in different directions. It's my Date Dress, the dress reserved specifically for fancy dates. Distracted by my music this morning, I just grabbed a random outfit from my closet. I must have accidentally chosen this dress without even noticing. 

"Jordan oh my goodness no, you're fine, I'm just totally overdressed! I didn't even realize I put this on today!" He still doesn't move from his spot on the staircase.

"I'm gonna at least change into some jeans." He runs up the stairs and returns shortly in some jeans and a nice leather jacket.

 "Wow snazzy!" I say with a laugh. He puts his hand on his hips and leans to the side.

"Well thank you."

"Shall we go?" He holds the door open and gestures for me to go ahead.

"We shall."


Jordan and I settle down into our seats directly in the center of the theater. We share a medium popcorn, Jordan wanted no butter, but I wanted extra butter, so we just settle with a normal amount, and we eat half the bucket before the previews even start.

Halfway through the movie I realize suddenly that Jordan's arm is around my shoulder, and I try to think back to when he could have put it there. A little while later I notice that my head has fallen over onto his chest. I start to sit up, but his arm tightens around me just the slightest bit, almost unnoticeable, but just enough for me to get the hint that he's ok with me laying on him. I press my cheek into his chest the slightest bit, snuggling a little closer, and he rests his head on the top on mine. 

A Tiny Spark May Burst An Eternal Flame (A Captainsparklez FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now