D.I.T.R. - 28

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My phone kept on ringing on the table next to me but I didn’t acknowledge it. I was still holding Cole in my arms and I was getting lost in his deep brown eyes that looked so much like Drakes. To tell you the truth, I missed him like hell. He was still one of my best friends and technically, still my boyfriend since we never actually broke up. When the vibrating devise became too much to handle, I shoved it to my ear, “What do you want?” I said a little too harshly without looking at the caller ID.

“That is no way to treat your mother!” My mum’s familiar nasal voice shrieked in my ear.

“Well you seemed to think that ignoring your children is the way to treat them so stop talking you heartless bitch.” I spat at her. I heard her gasp dramatically,

“You selfish child! I gave everything up for you and you just reward me with this rude talk? You should be ashamed of yourself!” What era is she in? Who talks like that these days?

“Everything? I’m pretty sure you don’t have less than nothing, MUM, so what are you talking about?” I mocked her title and didn’t give her time to answer before I continued, “Whatever, just tell me what you called for so that I can be on my way.” I replied harshly.

“When were you going to tell me I was a grandmother?” She spat.

“I thought Samson and Jodie already told you they had a healthy daughter,” I replied in a monotone.

“YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!! YOU LITTLE WHORE GOT KNOCKED UP!!” She screamed into the phone.

That hurt. A lot.

“Since when did you care, bitch? You say you gave everything up for me when you have no idea what you’ve put us through. You don’t know how Samson and I used to cry over you guys who we’re embarrassed to call parents because you were never there. You didn’t even come to your own son’s wedding! The biggest day of his life and you gave it up for an unimportant business meeting,” I said lowly and harshly, “Come and say I’m a whore to my face, MUM,” again mocking the title, “and we’ll see who’ll come out crying.”

I hung up on her and sighed. What if I do that to Cole and Daniella? What if they’ll never have a father figure in their lives? What if they end up growing up and only have nannies and babysitters? The ‘what ifs’ were endless and I was scared of what lie ahead of me. Cole stirred in my arms and finally fell into a deep slumber. I got up and packed away my phone and picked up the still boiling beverage.

I walked out of the cafe with a pain in my chest from the harsh words said in the conversation between my mother and I. I walked to a local grocery shop on the way back to the hotel, my mood sour. I picked up some random junk food and lollies as well as the formula. I went up to our suit and opened the door to Benny and Nat sitting around Daniella on the rug in the living room, trying to stop her from crying by playing peek a boo. It wasn’t working at all though. They were groaning and moaning for her to shut up and I just laughed at them.

“Oh thank goodness the mother’s home! Shut her up, Dez!” Benny shouted at me and picked Daniella up, holding her out to me even though I already had Cole in my arms. I grimaced and put my bag on the floor before getting out two bottles from my suitcase and put in the right amount of disgusting powder and put the right amount of water and shook one of the bottles, mixing it all in. I grimaced at the foul stuff but handed the bottle to Benny who was still holding a screaming Daniella. He took the bottle and gently thrust it into her mouth and she instantly shut up, sucking on the bottle’s teat. I prepared the next one and gave Cole and the bottle to Courtney whose excitement was clear on her face. She loved feeding babies.

I looked at my phone and realised I had a text from Shanae,

Shanae Rae

Hey hun, photo shoot tomorrow b there @ 9AM to talk through basics and stuff. Can’t wait :) Thx so much for coming out here xx

I quickly sent a text back saying that I’d be there and the rest of the day flew smoothly. We went out to the shopping district and Courtney and I bought shit loads of new clothes. We had a trunk full of bags full of clothes at the end of they day and a very exhausted and annoyed Benny. He hated shopping but we dragged him along anyway. We got back to our hotel room and Benny collapsed on the couch, groaning about how tired he was. I pushed the double pram through the door and parked it in my room. I put the sleeping babies in their cribs and walked into the living room, also collapsing on a chair. Courtney had dropped all the bags on the floor, we’d lost count of whose was whose bags and had just shoved them all together. She also dumped herself on a couch and sighed,

“Today was very long but beneficial; I have lots of new outfits now,” She chuckled and sighed again. We’d stayed out all day and had dinner in a small, informal restaurant that sold really nice food. It was now around eight and we were all really tired,

“Well I’m turning in,” I muttered and dragged my heavy feet to my bedroom. I got into bed after brushing my teeth, washing my face and changing into some pyjamas.

I woke up to my alarm going off that I set at eight. I needed to look smart today. I got up and saw that Cole and Daniella were still asleep soundly and took a quick shower. I put a light coat of foundation on my cheeks and outlined my eyes, putting on some blue eye shadow that was the same colour as my perfect coloured blue eyes and then coated my long eyelashes with a coat of mascara, making my naturally curled eyelashes look longer. I put some product in my naturally curly hair so it wouldn’t go frizzy when it dried.

I put on my underwear and then put on a lilac coloured frilly top and tucked it into a short and tight, black high-waisted skirt. I put on some lilac heels that were the same colour and went to get some breakfast. No one was awake yet so I tried to be as quiet as possible. I toasted some bread and quickly. I then put some snacks in my handbag if I got hungry during the day. I left after writing a note for Courtney and Benny about nap and feeding time.

I hollered a taxi when I walked outside and directed the driver to the building Shanae worked at when one stopped for me. It took about fifteen minutes to get to the downtown high-rise building that Rae Photography was located.

I walked through the front doors that opened automatically upon my entrance. Random people were walking around the room and my heels clacked on the polished floor as I walked over to the reception desk. Behind the desk was a plump lady with shoulder length, horribly dyed blonde hair.

“Hi, I’m looking for Shanae Rae?” I asked the woman that look in her mid-forties. She frowned at me, not recognising me but typed something in the computer,

“Do you have an appoint-“ She was cut off when Shanae shouted across the room that was bustling with working people,

“Desiree, my dear!” Her melodic voice came from behind me and I saw her walking towards me from the elevator, which was located on the wall to the right of the entrance doors.

“Hey Shanae,” I greeted her back and she pulled me into a hug.

“Follow me, dear,” She smiled at me and walked back towards the elevator after putting a few pieces of paper on the desk. I followed her to the elevator and walked in, “How’ve you been dear? Have you been shopping yet?” She asked, pushing the eighteenth of the twenty-two floors.

“I’ve been awesome, thank you. We went shopping yesterday and managed to drag Benny along with us,” I smiled sheepishly at her and she just chuckled,

“You managed to get him to shop with you guys?” She asked in disbelief.

“Yes, after many threats and compromises, he agreed.” I chuckled at all the demands Benny wanted if he came.

“Wow,” Was all she said before the elevator dinged and the doors opened to reveal a large office, “Step into my office,” She giggled and I followed her to an expensive looking wooden desk.  


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