Mira's plan!!!

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Mira's plan is to make her ships sail. Which NALU already sailed which made her so happy. Her next plan is for JERZA to sail. "Hey guys what if we have movie night?" and they just nod which means yes. Me, happy and Lisanna placed all the single chairs in the boys room while the others are at the swimming pool. When everything was ready I called all of them and they came up and change. So they came in to the boys room and all the saw were chairs that could only have one person to sit in. "Sorry about the chairs guys. Two people needs to sit at one chair so please sit with your trip partner now. " so they did what I said but when the boys offered to stay on the floor I suddenly turned into my devil form so they just followed me order. Well that is what I get door being a devil. We watched a horror movie with out them knowing there was a hidden camera. The girls would hug the boys when there is a monster or a ghost since Gajeel is a big man Levy was sitting on top of him so he hugged Levy tightly so she wouldn't be that scared and Jellal was trying to calm Erza down because she could probably throw a sword at the TV any moment so so Jelly just hugged her which makes her calm and I notice that Gray and Julia finger were interwind. Awe my couples I mean soon to be couples are so sweet.

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