D.I.T.R. - 6

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Hey everyone! Sorry it took so long but I’ll try make up to it by making it longer... I hope it is :)

*Pic on side of Chase - played by Charlie Bewley (plays as Demitri in New Moon)



“Dez?” An all too familiar American accent asked from behind me. I turned around to see Ryan standing there in the same uniform as the others. He obviously played for this team. WTF? He said he was visiting with Hannah and Jesse and how did he know I was here?

"What do you want, Ryan? How did you find me?" I yelled at him. I couldn't help the tears that fell down my cheeks when I saw him.


“Well, Hannah got in touch with Samson and he told her you guys whereabouts. I want to make it up to you Dez! I feel so stupid and I regret everything, even though I didn’t do it,” Ryan pleaded. Jimmy, Jack and some of the other players on the team had gathered around and were looking between Ryan and me, “I got here ages ago, and I thought you knew that I was here before you moved.” He smiled weakly at me.

“Whatever Ryan, I don’t want to hear you sob story, save it for that whore Bianca!” I yelled at him. Jack and Jimmy stood in front of me with their arms crossed looking pretty scary,

“Look I suggest you back off, Ryan. I don’t know what you did, or who this Bianca is but you’ve obviously hurt our friend and no one does that.” Jimmy defended me and although I felt like crap, I smiled on the inside about the fact that they stood up for me.

“Why don’t you just mind your own business, mate,” Ryan stared at Jimmy and mocked his Australian accent at the end when he said ‘mate’, “You darn right you don’t know what happened and I’m pretty sure I know Desiree better than any of you here.” Ryan was getting annoyed at Jack and Jimmy being in front of me and tried to push through them, “I suggest you move it.” Ryan copied Jimmy’s accent and what he’d said before.

“It doesn’t look like Dez wants to see you; in fact she doesn’t want to see you at all so why don’t you just go back to where you came from and take your stupid football game with you!” Jack said, getting in Ryan’s face. Jack and Jimmy was only a couple of centimetres taller than Ryan but they were more built.

Ryan had some guys behind him, backing him up. Ryan grabbed Jack’s shirt collar and got right up in his face, “I don’t think you know what she does and doesn’t want! You only just met her today!”  Ryan and Jack glared at each other and Jack was pulling on Ryan’s jersey.

“What’s going on out here?” A gruff voice called, I looked over and seeing an older man coming out of the club rooms, a clip board in his hand and a whistle around his neck, “Ryan! Jack! Cut it out right now! You know better than to turn on each other, you guys are team mates!” The man, I’m assuming a coach or something, broke them up and they both stumbled back,

“Sorry coach,” They both apologised at the same time, looking down.

“Now that the two slow pokes have arrived, twenty laps! You two can do five extra, NOW!” The man shouted and noticed me after all the boys started to grumble and jog around the field, “Who are you?” He asked a little kindly, obviously not wanting to change his mood straight away.

“Um, my name’s Desiree but you can call Dez,” I replied, wiping my eyes and feeling like a complete fool, “Jack and Jimmy asked me to come watch them train.” I smiled slightly and looked at the ground, hoping he wouldn’t yell at me or something,

“Well there are some other girls inside the rooms, watching their boyfriends if you wanted to join them,” He stated and walked off to the middle of the field, yelling at the boys to go faster.

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