Chasing Me

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I hide behind a wall and watched as they ran past. I tucked my wings in scared out of my mind. I slid down the wall and laid my head on the brick. I breathed out. I ran down the alley and jumped up getting out of this place. I opened my wings in the air each six feet long. I pushed them down getting higher. I finally caught an air current and glided high above the city.

The white coats won't get me now. I'll find a place where I could be safe.


Sam types on the laptop in front of him. "Hey Dean come here I think I found something." He called out. Dean got up from his chair and walked over to Sam. Dean was the older of the two although he was shorter. Sam turned the laptop to him. "What is that?" They look at the picture. "I don't know. It's not any creature we know of." Sam said. "Well where has it been so far?" Dean asks. "Well.." Sam takes the computer back. "Looks like it's heading south to Lewis Town, Montana.." Sam said. "Well Lewis Town it is." Dean walked off determined


. I wonder down the street of Lewis town. It's night and I'm wearing a leather jacket to cover my wings. I hear a car and duck into the nearest alley. I watch as the black car drives past. It looks older but clean. Once it's gone I come out. I keep walking and turn a corner finding the same car parked at the diner. I walk in nervous and looking at all the possible exit routes. As I walk to the bar I spot two men. One with short hair and well shorter than the other. The taller man with longer hair glances at me.

I look away and at the menu. "Hey you back for more?" The waitress named Betty says. I nod silently. She smiles. I point to the cheapest thing there and it's a burger. She nods and goes to fetch it. The man with long hair start pointing at me. I become very nervous. I reach to my back acting like I am scratching it and feel some of my feather poking out the bottom of my jacket. The men stand up and start walking over.

Without thinking I jump up and run out. I hear their footsteps close. Back at the lab I was forced to run a lot so you could say I'm fast. My jacket bellows after me as I run. I see them pull out guns as I look back. I turn a corner and lose the jacket. I thought I could start a somewhat normal life here guess not. I unfurl my wings and jump into the air. One shot rings out and my wing cringes. It stings and I fall into the street. I hit the pavement shoulder first and scream.

I hold back the tears as I try to get up. I try to escape but can't. The men come closer and I await my fate. I watch with wide eyes and a scared face. I see them better. The man with short hair looked mad while the man with long hair looked confused. After a second I hear a flap of wings. I cover myself with my own like a shield.

"Cas?" I hear. "Dean. Sam." He says. Suddenly the wings flap again. I get up and place my shoulder back in socket. I look around and limp over to an alley. I sit and cry the tears staining my face.


"God Cas! Why did you do that?!" Dean yells out. A flap of wings are heard and the angel is gone. "What was that?" Sam asked. Dean looks at him furious. Dean slowly calms and finally asks. "Where are we?" He put his hand to his forehead. Sam leads the way outside. "Well we're outside of town." Sam replied. Dean turns and drops his hand angrily. "Dang it Cas." He shouts. "We nearly had it!" Dean said. "There was something off about it." Sam says.

"Yeah and?" Dean asks. "She looked scared." Sam states, "All the monsters we hunt fight back." "So it was an easy kill." Dean sighs. Sam looks into the distance thinking how scared and human like the creature looked.


It turns day and I get up my wing is partially healed. I get up and look around. There's an old blanket by the trash can. I grab it and wrap it around my back. Before I go out I notice it's very early and race to my motel room. There I pack my stuff frantically. I hear a car and look outside. There the black car from last night parks with the men inside. "Crap..." I say. They walk to the front desk and go in. I'm on the top floor. I put on the other jacket I had which had slits in the back for my wings in case I needed to fly. I put on a hat and walk out looking down and very nervous.

Definitely Not an Angel (Sam X Oc)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن