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I awoke and found Sam gone but I had a huge headache. I blinked a couple times before getting up. "Too fast.." I said falling back onto the bed when I got tunnel vision from being dizzy. I went to the shower not long after. I dressed in A red flannel and jeans with my boots. My hair was down. I found Sam in the Library nursing on coffee. "Good morning I rubbed my head. He looked up and smile, "Morning. How did you sleep?" He asked. I headed into the kitchen. "Pretty good thanks." I poured me some coffee. I still felt like I could sleep for another year but there's more important things to do.

Back in the library Sam was on the computer, Dean was refreshing his memory by reading John Winchester's journal. I sat beside the boys. Kevin walked in and went to the kitchen. I liked Kevin I mean like a friend but we never really talked. "I think I got a case." Sam said. I looked up from the staring contest I was having with my coffee.

"Two people killed in an old house both hung." Sam said. "Where?" Dean asked. "Harlan Kansas." Sam told his brother. "Let's go!" I said excited to get out of this boring place. "NO your staying here." Sam looked at me. I sat back down and pretend pouted. "Why?" I asked sweetly. "Because you need to rest up." He said. "Can you take care of it Dean?" Sam asked. "Duh." Dean said. He looked between me and Sam. I knew he was thinking a dirty thought by the way he smiled and his eyebrows tilted inward a little. "Don't think like that idiot." I said walking past. Dean shrugged. I rolled my eyes and went to get food.

I saw Cas again just standing in the kitchen dirty and covered in what seemed like dirt. "Cas?" I asked. He disappeared. I shook my head, "Not really him." I held my head and got a bag of chips.

Around 7:00 Dean called "I'm off!" "LATER GATOR!" I yelled from my room.

Dean was also taking Kevin to meet with Garth. Sam stood by my door. "Need anything?" He asked. I shook my head. He turned out the light. "HEY!" I yelled. "Sleep!" He yelled back. I put my chips on the nightstand and rolled over. Might as well sleep anyway.


This one was different. I was in an alley but I couldn't control myself as leviathan surrounded. "Can't escape now birdie." I heard the voice of Jasper when he stepped forward. His eyes were black and He had his signature smile. Jasper's meat suit had black hair and narrow shoulders. He was taller by only inches. Lightning flashed and I was in the torture chamber again. I still felt the cuts bruises and tears in my flesh almost like I just got them. Roman came in. "You will obey." He said. He held up a Knife. I wanted to move but I was chained up. My hands above my head and chain to the ceiling. My feet chain to the floor. My wings torn one almost falling off. "Please.. Please not again.." I begged. He went on with it and cut my side. Next he cut my cheek I screamed out in pain. I closed my eyes crying.

Suddenly I was in the warehouse again. "No..." I whispered. I heard foot steps. I turned quickly and saw people, regular farmers come in. They had weapons and yelled at me. I felt something change in me. Something bad. I was no longer in control, something else took over. Sam screamed my name. I wanted to reply but couldn't I just said, "Angel's not here right now..." Sam frowned as my eyes turned black. "Jasper!" Sam was furious. It was scary. I lifted a knife out of my pocket and Sam started calling out the incantation. Instead Jasper plunged it into his stomach and left my body. "SAM!" I screamed in horror. "Sam! PLease." I cried. "Sam stay awake it's gonna be okay." I held his head in my lap.

He smiled up at me. "I love you Angel... " Blood dripped from his mouth. I hugged him tight. "Please Sam don't go." I pleaded. "Please. I need you Sam." I let go and he closed his eyes. "Sam! SAm! Sam... " My tears dripped onto his shirt. "I love you too." I cried.

~Sam Winchester~

I sat in my room watching Game of Thrones again when I heard a heart wrenching scream. I raced to Angelina's room. I pulled the door open and found her squirming in bed. Nightmares. She stopped for a moment. She mumbled in her sleep. I watched worried. I knew what it felt like. I still have nightmares of the cage but not as bad.

Her wings were curled into her back and she was very tense. I went to get her some water so when she woke Angel could try to calm down. "SAM!" I heard her scream when I was halfway down the hall. I turned. "Sam! Please!" She screamed again. I rushed back. More mumbles, then "Please don't go Sam." I heard her voice crack. I walked over to wake her up. Tears ran down her face. How could such terrible dreams disturb this beautiful woman. I put my hand on her shoulder. She mumbled more and I made out, "Sam... I love you too." I was taken back by the words but shook her shoulder. "Angel wake up." She didn't. "Angel Wake up." I said louder. "Angel WAKE UP!" I shook her more. She sat up quickly. "Sam?" She asked. "I'm here don't worry." I replied. She hugged me. "I'm so Sorry." She cried into my shoulder. I rubbed her back. We stood there for awhile and I let go. "What was your dream about?" I asked curious. She looked up with puffy eyes then looked down and shook her head. I wasn't going to push. I sat beside her. "A-At first it was about the leviathans and the torture." She paused as if think whether or not to tell me. "Roman was there and he did his torture thing. Than it changed to a warehouse. It-uh-I was standing in the middle of it and you were there. I lost control of myself. I was possessed by a demon." She started tearing up. "He took out a knife and when you realized it wasn't me he stabbed you. I gain control when he left. Y-You were d-dieing. I couldn't save you and it was my fault. I'm so sorry Sam it was all my fault." She stated.

"No it's not. Angel it was just a dream I'm fine. It will never be your fault." I said with my hand in between her wings. She looked up at me and smiled weakly. "Thank you." SHe whispered. I just looked into her beautiful hazel eyes.


Sam sat next to me. He watched me and I looked into his brown eyes. We didn't notice the closeness of each other until we kissed. 

(Insert Smut)

Authors note

Hey guys so yeah no smut sorry! I'm using a school computer so I would get in HUGE trouble. SO IM sincerely sorry if you were looking forward to it. If not cool. Love ya'll ~CS2 <3

Definitely Not an Angel (Sam X Oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon