All Ships Sailed

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Lissana's POV

early in the morning Gray and the boys were already in our room. Gray decided to wake Juvia up.

Juvia's POV

I was sleeping when I suddenly felt someone giving me a peck on my forehead. When I opened my eyes I saw Gray so I immediately stood up "Good morning MY PRINCESS" Gray greeted me with a smile while he did really emphasize the word my princes so I greeted him Good Morning as a reply. "Gray why you doing this? " i ask "Doing what?" he ask me back "Why did you become surprisingly sweet?" I ask him with a confused face. "It is because I like you, no erase that, it is because I love you. When you came in to the guild you were so sweet and nice. You defended in times of defeat. You comfort me when I am sad and I get this weird feeling when you are not around and I Realize that I like you would you be mine?" p noted to him as a yes and sealed everything with a kiss so we went out hand in hand and the girls hug me tight and Gray was like "Can you not hug Juvia so tight you might hurt her. " Gray said protectively and he led me to the kitchen.

Lissana's POV

Mira was so happy and she keep on saying "ALL SHIPS SAILED". "Hey Minna since all of my ships have sailed we are going to party tonight." Mira announced happily "What about my shipment Mira they still are not together and that shipment is Miraxus" Lissana said with a sigh. "Well we did sail before you guys did!" Mira said happily and we celebrated the day with fun and excitement. "Hey guys I would like to give you the pictures when we were on our way her. You know you still are sweet with each other even if you are not together. The sweetest here is team Gruvia because the arm of Gray is on Juvia's shoulders and Juvia's head is on Gray's chest and the are holding each others hand well that is my gift for you guys. " Mira announced. "Hey Mira I also have a gift for you, both of you also looked so sweet." And Erza gave the picture in a picture frame.


I hope you enjoyed reading this if you have comments, suggestion, or reactions feel free to message me or comment it down below. Do not forget to vote and follow me for more short or maybe I would have a long story soon. Love lots to you people. So now you know that the something that Erza did was take a picture of Mira and Laxus. Sorry for the grammar and sorry if the names aren't spelled right it is actually because of auto correct and the chapters aren't edited either.

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