Chapter 5

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Niall was hyperventilating as he paced back and forth in the living room. Niall had grabbed hold of Louis' arm and tugged them back to his apartment. Louis sat down on the couch waiting and was biting his nails as he watched Niall's every step.

"Niall! You're acting like he's the devil himself! Just tell me what's going on?!" Louis yelled making Niall jump. He wouldn't normally yell at his blonde friend, but he was truly scared for his wellbeing. Niall knew what was up and he wasn't saying anything.

Niall grunts in irritation grabbing his hair and yanking on it. "This wasn't supposed to happen!"

"What?! Just-just spit it out!" Louis hissed.

Niall spun around facing Louis with a serious look on his face. "Louis, do you believe in the supernatural?"

Louis cocked his head to the side thinking. "Like angels and demons?"

"Yea. Do you believe in that stuff?" Niall watched as Louis rolled his eyes. "Louis I'm being serious! Stop with the joking! Do you believe in the supernatural or not?!" Niall shouted at his now trembling friend.

"I guess! I've never really thought about it. Why are you asking?"

Niall sighed and rubbed at his temples, "Ok here we go. Angels and demons are real. There are nine types of angels. That includes seraphims, cherubims, the thrones, dominions or dominations, virtues, principalities, archangels, powers, and real angels who stay with God. A few types of demons include: alps, archdemons, bajangs, cambions, fallen angels, and familiars. How are you taking this?"

Louis' heart was thumping. Did this mean Harry was a demon or an angel? Was Harry possessed? "Yea I'm fine. Keep going," Louis rushed out.

Niall looked him over and sighed. "Ok. First, do you trust me?" Niall asked with full sincerity.

Louis nodded, watching Niall with scrutinizing eyes.

"I'm a guardian angel," Niall spitted out. He looked at Louis from under his fringe. He watched as Louis' eyes grew wider with surprise. "I'm a guardian angel..and I'm your guardian angel to be exact."

"Why-why do I need a guardian angel?" Louis whispered out. His palms were sweating, his heart beat was thumping like mad, and he jumped off of his seat to pace around like Niall earlier had to.

Niall observed Louis' nervousness and bit his nails as he talked, "Harry was an angel. He was a cherubim angel. Cherubim angels are the keepers of celestial records and hold the knowledge of God. They are sent to Earth with great tasks and watch over the people."

"So he's good? Why are you so worried about this when he's good?" Louis asked slowly. 'Why was Niall so worried over something good?'

Niall breathed in and out for a minute trying to calm his nerves down. He's been keeping these secrets for years. Now, that Harry was here, he had to tell Louis everything and he didn't know how he was going to react. "Harry is a fallen angel and now he's an archdemon," Niall rushed out.

That was when Louis' heart stopped for a minute. Harry was an archdemon? He eyed Niall down for him to continue talking. Say ANYTHING so he could calm down. He was hyperventilating.

"An archdemon is an upper level demon in the infernal hierarchy. No one truly knows why Harry left Heaven but the only thing we can think of is that he thought all the rules were stupid and decided to be a rebel," Niall tried joking but to no avail. He got serious again.

"Listen're going to beat him. There's going to be war and you're going to beat him."

Louis looked up at him with eyes wide. "I'm going to beat Harry? An upper level demon? How am I going to do that?!"

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