Getting her back

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Authors note 

Warning long chapter, lol. 

Third person point of view ~ 1 year later

She flew high above the city. A car slowly followed unnoticeable. An old car with many memories and two of the most dangerous hunters in it. "Dean do you think it's her?" A man asked within the car. He had long hair and was much taller than the other. "Could be Sammy." The other said.

The mutant above spotted the followers and hid on top of a building. She tucked in her wings and ran from building to building. She used to be hunted by monsters, the monsters made her one.

"Where did she go?" Sam said looking out the window before seeing the shadow bouncing from roof to roof. "Take a left Dean she's grounded." Sam said. Dean did as told and took a hard left.

The girl made her way down to the alley and stopped. She hid in the shadows while the impala stopped outside of the alleyway. The men stepped out guns loaded. Sam walked down the alley first determined. She tucked in her wings and slid behind a dumpster. She took out her gun and loaded it without problem.

Dean stayed at the entrance to catch her if she tried to escape. She waited till he was right in front of her. She jumped up and pointed the pistol at him. "Who are you and what do you want. Sam looked at her. "Angelina?" he asked. She stepped forward, "How do you know my name." She unfolded her wings incase she needed a quick escape. "It's me Sam." He said hopefully. She stared at him before slowly lowering the gun. She looked to Dean. "No, Can't be I left you at Bobby's. Your suppose to be there not here in New York." She backed up in disbelief. "It's us we're here." He said.

"The leviathans are they still out there?" She asked. Dean walked forward. "No they're gone. All of them." Dean said. She looked at him. "How?" She asked. "Long story." He replied. "Come with us we can tell you all about it." Sam begged. "Sam." She said. Dean calmly went to the car. "We have a new place, we can protect you, Angel we," "Sam!" She yelled. "Sam... I can't come." She sighed. "Why?" Sam asked walking towards her.

She sighed, "I'm being hunted." She said. "By who?" Sam asked. There was yelling and the sound of footsteps. "I must go.." She stepped back and flew upward.


They kept coming. The people that wanted me dead because I am a freak. I kept flying. Soon I found a field and landed again. I could fight them here away from the civilians. They encircled me each held a gun. I pulled mine out as they shot. I jumped to one and landed on his shoulders. I twisted my body and fell. Another shot at me and I rolled out of the way. I shot him as I got up. two ran at me one with a knife the other with a gun. I ducked beneath him but was shot in the wing. Always the wing, why? I screamed in pain before kicking him. He landed on the ground roughly. The one with the knife sliced my arm and I grabbed his wrist and twisted it until he dropped the knife. I grabbed it and stabbed him.

The last man came over and shot me. It hit my side and went straight through. I screamed and threw the knife into his head. I felt dizzy from the blood loss. I must get to the boys they will help. I stood and opened my wings before taking off.

There was a hotel that they would most likely stay at. I used all my energy to get there. Lucky me the impala was outside. My vision started failing and I started falling.

Sam Winchester:

I sat at the table in the motel drumming my fingers and the hardwood. "Sammy.." Dean warned. "Mm? Oh sorry." I stopped and decided to take a walk and try to calm my nerves. I have been looking for Angelina since we killed the leviathans. I mean I did have other things to do also like Bobby's death, Cas's death, etc. As soon as I stepped out the door the cold air hit me. It was refreshing until I heard a crash. It came from the road. I ran over to see non other than Angelina herself. She was laying on the ground broken. I ran over and scanned her over. She had two bullet wounds and one gash. Slowly I picked up the wounded women and rushed her to the motel room. "Sam?" She whispered. I smiled a bit, glad that she was awake. "Don't fall asleep Angel." I said. "I know dummy." She said closing her eyes. I burst through the door and laid her on my bed. I ignored Dean's questions. "Dean shut up and get some medical supplies." I ordered. I lifted her shirt where Angel was shot. It went right through her abdomen. Dean came over looking at the wounds for the first time. "I've had worse." she said painfully.

Dean cleaned and dressed her wounds, all except her wing. "Can I go to sleep now?" She asked. "No." Dean said. "At least let me help." She said bringing her wing up. Dean pressed the wing back down and started working on it. She huffed. "What happened?" I asked curiosity taking over, "Well I was being chased by a hell hound so I had to fly, lucky me there was people watching and thought I was a monster, so their hunting me." She sat up wincing. Dean finished. "Thanks Dean." She said. "No problem Birdie." He nicknamed her. Angelina smiled at it.

"I should be out of ya'lls hair by tomorrow." Angelina said. I looked to her, "Why?" I asked. Dean went to the fridge to get a drink. Angelina looked confused. "You do want me gone right? I mean last time I saw ya'll all Deanie there wanted was me to be gone correct?" She asked. "Not now we've been.." Dean interrupted, "Sam's been..." Dean corrected me. "I've been looking all over for you and now you're just gonna leave?" I asked getting frustrated. "Yes because once I found out who my family really was he died! And I care about you two too much to let that happen to ya'll!" She growled. I was taken back by her tone. "Who was your family?" Dean asked. She looked to the ground very sad. I sat on the bed.

"Ya'll knew him... god.. we all knew him." She said with a smirk. "Who was it?" Dean asked. She looked at him nearly in tears, "Bobby." She replied. Dean clenched his jaw. "Im sorry...." She said. "It's my fault. When ya'll attacked them they thought I was there and wanted to hurt me enough to make me give up." She explained.


I explained how I was Bobby's long lost daughter and how Bobby never knew because his wife gave birth to me and died before I could be returned to them. I was supposed to be a surprise to Bobby when he got home from a hunt. But I was kidnapped by god knows who cause I still haven't figured that out. And when Castiel released the leviathans They got me knowing fully that I was Bobby's daughter. They made me a weapon but I refused once I found out about the real world. I escaped and they found me. Now they're up to date.

"Did you give up?" Sam questioned. "Yes for a time I did. They threatened to get you too." I said looking down. I still have nightmares about then. They tortured me for the boy's whereabouts. "I wasn't about to let that happen." I said. They boys looked at me worried. "What did they do to you?" Dean asked. "Torture manly. I was also told to kill people but of course I refused making them torture me more." I tilted my head as if it was obvious. "Basically I'm just more messed up than when you last saw me." I said. They nodded. I saw the anger rising in Sam's face like a thermometer in boiling water.

"Well ya'll better get some sleep." I started getting up. Sam pushed me back down gently. "No you can sleep here." Sam said almost sadly. I looked at him confused but did as told. I folded my wings in and got into my favorite position. My knees against my chest and my elbows tucked in. Sam went to the couch and crashed and Dean took the other bed.


I was in a warehouse on the floor. I was drenched in blood but not my own. I stared forward with a straight face. the room was littered in bodies. Lighting struck in the sky and I saw Sam's face. Sam was terrified of me. Back to me, I held a gun in one hand and a knife in the other. It flashed to the tortured, bloody, broken bodies. Then lightning flashed again to the full room. Sam was at the door in the rain and me still in the floor. Then it seemed like slow motion as I stood and held up the gun to him.

I awoke with a jerk. I immediately pulled the knife out of my boot. I felt my heart pounding and the cold sweat dripping from my forehead. I held the knife ready to kill. I looked to the boys and found them in the same spots. I let out a breath unknowingly. I flipped the knife back and put it under the pillow. "Only a nightmare..." I whispered to myself. I slipped back into the darkness called sleep. 

Authors note

Yes another one in the same chapter. Please don't kill me. So she's having nightmares any thoughts on that? And so many deaths, please don't kill me over that too! I love ya'll ~CS2 <3

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