D.I.T.R. - 24

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Hello everyone =D I wanted to thank everyone who's supported this story and kept me going. What would drive me to upload more is your comments and votes??? I don't want to sound needy but I will upload more often if I have feed back.

Thanks =D


“What do you mean with Drake?” I asked slowly, fearfully, when I’d unfrozen.

“I went back to Wellington and decided that I’d be best over there, where no one hates me. I started fresh in a different part of town and that’s when I saw Drake. I knew he hated me but I made amends with him. He was telling me how he suddenly had to leave you guys here because his mum was having a hard time. I don’t know if you know but his dad died, that’s why he went back and cut off all contact. He’s like heaps depressed and I think he’s even almost killed himself but thought of his mum and it stopped him. Drake and I are pretty much best friends now,” Ryan finished, his eyes glazed over as if he was thinking of another time. His face distorted into sadness and he looked at me with pleading, “He really needs some help, Dez. He’s dying and I can’t just watch him beat himself up every day over nothing.”

He looked at me with so much desperation that I almost cracked, almost. But I’m over Drake, “If Drake needs me that much, he knows where I am. It’s not my fault he left and cut contact. Are you so desperate that you couldn’t give him my number to call me or at least given him Facebook or something?” I asked in disbelief, grabbed Daniella and stormed off to my room. I can’t believe that he would do that, I mean seriously!

I heard a knock at me door and I groaned, “Go away Ryan, I don’t care anymore!” I yelled at the door. Daniella began to stir in my arms but didn’t wake up from her deep slumber that had overtaken her while Ryan was feeding her.

“It’s actually me, Dez,” Benny stepped into the room, smiling a little sheepishly.

“Sorry, Benny, Ryan just had the nerve to come to me and demand that I call Drake.” I groaned and sighed. I was really tired because it’d been a long day. Benny walked over and took Daniella off my lap and sat on the bed next to me, gently rocking her in his arms, “So what did you want?” I asked curiously.

“Um, well I was developing photos today off my camera,” Uh oh, this can’t be good. I was just waiting for me to tell me off for using his camera and I braced myself for the yelling that was coming, “I was wondering if you took those photos of Chase and Daniella and the others of stuff around the house because they’re awesome, Dez. You could be really successful if you do it.” Benny said, smiling at me,

“I know Benny; I shouldn’t have used it without as-... WAIT! What did you say?” I asked, double taking. I stared at Benny, waiting for him to repeat himself.

“Dez, these pictures are awesome! It’d be a great career choice for you. I mean you could go to night school and not have to get your high school diploma. Sure, you’d have to have connections but that’s where I come in. This talent mixed with your epic drawing skills would be killer!” Benny winked at me. Benny’s mum is a very famous photographer but he hardly ever sees her but they still are quite close. Benny doesn’t really want the hefty amount his mum deposits every week but uses it wisely. He also inherited the creative gene that helps him with his photography.

“You really think I’m that great?” I asked in a small voice and I looked up at him through my lashes.

“I know you’re really that good, Dez. You could be so successful, I mean look at these pictures!” He took out some pictures from his pocket and showed me. Truthfully, I can’t see what’s so good about them but if Benny says they’re good, they’re most likely good, “What I actually wanted to ask you was if I could send them to my mum, show her your work and see what she can do with it.” Benny gave me a pleading look.

“Ah, what the hell, of course you can,” I said with a slight smile. I lay back onto the bed and felt myself drift to sleep, “Put Daniella in bed and make sure Chase puts Cole in bed, too.” I ordered Benny and I’m pretty sure most of the words were incoherent but who cares? I know they’d put my children to bed because they love them like they were their own.

And that is why I’m thankful and that’s what keeps me going each day.


Sorry it’s really short but I have writers block at the moment and I’m finding it hard to find inspiration because it keeps getting lower and lower and the lists...


Please vote if you think it’s good and comment on what I should do differently if you think I should do it :)

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