Finding Dean..

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Sam and I are driving up the road I pull out my phone and dial Dean's number.
" You've reached Dean's other other cell so you must know what to do" beep.
"Dean it's Kenzie.. again where are you call me or Sam ok bye" I end the call.
"Don't worry Dean's a big boy there isn't much that can take him down" Sam says.
"What if Cas found him" I ask looking at Sam.
"Dean carries an angel blade. But we are going to find him" Sam says pulling out his own cell phone to call his brother.
"Dean awnser your phone man" Sam says putting his phone away.
We drive in silence.
I grab Sam's laptop off the back seat and open it.
"What are you doing" Sam asks glancing over at me.
"Maybe I can track his phones GPS. Get an exact location" I say hopeful shrugging my shoulders.
"Good idea" Sam says nodding.
I go onto the cell carrier that Dean is with and type in his info. His password hasn't been changed since I set it up last year. I hit the track button, it's loading.
" Ok here we go. What-" I ask looking at the screen.
"What Kenz where is he" Sam asks.
"Accordingto this he's at the bunker. But we just came from there" I say confused.
"I can't believe I'm about to do this. Kenzie I'm sorry" Sam says.
"Sorry Sam why are you sorry" I ask worried by the younger Winchester.
"This" Sam says.
He smashed my head off the dashboard with enough force to knock me out.

Sam's POV

Carefully I lay Kenzie back on the seat Dean would lose his mind if he saw what I just did. I needed to get help and I can't have Kenzie in danger too.
I pull the car over and get out, and start working. I gather all the ingredients and put them in a bowl then drop a match in.


" Hello moose".
"Crowley" I say evenly.
"Who sommons anymore. Just call me next time " He says coyly.
"Crowley I don't care about you. I just want to know where my brother is and if the god squad got him" I say crossing my arms.
"Moose moose, dose this have anything to do with the unconscious Kenzie you are hiding in your car" He says.
I tense a little bit.
"Do you know where Dean is or not"? I snap.
" Castiel found him from what my spies tell me, as to where he is I have no bloody clue" Crowley says.
"Cas isn't exactly acting like Cas right now" I say shaking my head.
"I noticed. The winged creature is causing me prime souls for hell" Crowley says throwing his hands up.
"Where did they go Crowley " I ask.
"No. Why don't you ask him yourself Moose" Crowley says.
And with that he's gone.
" DAMNIT" I yell.
I take a deep breath and lean on the edge of the car. I look up at sky, I close my eyes and pray.
" Castiel it's Sam if you are with Dean can you please bring him back" I pray.

*wings flutter*

" Hello Sam" Cas says.
I jump a little, I stand up at stare at my friend barely recognizing the man in front of me.
"Why did you pray for me Sam" He asks in a low voice.
"It's Dean he's missing. Do you know where he is" I ask watching his reaction.
"I found Dean yes" He says.
"Great where is he" I ask.
"He is with the impala at grocery store where I left him" He says crypticly.
"Then why is his phone at the bunker, he took it with him" I say.
"I had to speak with Dean with out distraction" He says.
"Fine" I say.
"If that's all you require I have to be back in heaven" He says.
He stares at me for a few seconds.
"I'm sorry Sam" He whispers.
I almost didn't hear him. Before I can ask him about it he's gone. At least we know where Dean is. I get settled behind the wheel and pull out onto the road and drive to the store.

I pull into the parking lot, there's the impala and Dean in the front seat leaning to one side. I rush to the door and pull it open.
"Dean can you hear me. Dean" I say shaking his shoulder.

Dean POV

Someone is calling for me but it seems so far away. I blink Sam is kneeling in front of me. Sam ? What is he doing here.
"Sam" I ask looking at my little brother.
" Yeah Dean it's me. You ok" He asks.
"Yeah I'm good Cas did his angel comatose thing" I say still kinda groggy.
"You'vebeen gone for a while. Kenzie and I came looking for you" He says.
My heart flutters at the mention of Kenzie. I look around where is she?
"Where's Kenz you said you both came looking for me" I ask, letting him pull me to my feet.
"She- uh she's unconscious right now but she's fine" He says quickly.
"What the hell happened" I demand staring at my brother.
"Well it's hard to explain" Sam says.
"Well we have you have the whole drive home to explain. Get in the car." I snap walking to the other car.
Sam wasn't lying in the front seat it's Kenzie unconscious with a bruise starting to flower on her forehead. What did he do ? I open the door and gently lift her intomy arms. I carry her to the impala and carefully lay her down in the back seat. I silently get in the front seat.
"There better be a good explanation for this Sam" I say ad I get back on the road.
He nods.

Kenzie POV

The smell of leather and blood pull me out of unconsciousness, I'm in the impala we must have found Dean. I hear the brothers bickering in the front seat. My name is being thrown in a few times, Sam knocked me out- my head is aching I'm a little dizzy. They continue to argue just like old times eh boys, after a few more minutes of bickering the impala falls silent. I know this type of silence, it's the scary one where the brothers won't talk for a long time. This is just great I mentally groan.

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