What have I done..?

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We all sit down in the library Cas is watching us with a dear in headlights look on his face.
"It wasn't you Cas you didn't do anything" Dean says.
" Dean's right Cas it wasn't really you. We don't blame you for what happened ok" I say flashing a smile to the angel.
"Where is Sam" He asks again.
"That's the other thing Sam and I got into a big fight and he left the bunker. We don't know where he went or if he's ever coming home" Dean says looking away to hide the raw emotion.
"I have my powers back so we can go find him. I can lay some mojo on him and convince him to come home"? I ask.
"Kenz I don't want you to over do it" Dean says looking at me now.
"Dean I'll be fine. This is nothing compared to Lucifur" I say flashing a grin at the older Winchester.
" Ok let's go get my brother" Dean says standing up.
We pack up and leave the bunker in the impala. Just like old times eh boys, except for the fact we are one man short and it may be tricky to find him. I'm riding shotgun next to Dean, his eyes glued to the road I look back at the angel in the back seat he looks troubled, I can't blame him after what he went through anyone would be troubled.
"Don't worry Dean we are going to find him" I say trying to sound positive.
"I know that Kenz I do. But I hate not knowing if he's ok" Dean says quietly his knuckles turning white on the wheel.
Cas sits up and leans on the seat next to my shoulder.
"Can you connect with Sam if you were close enough to him" He asks.
I think about it , maybe I could but that would be draining and I might need my strength to get into Sam's head to fix this.
"Yeah if we are anywhere near him I should be able to connect with him" I say glancing between them.
"Do you have the juice to manage that" Dean asks looking at me.
"Yes Dean I do" I lie.
"Ok let's do it" He says.
I nod and lean back in the seat and close my eyes and reach out beyond the car trying to find Sam's energy. Ok I think I got him, Snap. I open my eyes and I'm in Sam's head it's the same as it was when Lucifur was wearing Sam. I start to shiver a lot.
"Sammy" I yell.
No answer just a eerie quiet. He has to be here somewhere, please be here.
"Kenzie" a voice asks.
I spin around to see Sam thank God.
"Sammy" I say flashing a smile.
"What the hell. Are you in my head right now" He demands.
"Yes. I made a deal with Crowley- long story for another day I'm here to tell Dean is looking for you with my body and Cas the real Cas we fixed him you can come home" I say frantically feeling the cold crawling up my spine.
"You made a deal with Crowley"? He asks leaning forward.
"That's not important. I can't hold this connection for much longer call Dean, Sammy come home"


I open my eyes I'm back in the impalaI'm trying to calm down after snapping out of Sam's mind.
"Kenz you with us" Dean asks looking at me.
He must have pulled over because Dean is turned all the way around to face me. I can't even put words together yet. I forgot about how long it takes to takes to recharge. I start to shiver a like when I was in Cas's mind.
"Cas what's wrong with her" Dean asks looking at Cas.
" I suspect that it is the difference in the distance between us and Sam. When she connected with me she was standing right in front of me. Sam on the other hand is at a much greater distance from us. So it requires more power to make the connection" Cas says.
"So what's that mean" Dean asks.
"I don't think Kenzie was at full power back at the bunker much less than right now" Cas says.
"You said you were at full power" Dean says his voice soft.
I lean forward to help myself calm down and as if on cue Dean's phone starts ringing.
"Hello" Dean asks.
"Hey Sammy, I was an idiot. Yeah she made a deal with Crowley, it's not a that kind of deal. She has her mojo back" Dean says.
" That's great news. Ok I will see you at the bunker - Cas's is back to normal" Dean says hanging up the phone.
I push the car door open to get some fresh air, Dean gets out of the drivers side and walks over to my side of the car. He kneels down in front of me.
"I don'tknow what you said to Sam but it worked he is going home right now, but I'm don't care about that now. I want to know if you are ok" Dean asks looking at me.
"C-cold " I stutter.
Another wave of shivers washing over me.
"Is that normal it never happened before. before Lucifur anyway" Dean says.
"Recharge" I stutter.
" How do you do that" Dean asks looking at me.
"I-I don't know " I say.
"I can try to figure out what's wrong with her" Cas says leaning towards me.
He touches two fingers to my head.
I feel his grace flowing between us, mixing with something then going back to Cas. I don't know what'swrong with me it's scary.
His hand drops away from my head. He has a expression of shock on his face.
"I know what's wrong with her " He says apologetically.
"Well come on out with it" Dean demands of the angel.
" She's half angel and half Demon. I can't believe I didn't notice before. But it is Crowley. This is a new one, even for him" He says as if he was carrying out another conversation with someone else.
"Has she always been this way " Dean asks his voice choked.
" Yes Dean she has always been this way. Just dormant for the majority of her life"
Cas says in his monotone voice.
Dean stands up and turns away from me.
"Dean it's Kenzie the girl who hunted with you since we were kids. You know me" I say using the door to stand up.
"How long have you known about this" Dean demands.
"For a while. When you and Sam were dealing with yellow eyes, that's when I figured it out" I say.
"Oh my god that was 6 years ago Kenzie! Why didn't you say anything about this " Dean snaps.
"Oh my god does Bobby know " He snaps stepping back.
" No my dad kept it a secret until he died. Dean please don't do this" I beg reaching out to him.
" Don't. I can't believe that I didn't kill you when yellow eyes told me that you were just like Jake " He yells.
"Dean" Cas snaps stepping into the argument.
I'm close to tears.
"You know me Dean it's Kenzie" I say quietly.
"I never knew you. I can't even look at you right now" He snaps.
" Dean this isn't necessary" Cas snaps his eyes almost glowing.
"Cas stay out of it. We are done" Dean says.
"I want you to leave the bunker" He says.
I'm crying now.
"If that's what you want Dean " I say my voice shaking for a different reason this time.
"It's what I want. Just leave Cas take her to the bunker to get her stuff and then make sure she leaves for good and ward the bunker against whatever she is" Dean asks looking at Cas.
" Dean you can't be serious" Cas asks.
"Deadly serious" Dean says.
"It's ok Cassie I'm used to being on my own" I say to Cas.
" Ok" He says.
We zap back to the bunker but unfortunately I can hear Sam in the library. I tell Cas to wait there until I get back. I walk into the library.
" Kenzie" Sam says smiling at me.
"Hey Sammy glad you're home. This is might be the last time I see you" I say trying to get through the process without crying.
" What why what's going on" He demands.
I walk over to him and give him a hug.
" Take care of Dean for me. Take care of yourself Sammy. Kill Dick Roman do me a favor don't get killed" I say.
I step back and look at him for the last time.
" Kick it in the ass" I say flashing a smile at the younger Winchester.
I walk to where I left Cas I can hear Sam crying in the library.
"Ok we can go now" I whisper.
He teleports us away from the bunker to exactly where I don't know. Cas is close to tears his lower lip quivering.
" Don't cry little angel I'm a survivor. Just do what you have to " I say flashing a smile to the angel.
He touches my head with two fingers probably erasing the bunkers location from my mind. His hand drops to his side.
I reach up and adjust his tie blinking the tears back.
"Keep them safe for me" I ask looking at him.
he simply nods.
With that he's gone.
I smile and laugh quietly we had good times eh boys. I walk down the dusty road, I'm alone again. I walk into the night humming Carry on my wayward son...

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