Chapter 8

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"I think it's time for me to move out."

"Wh-" I try to speak but that is all I can get out. I have no idea how to respond. I didn't think this day would ever come.

"I was offered a job in New York two months ago. I turned it down at first because there was no way I was going to leave you. But now... The offer is still on the table and... things have changed... and I think I'm gonna take it." My heart races, trying to collect all my conflicting emotions and make them cooperate. At this point, my throat is closed and I am unable to muster out a response. "I have to let them know within the next two weeks though." There is a long silence before I am finally able to speak.

"What's the job?" I ask. Of all the questions in my head, that's the one that decides to come out. It sounds so insensitive, like I want her to leave. But that's really the last thing I want her to do. She doesn't seem to overthink it as much as I do, though.

"They offered me a spot on the Editorial Board for New York Times," she says with a soft and slightly sympathetic smile. My eyes widen and I gasp, leaping up off the bed.

"TORI!" I yell, tears filling my eyes. "That is like your lifelong dream! Why would you ever turn it down?!" She looks down at her hands, unable to make eye contact with me.

"I didn't want to leave you, and I knew you couldn't move to New York." This statement hits me like a brick.

"I... I was holding you back from your dream job?" I whisper. My stomach churns at the thought of me, of all people, stopping someone from chasing their dreams. The gaming YouTuber with 2 million subscribers, making someone settle for something less than what they aspire to do.

"No! No, no I promise! I was holding myself back! I was just trying to find any excuse not to because... Honestly I'm scared. Going to such a big city by myself, and there's so much pressure with this job, and I would miss you so much." Tori starts sobbing again and I pull her into my arms. Her head rests on my chest and I set my chin on the top of her head.

"I would miss you too. With every fiber of my being. But I would feel so much better knowing that you were happy, and all of your dreams were coming true. We could Skype every day and I could visit you like once a month. It wouldn't be quite the same, but I think it would be worth it. Tori you have to take the job." She sniffles in and wipes a tear from her eye. "You'll be okay. I'll be okay. Everything will be okay. Okay?"

"Okay," Tori whispers after a short pause. Suddenly she lets out a small laugh. "You never introduced me to John Green at VidCon." I laugh and shake my head.

"Well, someday you will be one of the most famous authors in the world, and John Green will be begging me to introduce him to you." Tori stays quiet for a long time, and right as I'm about to check to see if she fell asleep, I hear a soft whisper escape her lips.


"Yea?" I whisper back.

"I love you."

"I love you more."


I wait anxiously by the door, counting down the moments until Tori gets home. I hear the car beep from outside and my excitement takes over and I fly out the door to meet her in the driveway. I give her a huge bear hug, cracking her back in the process.

"How'd it go?!" I shriek.

"Kace, you're crushing me," she responds in a breathy voice. I quickly let go of her and take a step back. My eyes meet hers and all excitement leaves my body and is quickly replaced by fear. Tori's expression is somber and I can tell from the way she's biting the inside of her cheek that she has bad news.

A Tiny Spark May Burst An Eternal Flame (A Captainsparklez FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now