Dirty cheaters

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Phils POV. (This idea came from a really good phan fic called Wonderboy 2 by ChilEnjoysPhan )
We're going to the forest for a school field trip, absolute nonsense, there will be no water, electronics, nothing. The most luxurious thing we'll have is the cabin that four people are staying in each, then there is one big common room. Everything else is Only nature. The bus for the forest just pulled up, Dan and I put our suitcases underneath then we sat at the very back of the bus together, once everyone was doing stuff like idiotic bus songs or talking amongst themselves, we started kissing. Actually we were just kissing for quite a long time, until the bus stopped for a pee break. Once everyone piled back in on the bus Dan fell asleep on my shoulder. I laid my head on top of his and fell asleep as well.

We just arrived, everyone was trying their best to get out of the bus we were all just stuck in for 4 hours. Our teacher had us all get into one big group to hand out the cabin number, colour and roommates.
"Abby Renels!" She grabbed her list and smiled,
"Phil Lester!" I took mine and showed Dan,
"Ok, so Cabin 5, Grey, You, Chris Kendall, and Charlie Skies. Hey at least we're together."
"Yeah and I don't think Chris or Charlie are that bad so it should be fun." I kissed him shortly but sweetly,
"Dan Howell!" She handed Dan his list but there was no need to check.

-----Night #1-----

The others just went for a night jog, I don't jog or come close to running. Luckily neither does Dan so I was sitting in the common room with a book while Dan 'Freshened Up' which I have no clue what that means so when I saw him come in the common room in only boxers I smiled,
"So this is what we're doing while they're getting exercise?" I stood up and looked at him, he looked slightly embrassed but I just found it cute.
"I'm pretty sure this is good enough exercise." He jumped on me his legs going around my hips. We started making out. I walked out of the cabin dans legs still wrapped around me. I opened the door and saw Chris Kendall and Lillian Rose having sex. I dropped Dan and shut the door,
"Well now what are we going to do?"
"Wait, isn't Chris with PJ?" I opened back up the door and it seemed they must have heard us slam the door as Lily was closing her bra. "Lily leave." She pulled on her shirt and shorts and sassily walked out.
"Are you not dating PJ Liguori?" Dan asked him,
"W-well yeah but-"
"Not buts, you just fucked up bad. We won't tell him but I hope you will. Now please get out of this cabin."
"Why? Wait why are you nearly naked?" He said pointing at Dan.
"Just get out." He stood, pulled on jeans and a t shirt then left leaving dan and I alone.

-----Day #1-----

As far as I can tell PJ doesn't know. The way that they're making out doesn't give a sign of 'I just screwed another girl.'
"Well looks like Chris isn't going to tell him."
"Well I hope they work that out." Dan took a bite of his carrot. "The food sucks here." He didn't seemed to bothered by the whole Chris / PJ thing.
"What an asshole."
"Phil, you can't real-"
"I tried telling you when I saw you. Also I didn't fucking have sex with that shithead. Should I tell PJ? Maybe not, I'd seem rude."
"I would want to know."


Dan is currently in bed trying to soothe a bad headache. I left to the common room to get him some ice when I bumped I got someone I've been dying to see,
"PJ right?" He filled a cup with ice,
"Yeah, and you're Phil."
"That I am. Has Chris told you?"
"Told me what?"
"I really really hate doing this. Dan and I saw Chris in bed with Lillian Rose." I got quieter as the sentence dragged on,
"Are you being completely honest?"
"Thank you Phil. I'll be sure to return the favour."
"It's no problem." He walked away muttering 'Dirty Cheater' under his breath. I walked out into the bitter cold then made the short walk to our cabin. I opened the door and even before I got in I could hear PJ screaming at Chris. I entered grabbing a now very angry and pained Dan. I helped him into the common room and gave him the ice pack. He lied back on one of the sofas while cursing under his breath. I brushed his hair away from his face and kissed his forehead. "Want a blanket love?"
"No thank you I'm really hot."
"I'm sorry baby."
"It's not your fault Chris is a jerk. Someone had to tell PJ, otherwise he would have gone through life not knowing that his boyfriends a dirty Cheater. I mean if you cheat, you come clean, and you apologize then you should be trusted assuming it was only a one time thing. But bang someone, not tell the person your dating, and not apologize? Filthy."
"How do you know Chris didn't apologize?"
"He was defending himself before you came in." This entire conversation is making me guilty.
"Can we stop talking about this?"
"Don't feel guilty." He grabbed my face softly and kissed me lightly.

I'm hearing things // phanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ