Ch 11

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It's been a week since Colt had made me dinner and I keep waiting for him to ask me on a date, a real date, but he doesn't. Sure, he's been around the property, he came to check on the cattle, helped Kip fix the barn roof, and he even stopped by one day when I was visiting my dad, but we weren't really alone much, and when we were I kept waiting for something that never came. Kip had also been avoiding me. I think he's mad at me, but I don't know why. He worked all day, and spent most Evenings off the property, not coming home until nine or ten. I found myself getting more and more pissed off. He told me he wouldn't leave me alone, and yet almost every night I was alone. Yes he still slept on the sofa, I would hear him locking up at night, but from dusk until he comes back, I'm alone.

I still see my dad every day, doctors said he was strong enough to start a round of chemo, but the treatment in itself has made him weak all over again. I spend the better part of the afternoon with him, but he spends most of the time asleep. I'm just getting home from seeing him, making my way up the drive. This is my favorite time of day, the late afternoon sun paints the property in rich yellows and pinks making the hay fields look like spun gold. This is what inspired millions of country songs, the peacefulness of wide open space. Home.

I park my Jeep by the barn, not even bothering to go in the house. I walk right up to Hazel's stall, her tack hanging on the wall by her gate.

"You wanna go for a ride, baby?" I ask, scratching her ear. She whinnies and stomps her foot, nuzzling he nose into my hair, "I'll take that as a yes," I laugh, sliding her bridle on over her nose. I've just pulled her saddle out of the tack room when I hear movement from the loft upstairs. I put the saddle over Hazel's open gate door and head to the lofts steps. Hazel tosses her head, and stomps her hoof angrily as I make my way up the steps. As soon as my head peaks over the floor into the loft, I see Kip. He's on the floor doing pushups. I can see the mussels in his back moving with his every movement.

"Hey, cowboy!" I say, startling him, making him fall and roll onto his side.

"Shit!" he says, wincing and holding his side. "Damn, woman. You scared the crap out of me."

I laugh and walk the rest of the way into the room. "That was kind of the point."

He lets his head fall to the floor, and breaths heavily.

"So, what are you doing?"

"Trying to get my heart rate down." He laughs.

"Wanna go for a ride?" I ask, hoping he says yes. Praying for a piece of normality.

Kip rolls to his side and grabs his phone off the bed, "I actually have somewhere to be in a little while, sorry."

"Its ok," I say, forcing a smile. "I'll see you later."


I've always loved riding. It was one of the few things that always seemed to make me feel better. The open space, the peacefulness. It just lets you forget about everything for a little while. I'm riding along the fence line in between Colts property and ours. I see his stallion out in the pasture grazing, his smoke colored coat blending in with the birch trees behind him He looks up when he hears us approaching and trots over to the fence.

"Hey, buddy." I say, bringing Hazel up next to him. The stallion tries to nuzzle Hazel's neck, but she steps back when he trusts his head over the fence. "Be nice," I tell her, making her walk back up to him. I reach over and scratch behind his ears. He tires of my touch, and once again tries to get Hazel's attention, but she's not having it.

"Damn horse!" I hear coming from the open barn about a hundred yards away. I turn in my saddle in time to see Colt sprint out of the open door, a button up shirt hanging open, exposing his chiseled abs. he looks around wildly before his eyes land on us. His shoulders noticeably relax and he jogs over to us.

Cowgirls Don't Cry Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora