Ch 21

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Ch 20 is up and an actual chapter so don't forget to read it first.


            There it is, kips truck sat in the parking lot like a big, rusted, neon sign. He was here, at the hospital... But why? Yes, I told him I would be here, but that was before he left, and before I found out he might be seeing someone. Granted he didn't know that last part, but still. Why was he here?

            I contemplate waiting in my car for him to leave, but a quick glance at the time shows me visitation is almost over. He is not stopping me from seeing my dad.

            With as much confidence and bravery I can muster I get out of my car and walk into the hospital. I see him, sitting in the waiting room, staring at his hands. I was hoping that I wouldn't see him until I got to Pa's room, he wouldn't have said anything in front of him. So much for that plan. It's packed, and I'm praying that I can slip past him when he looks up. Damn. He stands, his hear is rumpled, and he is still wearing the same clothes as last night. Oh, so he doesn't keep clothes at Lizzy's.

"Hey," he says, walking up to me.

"I want to see my father before visitation ends." I say, trying to walk past him.

"I was just in there, a nurse made me leave." He tells me. "They are doing tests to see if he can be released. It might be a while."

The thought of Pa coming home made me happy, and sad for the same reason, No more alone time with Kip.

"Then I guess I'll just head home." I say, hoping it doesn't sound like an invitation.

"Lynn," he stops me, "I was hoping we could talk about last night."

"Not now, Kip."

"Sweetie," he says taking my hand, I feel my heart soften with the use of the pet name, "Im sorry about last night, Im sorry about Colt."

"Who cares," I tell him, "Colt's a jackass."

"Did he do something after I left?" he asks, his voice going hard.

"No, he didn't." He only told me about your girlfriend.

"I should have stayed."

Yes, you should have.

"Whatever, Kip. Its fine."

"Do, you regret last night?"

Do I? I find myself shaking my head, no. Kip takes this as a good sign and takes my hands in his.

"Please, Lynn," He begs, "I just wanna talk."

"Fine," I tell him, giving in. "But not here."

            I fallow him to the parking lot, and then to a local coffee shop. Kip waits outside for me, and holds the door as we walk inside. We snag a table in the corner and kip goes to place our order, leaving his keys and phone on the table. Every ounce of me wants to look through his phone, but I don't. I can't do that. I busy myself with my own phone, ignoring the urge. I am not the crazy girlfriend type. Hell, I'm not even his girlfriend.

            Kip returns with my double chocolate chip frapachino with extra whipped cream, and laughs.

"I hope you know that this, ain't coffee."

"Yeah, but it tastes good." I say, taking a sip, the chocolate helps calm me.

Kip sighs, and leans forward. "so, I know your mad at me, and I'm sorry,"

"I'm not mad"

"Bullshit," he barks, "If you weren't mad we wouldn't be here."

I don't say anything.

"Look, I'm sorry I left." He says, "I was pissed, and I knew if I stayed I would have decked Colt."

"Where did you go." I hear myself asking.


No taking it back now. "Where did you go? Where did you sleep, since you didn't come home?"

"I went to my friend Everett."

"Did you really?"

"Lynn, where is this coming from."


"What about Colt?" he says, his voice rising causing others to turn and look at us.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I blert out.

"What?!" he shouts.

"You heard me. Do you have a girlfriend?"

"where is this coming from?"

"The fact that you arn't answering tells me everything I need to know." I stand up and grab my purse. Kip jumps up and grabs my arm.

"Lynn, I do not have a girlfriend." He says, looking me directly in the eyes. "The fact that you would even ask me this worries me. How could you think I would have a girlfriend after last night?"

"Colt said..."

"Oh great! Colt told you this? I wonder why he would say such a thing. Oh, I know, cause he wants you, and you want me."

"Check your ego, cowboy." I tell him, though my heart beats faster.

"Lynn, I've seen the way you look at him, and it was nothing like the way you looked at me last night." He growls.

"Maybe I was just horny." I say, my voice was just a whisper.

"Still counts, cowgirl." He leans in and I feel myself slipping. I close my eyes and a word flashes against my eyelids. Lizzy.

"Wait." I pant pulling away, "If you don't have a girlfriend, who's Lizzy."


"Yeah, Colt said... wait, never mind. You already proved Colt was lying." I move to kiss him.

"No," he pulls back a little. "He wasn't lying, at least not about Lizzy, but she's not my girlfriend?"

"But who is she?"

"She's no one. Not anymore anyway." I sit back, fully pulling away. "we use to hook up, but that's it." He pleas.

"How long?" I ask.

"How long what?"

"how long were you together?"

"We weren't together_"

"How long?" I ask again. More forcefully.

"On and off for two years. But nothing since right after you got home. Nothing since I knew I had feelings for you."

"So two years, and you just ended it?"

"There was nothing to end." He tells me again, "Please, Lynn."

"I don't know, Kip," I say standing up, "I think I just need time."

"Lynn." He stands up.
"I'll see you later, Kip."

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