Calm before the Storm..

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I just made a deal with the king of hell.
" No way in, well hell am I kissing you" I say.
"Too bad" He says pouting.
I cut my wrist and fill a bottle with my blood.
" Ok here. My blood for my powers" I say handing over the bottle.
"As promised" He says snapping his fingers.
I feel a thousand times better I know I have all my powers back.
"You are free to go Crowley" I say scratching the spray paint devils trap on the floor.
"Pleasure doing business with you" He says with that he's gone.
I sit down on the cement floor and wrap gauze around my wrist. I wonder what he meant; touched by heaven and hell your blood is extremely rare.
Crowley is nothing if not cryptic.
" Kenzie you still down here" Dean calls.
"Yeah just checking some stuff be there in a few minutes" I call.
I have to put my psychic walls back up to keep his thoughts out of my head like before I lost my powers.
I accidentally knock over the glass jar of yarrow.
"Damnit" I curse.
"Kenz you ok " Dean asks coming to the door.
" Yes Dean I knocked over some stuff no big deal " I say quickly putting his knife in my back pocket it's still bloody.
"The glass didn't cut you did it" He asks squinting in the dim light.
"Nope I'm good" I say.

D- why does it smell like yarrow and what's with the devils trap? That wasn't there before.

His thoughts crash into my head.
"I was practicing painting a devils trap I stepped back to look at it better and knocked the yarrow of the shelf" I say without thinking.
"What" Dean asks confused.
" I thought you would like to know why I was down here that's all" I say flashing a smile.

D- then why did she need my pocket knife ? And there is a steel devils trap on the floor in the next room.

I cringe slightly.
" There is. That would have been nice to know" I say again without thinking.
" Kenz your not making any sense are you sure you're ok"? Dean asks putting a hand on my shoulder. His eyes locked on mine, Kenzie say something. I snap out of my trance.
"I'm back. So let's get to some angelic 20 questions" I say walking past Dean.
" What do you mean "your back" exactly" Dean asks following me back to the library.
" What do you think it means Dean. We needed to know what is going on with Cas. I can do that" I say turning away from his stare.
" You weren't practicing the demon trap were you"? He asks.
" No I wasn't" I whisper.
"Please tell me this isn't what I think it is " Dean asks his voice filled with anger.
" I didn't sell my soul if that's what you are asking" I say.
"Oh thank god" Dean says.
"I did make a deal with Crowley. Just not a sell my soul deal" I say.
He stares at me for a long time.
"What kind of deal" Dean asks.
"I have my powers back so we can figure out what's going on with Cas" I say.
" I thought lucifur took them when you got in his mind to save Sam" Dean asks.
" Yeah so did I. But apparently we were wrong" I say.
With my back still to him.
"Who had them, if lucifur didn't have them" He asks in a low voice.
That sends a chill down my spine.
"Crowley" I say.

D- oh my god. That bastard. What is she thinking. We can't trust Crowley.

His thoughts crash into my head like a bag of bricks.
"I know we can't trust him. Dean trust me. Trust that I know what I am doing" I say turning to face him.
"Your back" Dean asks looking at me.
I nod not trusting my own voice to sound like the original Kenzie. The truth is I am scared that Sam won't come home.
"Let's get Cas back then we can deal with Sam. I pray to Castiel to get his feathery ass down here" Dean says.

*wings flutter *

It's Cas. I kinda hide behind Dean out of pure fear.
"Why did you pray for me Dean" He snaps.

D- now Kenzie before he figures it out.!

I walk up to him, and reach up and put my hands on the sides of his face. I make the connection between the two of us.
"Let me in Cas I'm going to fix this" I mutter.
I feel a snap and I'm in his head.
I walk around he is locked in here somewhere.
" Cas" I yell into the mist.
I get nothing but silence as my voice echos.
I keep walking around I gotta save my favorite angel in trench coat. Goose bumps crawl up my arms, I start to shiver.
"What are you doing here" a voice asks harshly.
I spin around to see a woman standing in the mist.
"I could ask you the same thing" I snap reaching for my gun, only to find its not in my waist band.
" I am Naomi. I'm an angel" She says blinking slowly.
"I'm a friend of Cas's. So you kindly get the hell out of his head" I snap.
Suddenly she's in my face a murderous look in her eyes.
"You really think you can take on an angel of the Lord girl" she demands.
"I toke down the devil. So yeah I know that I handle you" I say flashing a grin at the angel.
I raise my hands and concentrate on pulling the grace from her body. I watch the blue energy as I drain it out of her.
"Listen to me if you ever come near Cas ever again I will find you and I will kill you" I say pulling the last of her grace out and letting it fade away.
She drops to the ground then just fades away. I feel another snap.
I open my eyes I'm back in the middle of the observatory holding Cas's face in my hands.
" Cas" I whisper.
"Hello Kenz" He whispers.
Suddenly throwing his arms around me, I hug him back.
"It's ok Cassie I got you" I whisper.
"Good to have you back man" Dean says warmly to Cas.
He steps back and looks me dead in the eyes.
"What did I do" He asks worried.
I glance at Dean he doesn't know what to say either.
"Nothing that can't be forgiven" I say flashing a smile at my little angel.
He nods.
"Where is Sam" He asks looking around.
"Cas we need to talk" Dean says.
"What has happened" He asks.
"It's a long story" I sigh.

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