Chapter 2

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Clouds rolled above the large edifice and the wind sped up as Louis got out of his car. He peered at the old building and his stomach flipped at the sight. He loved his job. He did! The thing is....this building

was the same one from his continuous dream.

Nothing bad ever happened when he worked but he always got worried when he got there. He always expects something to happen. He always expects the strange, beautiful man from his dream to come and get him.

To do what exactly? He couldn't figure it out.


Louis jumped at his name being screamed into his ear, taking him out of his thoughts. He yelped too and swirled around to find his best mate. Niall.

Niall has been his best mate ever since middle school when he stuck up for him for being gay. Louis was always being picked on and teased about his like for the same sex. Louis really never cared up until the teasing turned into physical pain. Niall had found Louis being punched in the stomach and he had ran up to him and told the other guys to leave Louis alone. Well, that's what Niall said had happened. He was half unconscious at the time. All he remembered was Niall running up to him.

Since then, they've been attached to the hip. They both went into engineering. Louis was into architecture while Niall was into building so they worked together on things.

"Niall! You scared the shit out of me you arse!" Louis accused while slapping Niall on the back of his neck.

"Well you were looking around like you usually do.." Niall paused, "Will you tell me what you're thinking about this time?"

"Don't worry about it. Let's get ready to work!" Louis sarcastically yelled. Some people walking on the street stared at him for a second and then carried on. He just continued smiling. Niall was obviously unamused but he begun walking towards their work.


The lights flickered like a haunted house just starting to work. Cold air slithered through the atmosphere making Louis shiver. His computer had frozen up and was now urgently pushing all the buttons trying to make it do something.


Louis yelped and jumped out of his chair looking at his doorway.

There was that figure staring at him. Its green eyes was shining bright in the dull room. Curly hair was slowly waving like there was wind.

Louis became frustrated.

"What do you want?!" Louis exclaimed at the unmoving figure. He confidently banged on his desk with his fist. All that resulted from that was pain shooting through his arm.

The dark figure squinted its eyes at Louis. He cocked his head to the side observing. When he found some kind of unknown answer, he gave an evil grin.




Louis hollered when he was suddenly awoken. His eyes widened when he realized his boss at woken him up.

"What do you think you're doing Tomlinson? Sleeping on the job?" the boss accused.

With immediate fear of losing his job, Louis quickly remembered what he was doing.

"I'm sorry Mr. Lot. I was done with the list of work you gave me and I didn't get much sleep last night sir. I was just resting my eyes until you needed me, I'm sorry Sir," Louis explained. He saw his boss' face relax a little so he thanked his lucky stars that he actually got along with his boss.

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