Satey turned to look at me when I stood beside her. Her eyes were eerily blank.

"You don't have to stay, I suppose," I stammered, running a hand through my hair before it wetly flopped forward onto my forehead, "but it would make me feel better if I knew you were safe." I felt the need to assure she wasn't forced to stay, but there was no way in hell I was letting her slip from my grasp after what happened.

She didn't say anything and just took my hand to allow me to lead her up the stairs. I did so and opened the door. She closed it gently behind us, her fingers falling from my hold on her hand. I walked forward and placed my keys in the basket before taking off my sweatshirt. I turned back to see her standing in the hallway, dripping wet.

"You're soaked," I said as she nodded, "do you want to take a shower to warm up?" She nodded again.

I motioned for her to follow me and led her towards the master, and only, bedroom.

"The shower is in there," I said, pointing, "I'll sleep on the couch tonight and you can take this bedroom."

She brushed past me as I talked before standing in the bathroom doorway when I was finished. We stood there in deafening silence until I jolted myself.

"Well, I guess that's it then."

Satey nodded, sticking her toe out to pick at the carpet.

"I'll be in the living room if you need me," I said awkwardly before turning and closing the door behind me.

I sighed out the breath I had been holding when I heard the water turn on. What was it about Satey that caused me to loose my mind? I could do a number of violent things to anyone at any time, but when it came to Satey, I could never do anything that would hurt her in the slightest way. There was just something about her that made me want to take on the world for her. Never had I cared about someone as much as I did for Satey.

And that scared me.

Forcing myself to get moving, I walked to the hall closet to ready my living room to be fit for sleeping in.

By the time I had been set up, Satey's shower was done. I was slightly surprised at how quick she had been. After freezing, I would've taken a long, hot shower as therapy. I sat down at the couch, resting my head in my hands.

As much as I loved the Satey that knew when to shut her damn mouth and not sass me, I missed her snippy retorts. What happened caused her to have a drastic change in character. I felt my muscles tense at the mental image of that beast pinning her to the wall. My teeth clenched and I tried to calm my intense breathing as I suddenly felt the desperate need to punch something.

If it had been under any circumstances, I would've found something, anything, to hit until I bled. But I couldn't put her through that. I didn't want to scare her away after just proving that I wouldn't hurt her.

A small cough broke me from my pained thoughts. I looked up to see Satey wrapped rightly in a towel, her wet hair hanging loosely from her head. She chewed on her fingernail as she stood, the slight blush on her cheeks giving away that she was embarrassed.

"Oh right," I said, standing up, "you don't have any dry clothes." I led her back into the room and pulled out a T-shirt and a pair of boxers, feeling my face flush. "Here," I said quickly, throwing them on the bed, "that'll have to do for tonight." She nodded her thanks before I rushed out of the room.

I was just laying down after a few moments of pacing when I noticed, out of the corner of my eye, a figure observing me. I sat up, seeing Satey as she leaned her shoulder on the wall. My breath caught as I saw my T-shirt adorning her upper half, covering down to even where the boxers ended, only revealing her tan legs. Even though it was just a T-shirt, the idea that it was mine just made it seem even more beautiful than she looked. I stared up at her as she stared back, twisting her fingernails together.

"Liam," she said quietly; the first word she'd said to me since the incident. Her voice was small and filled with the pain and fear she had dealt with. "I can't..." she started again, "I won't be able to..." She looked down at her feet.

I stood and walked towards her, standing a distance away so I wouldn't scare her. I knew not to smother her after shock. I looked at her as she gathered her thoughts and I saw a tear sliding down her nose. I tipped her chin up with my finger and rubbed the dampness away with my thumb.

I wanted nothing more than to kiss away her pain; to forget.

She opened her eyes again, her expression both confused and surprised at the intimate gesture. I lowered my hand, embarrassed.

I couldn't figure out why we were being so tentative with each other. We had kissed. I had kissed her. But, here I was, being driven mad just by touching her cheek.

"I can't sleep alone tonight," she finally whispered.

I looked into her eyes as she looked into mine, slightly shy.

"Okay," I whispered.

Following her into the bedroom, I could feel my teeth clenching in anger at how Satey's attacker had affected her physically and mentally.

She lay down on one side of the bed, tucking herself under the covers.

"Do you want me to sleep on the floor or...?" I asked lamely, standing in the door way.

"No," she said quietly, "it's okay."

Hesitantly, I walked to the other side of the bed and crawled in next to her. There was a small distance between us, but I could already feel Satey's tenseness diffusing. She turned over, putting more space between us and sighed. Within a few minutes, I could hear her breathing regulate, all the pent-up stress making her exhausted. Soon, sleep overtook me as well.

Throughout the night, Satey would shudder in her sleep or cry out. I suspected it was from nightmares, as each time was loud enough to wake me up. I would touch her shoulder and whisper, "Satey, it's all right, I've got you," and she'd be fine.

"No!" Satey shouted loudly for the fifth time that night before screaming.

"Satey," I whispered as I rolled over once waking up.

She pushed her legs against me and punched at me.

"Stay away!" she shouted.

"Satey, it's just me, Liam," I whispered, trying to use names to bring her back.

Despite my efforts, she continued to push me away, not letting me comfort her in her sleep. I used my strength against her and pulled her arm when she reached out to hit me again. I dragged her across the bed as she fought me. I pulled her into my arms and wrapped myself around Satey's small and shaking form, her face buried in my chest. I could feel her scared tears staining my T-shirt as her fists clenched the fabric into her hands.

"Satey," I murmured with my lips pressed into her ear, "you're okay. You're with me. You're safe." I continued muttering comforts to her. Slowly, I felt her fists unclench and she sank into my chest, no longer resisting my hold on her.

I stayed in the same position, regardless that she no longer needed comforting. I pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"I won't let anyone hurt you."


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