Fixed up

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I just realized that I told Dean I was in my motel room, but I'm in my car.

I have to open this door come Kenzie you are strong.

I grab my door handle and use my remaining strength to push the car door open. I collapse on the ground just the Winchesters are walking or rather jogging to my room. For half a second they both stop, then rush forward to help.
"Oh my god" Sam gasps.
"Hey Sammy" I say flashing a weak smile.
"Kenz" Dean says kneeling down next to me.
Sam lifts up my shirt to see how bad the wound is, his face paled his eyes grew wide.
"Kenzie this is really bad what happened" Dean asks.
I shake my head not giving him an awnser, I stare at them with wide eyes.
"Ok let's get you fixed up shall we" Dean says picking me up off the ground.
Sam shuts my car door and grabs my stuff out of the back seat. Dean carries me into the motel room Sam shuts the door behind us. Dean puts me down on the motel bed.
"What the hell happened" Dean asks gathering all the first aid stuff.
"Stabbed" I gasp.
"Well we can see that" Sam says.
"Who stabbed you" Dean says sitting down next to me.
I sit up straight in the bed I have to leave I can't be here.

I can't be here. He's going to kill me.

"Hey easy. Where you going" Sam asks putting a hand on my shoulder.
"I have to go I can't be here. I need to go." I say
I swing my legs off the edge of the bed and brush Sam's hand off my shoulder.
"You are in no condition to go anywhere" Dean says sternly.
I push Sam out of the way with weak hands,

He's going to kill me I didn't listen

I pull my shirt back down over the gaping hole in my side, I hiss from the pain but I keep moving.
"You don't get to walk out on us again Kenzie"! Dean says reaching for my arm.
"I can't stay here Dean it's too dangerous for you and Sam ok I'm trying to keep you safe" I snap reaching for the door handle.
The pain burning from the inside out I swipe at the tears that keep falling.
"What do you mean keeping us safe, safe from what" Sam demands.
"I didn't listen" I whisper leaning against the door.
"Listen to what" Dean asks.
"He's going to kill me" I whisper turning to face them.
The shock is visible on their faces.
"Ok. Bottom line no is going to kill you" Sam says sternly.
"Let's get you home we are an hour away the bunker, we have better med stuff there" Dean says walking over and picking me up.
He holds me while keeping pressure on the stab wound. Sam grabs our gear and we go outside to the impala.
"Sam you drive, I'll keep Kenz from bleeding out until we get home" Dean says carefully helping me into the back of the impala.
"Ok. Maybe we should call Cas" Sam suggests.
My blood runs cold.
"No please don't call him. Sammy please don't call him" I say frantically shaking my head.
"Kenzie, ok I won't call him Dean and I will get you fixed up" Sam says.
Dean nods pressing the towel tighter to my side.
Sam is speeding down the road probably over the speed limit. Knowing the Winchesters it's over the speed limit. My eye lids start to get heavy I'm losing a lot of blood I try to focus on Dean.
"You stay with us. You hear me Kenz you are not leaving again" Dean says shaking my shoulder.
"Dean I'm tired" I say blinking slowly.
"Drive faster Sam" Dean says.
I'm drifting between awake and passed out Dean keeps talkingto me but I'm having a hard time focusing.
"Kenz you gotta tell us who did this" Sam says from the front seat.
"My fault...I didn't listen I'm sorry" I say.
I pass out.

Dean POV

" Sam you drive, I'll keep Kenz from bleeding out until we get home" I say carefully helping Kenz into the impala. Who stabbed her ?
"Maybe we should call Cas " Sam suggests.
" No please don't call him. Sammy please don't call him" Kenzie says frantically shaking her head.
Sam shoots me a look, I shake my head.
"Kenzie, ok I won't call him Dean and I will get you fixed up" Sam says.
I press the towel tighter to her side Sam pulls out of the parking lot and out onto the highway. We finally have Kenzie back and now she's stabbed and bleeding in my car. Her eye lids start closing.
"You stay with us. You hear me Kenz you are not leaving again " I say shaking her shoulder.
"Dean I'm tired" She says blinking slowly.
I start to panic a little putting more pressure on the stab wound.
"Drive faster Sam" I say.
Pressing the towel tighter to her side.
"Ow" she whimpers.
"There's our girl" I say flashing a smile.
"I can't even pass out in peace can I"? She asks.
I chuckle.
"No you stay with us" I say again.
My heart is beating so fast right now Sam presses the accelerator down even more if that is at all possible.

Kenzie POV

" I can't even pass out in peace can I" I ask looking at Dean.
" No you stay with us" He says.
My eyes close...

Dean's POV

"Crap. Sam man tell me we are almost there" I ask looking at my brother.
"Five minutes Dean" He replys.

At the bunker.

Sam slams on the brakes and runs around to help get Kenz out of the back seat.
"Dean I know we said we wouldn't call Cas but she's gonna die if we don't" Sam says.
"Ok ok call him" I snap.
"Castiel it's Sam we have a problem can you come to the bunker" Sam says aloud.
*wings flutter *
"Hello Sam, Dean what is the problem" He says.
"It's Kenzie, she was stabbed you need to heal her" I say trying to keep my voice from breaking.
"Of course always happy to help the Winchesters" He says.
He heals my girl.
"Thanks Cas" I say.
There is a coldness about the way Cas is acting.
"Cas buddy you alright" I ask.
He nods and zaps out of the room.

Kenzie POV

My eyes snap open, I am in the bunker? Why don't I feel the burning pain in my side? They freaking called Cas I'll kill those Winchesters. I sit up and swing my legs off the edge of the bed and walk out of the room.
"Sam Dean" I yell through the halls.
"In the library" Sam calls back.
I stalk to the library.
"What the hell. I told you not to calm Cas" I snap at them.
They stare for a few minutes, then Dean stands up.
"We know that. But you were dying and I will not have your blood on my hands damnit Kenzie I can't lose you" He says.
"Boys we need to talk" I say pulling out a chair to sit down..

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