Hailey came up to me smiling. "What was that?"
"Well, me and Harry are dating.
"Whaaaat? Oh I am so happy for you !" she said.

We were looking at each other "Girl I missed you!" said Hailey and then she hugged me.
I smiled.
"We are going home, tomorrow!" "Yeah, but I will come back!" I responded.

"I should talk with Niall!" she said.
"Yup, you should!"

Hailey's p.o.v

Niall was leaned on his car and talking with Liam. I walked up to him "Can we have a word Niall?"
"I'm going to look how Zayn is doing!" said Liam and left.
I leaned on Niall's car right next to Niall.
"So this is the end ha?" Niall said, he was looking at the sky.
"You think?" I asked.
He looked at me "What do you think!?"
I smiled "Nah!"
"You are flying home tomorrow!"
I looked on the ground.
"Just wanted to say thank you Niall!"
"For what?" he asked.
"For saving me!"
He looked at me "You are the one who saved me!"
"Can I hug you?" I asked.
"Don't ask, just hug me!"
I hugged him.
He was smeling so good. It was so nice. He buried his face in my neck.

"Will I ever see you again?" said Niall.
"Of course you will! You sound like you are saying goodbye!"
"I hate goodbyes!" he said sadly.
"Me too!" I responded.

We were quite few seconds and then I said "We had a good time together."
"Yeah, we did!"

"I going to take a look how is Harry and Zayn." I left.
"Hailey!" he said.
I turned around "What?"
"Ah nothing!" he responded.

Harry's p.o.v
I was talking with policeman and I told them everything. Policeman left and went to talk with Louis.

Kendall came up to me. "Hey love how is your shoulder?"
I kissed her "Better"
"You never told me how you became a fan of us?" I said.
She started laughing "Well, because of Hailey! She was a fan before me, we listened songs together and this became an obsession!"
"I am obsessed with you!" I said.
"I love you Harry Edward Styles!" she responded.
Oh god I don't deserve her! "I love you to the moon and back and even longer Kendall!"
"You can't!" she said in laugh. "Oh yes I can!!"

Ambulance took Zayn in hospital.
Me and Kendall watched how policeman took Walter in police car.
I hugged her "I am so happy all this is over!"
"Me too!"
"Let's go home ha!?"
"Good idea!" she said smiling. I took her by her hand.

We came up to Niall, Liam and Hailey "Let's go home!"
They smiled and we went in the car.
Liam, Kendall and me sat at the back seat. Niall was driving and Hailey was sitting on passeger's seat.

Niall's p.o.v
We were driving home and it was late, almost midnight.
Everyone were sleeping. Hailey's head was leaned on the window.
I love watching her when she sleeps.
She is leaving in a few hours. This makes me sad.
I think we are not mean to be together.

We arrived home at 12:35AM.
I woke up Harry and Liam.
Harry carryed Kendall in her bed.
I carryed Hailey in her room. I put her in her bed.
I left the room.

I reached my room and I jumped in my bed.
I saw a CD on the table, it was for Hailey.
I took a CD and left in her room, I put it in Hailey's purse.
I went back in my bed and fell asleep.

Hailey's p.o.v
I opened my eyes and I said "I am going home today!"
If I could stay...
I checked the clock, it was 10:49.

I packed my stuff and after that I went to eat.
I met Harry and Kendall in the kitchen. "I have to see my parents, I will be back next week Harry" said Kendall.
"I don't want you to go!"
"I will be back, I promise!" she responded.
I am so happy for them. Why can't me and Niall be like them?
I am crazy on him, but don't know how to tell him. I think we are not mean to be together.

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