Meeting someone 'new'

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They take my bag and put it in the trunk. "Do you have a phone?" Dean asks. I shake my head. I get in the back seat and settle down. It's very cramped due to my size. I was smaller than dean.

Along with my wings there's not much room. The ride was silent and it scared me. I soon fell asleep but I was still ready to fight if needed.

Suddenly the car jerked and I fell into the floor. "You should wear a seatbelt" dean said. "What's a seatbelt?" I ask. "How do you not know what a seat belt is?" Sam asked as I get back in the seat. "I was in a cage for 29 years and wasn't allowed out but for testing so yeah I know next to nothing about the world." I say rudely. I get back in the seat and crossed my arms. "It's the thing over by the door and cross it in front of you and put the metal part in the black part in the seat." Sam says, I do as told and put the metal part in the buckle.

We drive down a dirt road and stopped at a wooden house. It looked quite like the white coats base. I froze up. "You aren't white coats are you?" I asked nervously. "White coats?" Dean asked chuckling. "Yeah scientist, the ones that experimented on me.." I gripped the edge of the seat tightly. "No! No.. We are something totally different." Dean replied. I loosened the grip on my seat and relaxed a little bit. The boys got out of the car and I eventually followed. it was a small house but it worked I guess. inside was cozy but I still felt insecure. There is a Green couch that sat in front of a TV in between those was a coffee table on the other side of the room was a table and a kitchen. There are more rooms off to the back but you can't really see them. Dean immediately went to the kitchen while Sam went to the table and pulled out his laptop. uncomfortably I sat on the couch wondering what was going to happen and if they were lying about who they were and if they were working with white coats.

Sooner or later I fell asleep on the couch watching some weird show called full house. The next morning I had a headache but that was normal, but what was weird is that I woke up in a bed in a different room than the living room. I just had to get up and go into the kitchen and find out what was happening. there was nobody in the kitchen at that moment or the living room. I finally managed to get some food in my stomach. suddenly I heard footsteps and ducked for cover, scared. " Angelina?" I heard Sam's voice. " Oh." I giggled and stood up. " Good morning Sam." I said turning around in his direction. there he stood with no shirt but pants and holding a hoodie with some headphones and an iPod. " Good morning Angelina I'm going for my morning run do you want to come?" Sam asked. " No thank you Sam but thank you for asking." I replied. He nodded and slipped his hoodie on and put in his headphones before going out. After I watch him my face still felt very warm then more footsteps. This time I prepared because I knew it was Dean. " Mornin." Dean said sleepily. I nodded in his direction and went to sit on the couch. he got to the fridge and dug out some food while I turn on some TV. I know at one point I had to go because the white coats could find me no matter what and they weren't safe.

There was a flap of wings and Castiel Sat beside me. He nearly gave me a heart attack when he did that. I became paralyzed when I got scared and then hit him jokingly and smiled. After a while Dean went back to his room and Sam came back. Castiel just sat there watching the show for some reason he is very interested in it I found it quite boring. 

 Before long they said that we had to go, they said that they had a case that they had to go to and they were going to drop me off somewhere. They were going to drop me off with someone named Bobby?" I got in the Impala and the boys got up front it was typical, brothers of front, stranger in back. I actually started to like these boys I don't know why they just seemed very safe and comforting. Don't get me wrong I still felt very scared with them but it was dialed down to level that I could deal it with. We came up to a place that said Bobby's car lot. I remember what that was it was the same thing that was on my hat. The hat was the only thing I had from when I was a child from when I was with the white coats. I felt attached to it somehow like it was meant to be with me.

We got out and the boys let me inside where there was an old man sitting at a desk reading books. I took off my hat and put it somewhere in my trench coat before he looked. "Who's that?" the man asked. " Angelina, well that's what we named her anyways." Sam said. I kind of like the way the way it rolled off his tongue somehow. I dipped my head to him in respect and stood there uncomfortable in this situation. It seems like I remember him somehow but I don't. Like my soul remembers him but my mind doesn't. He looked up to me and got up "And why is she here?" He asked grumpy. "Well Angelina show 

him." Dean persuaded. I took the trench coat off and revealed the silver wings. To me they were monstrosity but the to him like beauty. " What are you?" he asked. " Sam why don't you show her a room while me and Bobby talk and you can join later." Dean said. Sam nodded and grabbed my wrist which sent little tingles up my arm. " And here we are." Sam said. I looked around the old and dusty room with a small bed in the middle and a closet and a bathroom.

Sam let go and I immediately missed the touch. "You gonna be okay?" he asked. I nodded not knowing what to say. He left the room and I started to hear them talk about me and what they were going to do. At one point I heard Dean say that I was a freak and that I was far too dangerous to keep around. I heard Sam argue otherwise, for me. I wonder why, he doesn't even know me. I keep hearing Dean yell about how I was dangerous and how I couldn't be kept around and how that he didn't like me. Two can play at that game. I opened the window and got out and landed safely

With one jump I was in the air. I didn't want to leave though. I didn't want to leave Sam and Bobby. I felt a connection with them. So I found a solution and landed on the roof. If they can't find me maybe they don't want me. I watched Sam jog out.

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