Picking up the pieces

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Dean POV

It feels like Sam is taking forever to get the first aid stuff. How could we- no not we, me how could I let this happen. I kicked her out because she's different from us then a damn demon tortured her.
"Ok I got it, how is she doing" Sam asks.
"She bad man, that demon knew what he was doing. Broken arm, sprained ankle, bruised ribs, cuts, stab wounds" I say walking to my room with Kenz in my arms.
Sam walking next to me with the medical stuff.
"Where should we start? The stab wounds and cuts" Sam asks.
"Yeah I think that will be a good place to start" I say.

Kenzie POV

I blink. Am I in Dean's room I can hear voices. It's Sam and Dean I'm so badly hurt it's because of Crowley and his demons.
"Guys" I ask looking around for them.
They both look over at me.
"Kenz it's ok your safe now. The demons can't get you here" Dean says putting his hand on my shoulder.
I start to shiver from the blood loss and all the injuries.
"I'm sorry, I should have told you guys about this" I say.
"Kenz this is not your fault. It's Crowley he did this" Sam says grabbing my hand.
"Sam's right. Ok we are going to fix this, you can come home" Dean says.
He helps me sit up leaning against the wall so Sam can start to look at the damage.
Dean fishes in his pocket and takes out my necklace that I put in Cas's trench coat. How did Dean get it? How did Cas even know to give it to them anyway.
"How did you get that" I ask looking at Dean.
"Friendly neighborhood nerd angel" Dean says.
"Damnit Cas" I say.
"If it makes you feel any better he didn't know what it was" Sam says shrugging his shoulders.
"Can I have it back" I ask Dean.
"Of course Kenzie" He says.
He gently puts my necklace around my neck a small smile on his lips.
"How did Crowley's demons find you anyway, I thought you warded yourself " Sam asks.
"Yeah so did I, but he must have been tailing me because he knew exactly where I was" I say trying not to breathe deeply.
I hold my breath to stop the pain in my ribs.
"Kenz you have to breathe I know your ribs are hurting but you need to breathe" Sam says gently.
I shake my head it's too painful to breathe.
"Kenzie please, we won't let anyone hurt you, ok we are right here Sam's right you need to breathe" Dean says grabbing my hand.
I hold his hand tighter and let the breath I was holding out through my nose.
"That's it" Sam whispers.
The concern all over his face.
"What else did Cas say"? I ask leaning my head back.
"That we needed to grow up" Sam says.
"And that you still care about us even though we were giant idiots" Dean says looking at me.
"I do care. I will always care about you guys, if you still want me outta here I will get lost as soon as I can walk on my own" I say staring at the ceiling.
"No! Damnit Kenzie no. I meant what I said you can come home and stay home this time" Dean says his voice raised.
I flinch not expecting the outburst I grab Sam's hand.
"Dean" Sam warns.
My eyes fill with tears I look away from Dean. I lock my eyes on the other Winchester as he fishes in the first aid kit, I wish I stayed unconscious.
"Kenz" Dean says his voice soft now.
I don't turn to him I don't want him to see me cry- not like this.
"Dean why don't you go get a shirt that she can wear" Sam says pointedly.
Dean sighs and leaves the room.
"It's ok Kenzie. What's going on, you and Dean used to be inseparable" Sam asks as he cleans my wounds.
I wince when he hits a sore spot.
"It's a conflict of interest Sammy. Dean's a hunter it's in his DNA, so I am something he would hunt. But a part of him knows it's me and he can't hurt me he's at war with himself" I say trying not to move while Sam works.
"You like him don't you" He asks quietly.
"Yeah Sammy I have for a while. But he doesn't feel the same way- He won't because I'm the type of thing John trained both of you to kill" I say closing my eyes.
"Kenz" He whispers.
"You know I'm right. Because you could have easily tracked me Sam I stayed 4 miles away from the bunker. But you didn't so don't lie to me" I whisper turning my head away from him.
"Your right" He says apologetically.
"I don't blame you Sam, that's why I kept it a secret. I didn't want this to happen you and Dean are my family" I say.
"We didn't know how to understand it. So we ran from it" He says.
"Look what that did Sam" I snap.
"I know" He says sadly.
He stiches the rest of my stab wounds and cuts in silence, Dean threw a shirt in and left without word. Sam sets my ankle and wraps it tight I can feel the throb. Then he left leaving me alone with my thoughts.
If I could go back and tell them fromthe beginning I would in a heartbeat. I swing my legs off the edge of the bed and hold my injured ankle above the ground and hop along the way to the garage where my car is.
"What are you doing" a voice asks.
I spin around to see a woman who I never seen before.
"Who are you" I demand trying to stand up taller.
"I'm Danny I'm with Dean we met at a bar last night" She says.
My heart twists in my chest.
"Oh" I say.
"Who the hell are you" She asks again.
"I was just leaving. If you see Dean tell him I'm going to souix falls South Dakota" I say.
Turning back around and hoping to my car I hobble over to the impala and put my phone on the hood and write on a piece of paper; Danny is a lucky woman who is damn lucky to have a great man like you Dean. Always follow your heart.

I sign it and hop to my car and drive out of the bunker...

Danny POV

She wasn't even that pretty anyway. Oh there's Dean.
"Hey baby" I say flashing a smile.
"Hey Dan how are you" He asks.
"Um the girl who was in the hall wanted you to know that she is going to Souix falls" I say shrugging my shoulders.
"What" Dean demands jumping up.
"She left. I don't even know who she is" I say.
He runs to the garage.

Dean POV

"Um the girl who was in the hall wanted you to know that she is going Souix Falls" Danny says.
"What" I ask jumping up.
"She left. I don't even know who she is" she says.
I take off towards the garage I take the stairs two at a time. Her car is gone- what's that? I walk to my car on the hood is Kenzie's phone and a note. I read it I can almost hear her voice as I read.
I run back inside and down the hall to Sam's room. I throw the door open.
"Dean what the hell man" Sam asks.
"This" I say handing him the note.
"I told you bringing that girl home was a bad idea" Sam says sternly.
"Well good for you. Danny says that she is going to Souix falls" I say.
"Well ok let's give her some space then" Sam says.
"What, she's injured Sam we gave her a generous dose of pain meds. She shouldn'tbe driving" I say crumpling and unfolding the note.
"She's a big girl Dean. Plus you have Danny to keep you company" Sam says pointedly.
"What is that supposed to mean Sam"? I ask crossingmy arms.
"Are you really that oblivious? Dean you are a grown man. I agree she shouldn't be driving I'll call Bobby he can meet her half way " He says.
"Oblivious to what Sam" I ask quietly.
"Why do think she gave her necklace to Cas and not you. Because after everything Dean she still cares about you. Cas said and I quote 'I don't know what she sees in you' Kenzie told me that she likes you" He snaps stepping in front of me.
My heart drops to the ground. I really messed up this time. She liked me back and what do I do bring another girl home.
"Oh my god" I choke.
"She left. Danny bumped into her in the hall- Danny!" I yell from the door.
"Yes Dean" she says walking over to Sam and I.
"The girl in the hall way what did you say to her" I ask.
"I asked her who she was and she said she was just leaving. She asked me who I was and that's it" Danny says.
"What did you say" Sam asks glancing over at me.
"I was with Dean" she says trying to look innocent.
That's why Kenzie left. Oh my god this is fantastic.
"Danny it's time for you to leave. We are done" I snap.
"What why because of the ugly thing who was in your room" she sneers.
Oh no she didn't.
"Get out of my home. Lose my number. No one I repeat No one calls my Kenzie ugly" I all but yell.
She starts smiling at me.
"What" I snap.
Suddenly her eyes turn black.
"She was much safer here then out there. Where Crowley can find her" she says.
"Sam take care of this I'm going to call Cas and go find my girl" I say shoving past the demon.
"Got it" Sam says.
I hear Sam exorcising the demon, I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Cas.
"Hello" He asks.
"It's Dean. I need your angelic assistance buddy" I say grabbing my keys and my gun.
I put the gun in my waist band, holding my phone with my shoulder.
"What kind of assistance Dean are you injured" He asks.
"No man I'm good. Can you tell me where Kenzie is" I ask.
Jogging to my car.
"Dean I'm not supposed to tell you where she is remember" He says apologetically.
"She showed up beaten and broken now she's all dosed up on meds and driving somewhere. I need to find my girl Cas" I say reving the engine.
Sam jumps in the front seat, we speed out of the garage.
"She's war- no she's not far from the bunker her car is stationary from what I can tell" He says.
My heart starts racing.
"Ok thanks man" I say.
I hang up and stand on the gas pedal, I will find her..

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