Asriel x Male Reader

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School is so boring luckily I'm in my final class, also the school allowed monsters to be students, so in my class there is about ten monsters but sadly they usually get picked on. There is one guy that catches my eye, he's Asriel, he's so cute and kind.

"Mr. (Y/n)! Stop daydreaming and pay attention!" The teacher yelled at me.

I jumped in my seat, the class laughed but he didn't yet I could feel myself blush out of embarrassment. Then the teacher continued lecturing about some boring topic, soon the bell rang and most of the students ran out, I got up and was about to leave but the teacher had to call on me, damn it.

"Mr. (Y/n) and Mr. Asriel, may I have a word with you?" The teacher asked.

'No, I want to leave and go home' I thought to myself.

Both Asriel and I went to the teacher's desk, then he looked at us.

"Mr. Asriel since you have good grades, I would like you to tutor Mr. (Y/n)" He said.

"OK sir" Asriel said.

Then the teacher nodded and signaled us to leave, after we both left the classroom Asriel looked at me.

"So um... hey, should we go to my house or yours" He said.

"Y-yours" I said.

He nodded then we both started walking, we left the school and went to his house. It was a two story house, then we went to the door and he let me in first. We were greeted by his mother, she smiled warmly at us.

"Hello Asriel, how was your day? Who is your friend?" She asked.

"It was alright mom, he's (Y/n)" Asriel said.

"Nice to meet you (Y/n), my name's Toriel" She said.

"Nice to meet you too" I said.

She smiled softly then she looked at Asriel.

"Ok, anyways I'm going to make a cinnamon pie" She said.

"Ok mom we'll be in my room" Asriel said.

Then we went upstairs as she went to the kitchen, we passed a few rooms until we reached to Asriel's room. He opened the door and we went in, his room is nice and clean, there's a few posters of bands.

"Well we should get started, what are you having trouble in?" Asriel asked.

"Everything" I said bluntly.

Asriel chuckled then smiled, he placed a hand on my shoulder and I looked at him.

"Ok then I will help you, it'll be easy" Asriel said.

I smiled at him, then he opened a book that was on his desk and I sighed softly. After a few hours of studying and eating a slice of pie we finished, I sighed in relief and looked at Asriel.

"Thanks for tutoring me" I said.

"Your welcome" Asriel said.

Out of nowhere Asriel hugged me, I felt my cheeks burn then he pulled away, blushing red.

"I'm sorry for that" Asriel said.

I looked at him then pulled him into my arms, I held him for a while then he hugged back. I rubbed his back, Ariel then looked up at me making me instantly blush and I pulled away.

"I'm sorry..." I said.

Ariel looked at me then he made me look at him, I looked at him then he pressed his lips against mine. At first I was shocked, Asriel likes me, he's also kissing me then I started to kiss back.

After a minute of kissing, Ariel pulled away and we instantly noticed we were against the bed, his cheeks were red then I grabbed his fluffy ears and smiled at him.

"(Y/n) I like you" Asriel said.

I smiled softly then kissed his nose, making him blush and smile.

"I like you too" I said.

Asriel smiled then I placed my arms around his neck, Asriel smiled warmly at me then he gave me another kiss. This time it lasted a bit longer, our hearts were beating so fast then he pulled away with a big blush on his face.

I sat up as he stood up, we both looked at each other for a second, then the door opened to reveal his mother. Both Asriel and I looked away from each other, she giggled.

"You two look so cute together, also I did saw you two kissing, anyways can you stay for dinner?"Toriel asked.

"Oh um s-sure" I said.

Toriel nodded and smiled, then she left as I looked at Asriel, he was as red as a tomato. I giggled then got off of his bed and went to him, I kissed his making him redder.

"Well I guess we should her your mom with dinner" I said.

"Y-yeah" Asriel said.

I went to the door and opened it, I looked back at Asriel with a smile.

"OK then see you down there boyfriend" I said.

Asriel got to an extreme red, then he made his way downstairs and helped to cook food with his mom and his new boyfriend.


I have no comment, also I decided to change the style of my author notes, anyways I hope you liked it and well bye for now ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ


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