Chapter 11 - Revisiting

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Hello lovely readers! Long time no see! I'm so sorry about that, life can get extraordinarily busy and I realised that I left the last chapter is some what of a cliff hanger. But don't I'm starting to write again hopefully. Anyway without further a due, here is chapter 11, unedited. Enjoy!
"No, stop it," she giggled as the young man embraced her from behind.

She looked up to him smiling, while she cradled her pregnant belly. "Those are the cheesiest jokes I've ever heard. Where do you come up with them?"

The man smiled back and laced his fingers with hers. Though his smile was more mischievous than friendly.

"Well my love, it comes from this wonderful thing," he tapped his head, "called a brain."

She gave a dramatic roll of her eyes. "Alright Mr know it all, turn and face the camera, we have a portrait to be made." She kissed his smiling lips, "now remember, try not to smile or your cheeks might just stay that way from keeping it. The camera takes a while until it snaps the picture."

The man kisses the side of his beautiful wife's head before uttering, "Yes dear, but don't beat me if you find I stay smiling. It's impossible not to when I'm in your presence."

She gave a long drawn out sigh before replying, "I hope people don't actually think I beat you. Considering the amount of times you utter it in public."

He gave a hearty laugh, "never will I let that happen. Now face the camera and try not to smile."

Her smile only grew as she looked up to her amazing husband. The next thing she knew she had heard the click of the camera.

"I love you, my dear husband." She kissed his lips and his embrace tightened around her slightly.

"And I, you, my darling angel."
"Ahh!" She was covered in sweat and her heart was racing a million times a minute.

It was only a dream. Something her mind had conjured up, it was all fake. Though, her soul clasped to it, as if it was a necessity to her very being.

She was chilled to the bone, her breathes coming out in short white puffs. Why was it so cold? Her confused mind tried to make out where she was. The walls were draped in thick Burgoyne curtains and seem to be doing a shitty job at keeping the heat in.
She squinted her eyes and looked around some more. She definitely was not on the hard stone cold floor she fainted on. Instead she was placed on a feather soft, four post, king sized bed.

How long had she been out for?

"Waverly!" Emrys tumbled through the door, his face contorted in fright. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" He sat on the edge of the bed, taking her chin within his big, strong hands.

She leaned into his familiar touch, sighing a reply, "I'm fine Emrys, just a little fainting spell."

"Angel, that wasn't just an average faint," he brushed her check with his calloused thumb, as she scrunched her nose in confusion. "You were out for two days."

"Two days," she whispered to herself, "how is that possible, I was just dreaming and...and well it didn't seem that long at all." She shook her head baffled, was it really just a dream?

Emrys also shook his head in disbelief. "You don't dream when you faint," he stood up, his face crunched in concentration. "It had to be something else, something important."

Waverly rolled her eyes, he was always one for the dramatics.

"What did you say?" Emrys turned to her, a little shocked.

"What, I didn't say anything, I just rolled my eyes and didn't think you'd be able to se-"

"No," he stopped his pacing and sat down next to her, "you said I was always one for dramatics. I'm sorry to break it to you but we've barely been together that long for you to have figured that out. And I don't mean to brag but it even took my mother a long time to realise that  I can be a little bit dramatic sometimes. As you can probably see, I have a stony exterior, not much of anything gets passed it." His bravo was amusing to Waverly.

She snickered and spoke, "sure so stony." She cracked a teasing smile and gave his cheek a gentle pat.

He feigned a horrified gasp, "are you saying I don't have a hard exterior?"

"I'm saying that under all that "hard exterior", there is actually a deeply feeling man that cares about everyone and everything that is close to him." She sighed the words out like an overly used phrase. It even surprised her a bit.

Whatever experience she had, had seemed to have an adverse effect in her own personality. What the hell was going on?

But apparently nothing worth mentioning, because Emrys just seemed to laugh it off, pointing out that maybe she was just in a fact still dazed from her fall. However she couldn't help feeling that it wasn't that what so ever. Something grand had changed within her and she could feel it bubbling up to the surface of you clammy skin.

That is when she fainted again...

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