baby bump kisses #15

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"Your baby bump is starting to show" Patrick says, rubbing the small baby bump. 

"yeah, yeah it is" I rub my eyes and stretch my arms out. As I do so, someone knocks on the door. 

"Hello Amanda, how're you feeling this morning?" The doctor ask. 

"Fine, I'm feeling fine" I say looking down at my stomach. 

"Can she go home today?" Patrick says a little loudly, causing me to flinch.

"Yes, she can go home today. Just remember to take it easy." He says with a sly smile. 

"Whe..when am I aloud to go back to school? I've missed a lot of school and I need to catch up soon." 

"Ahh, in about a week you can go back. If you are starting to feel better in less than a week, then you can go earlier if you want. Just remember, if you feel just the tiny bit of pain, you need to go home and rest." The doctor says. 

"O..okay" I mumble under my breath, and feel a cool wave of air flow over me, causing me to shiver. 

"Do you have any more questions?" He says. 


"Very well, here's my card if you do have any more questions. Feel free to call whenever you want." I never even got his name?

"Thank you doctor...?" I drift off, trying to get his name.

"Hossler, Doctor Hossler" He says with a smile. 

"Thank you Dr.Hossler" I smile back. 

"Anytime my dear, in the meantime, how about you start gathering your stuff together and we can get you back home" 

"Okay" and then he leaves. 

I get out of the bed and I start to see blue and I fall back down onto the bed.

"Wow there cow girl, easy there" Patrick says, and starts rubbing small circles on my waist. 

"Can you carry me? My legs.. um ar--" 

"Yes, I'll carry you love, I'll do anything for you" He smiles and picks me up. 


"Lets go to your house and gather some of your stuff. You're staying at my place for awhile until everything gets figured out, okay?" 

"Mhm" is my response. 

I open the front door to my house and I head up stairs to my room. I grab a bag and collect everything I can see, and pack whats important to me.

Pictures, school work, music, clothes. 

"You ready?" Patrick says.

"Ready? no. Packed? yes." My eyes starts to brim with tears. 

"You'll be okay beautiful. I'll be with you, every step of the way" He kisses my cheek, and carries my stuff for me, putting it into the car. 

I walk outside, I lock the door and I go to his car, putting my seatbelt on.

Then, we drive off. 


One week later..

I put my black leggings on, stretching them over my small baby bump. I then wear a black and white flannel, with my hair up in a messy bun. 

I go to the bathroom and I wash my face.

Ugly.. You need to be prettier you piece of shit. 

"Stop" I whisper to myself. 

You aren't strong, you're weak. 

"Please" I whisper to myself again, and tears start to form. 

You're a mistake, a horrible, messed up mistake..

I open the cabinet and spot a bottle of pain medicine. 

Do it, nobody likes you

I reach for the bottle and as I'm doing so, Patrick knocks on the bathroom door causing my heart rate to pace and the pill bottle drop out of my hands, spilling all over the sink.

"You okay Amanda? You've been in there for awhile" He says with ease in his voice.

I look at the pills on the sink. 

Pretty blue pills, small but dangerous

"Amanda?" Patrick calls my name again with a hint of concern in his voice.

"yeah, um sorry. I'll be out in a second" 

"Okay" And then he leaves, going into his room. 

"Fuck" I whisper and I start picking up the blue pills and put them back where they belong.

In your stomach 

"The pill bottle" I mutter to myself

I put them back, I wash my face and brush my teeth.

I go to his room and see him shirtless.

I can't help but stare at his beautifully toned body...

Holy mother of--

"God" My face turns red, and I feel all the heat on my face. 

"Sweetheart, I know I may look like a God, But I know for sure that I'm not God" He smirks at me and puts a black V neck shirt on.

I roll my eyes at his response.

"Your ego is bigger than Kim Kardashians ass, and that says a lot" 

"But you love it"

"If our child has your type of ego, I'm gonna go crazy." 

I put my shoes on and look in the mirror one more time. 

"Baby girl, you look beautiful. Stop stressing 'bout today. You'll be okay" Patrick says, wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"It's just.. I'm pregnant.. I don't want people thinking I'm..I'm a.." 



Knocked up bitch

"Baby, it's okay. I'll be with you, I promise" He gets down on his knees, and lifts up my shirt, exposing my baby bump.

He kisses my belly, causing me to giggle because it tickles. 

"Hey there, How is it in there?" He rubs my belly it kisses it again. 

"Stuffed up in there?" he chuckles a little bit, causing my heart to melt. 

"In about 7-8 months from now, mommy and daddy will be able to hold you" My face starts to turn red. 

"Boy or girl, you will be be a beautiful blessing no matter what" He kisses the baby bump again. 

"I love you my soon to be daughter/son, I always will" He places his right hand on the baby bump and smiles. He pulls down my shirt and he kisses me on the lips. 

"I love you Amanda, and our soon to be child" He says to me. 

"I love you too Patrick, and our soon to be child" I say back to him, with a smile plastered on my lips. 



A/N The picture above isn't her but it is just to show how big her belly is so far :) 

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