Chapter 2: Confrontation

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BAM! I walked right into a body... more like a wall. God, it hurts.

"Im so sor-" I stopped mid-sentence when I looked up and found out who I bumped into.

Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!! It's him! Could this day get any worse?! Don't worry, I reassured myself mentally. I'm still good. He wont recognize me, right?

No wonder I didn't fall on my ass when I bumped into him. He caught my wrist. My left wrist, which he was now staring at. I was confused at first but then it all clicked. He's not just staring at my wrist, he was staring at the tattoo we both got this summer. It's a picture of half a heart on fire with his initials on it, LX for Logan Xinklair. He got the same one except with my intials on it. I can't believe I was dumb enough to forget about that. I cursed my own stupidity.

"Meig?" He wasn't looking at my wirst anymore, he was lookin at my face. Disbelief was written all over his. BUSTED!

I know. I'll just deny it. Oh, who am I kidding? The proof is tattooed on my wrist. I don't care if running is an act of cowardice. Its the only safe path and the only idea I can think of right now. I dont work well under pressure! Cowardly path it is - RUN!

I got my hand out of Logan's vice grip on it and ran away. I quickly told the gym teacher the usual "Im-too-sick-to-participate-in-gym-today" excuse. I looked back and Logan was still in the exact same spot that I had left him in.

I quickly changed out of my gym strip and went to my locker to get my bag. I'm going home and I wont be coming back for the rest of the day. Maybe I should transfer? Out of the question. I dashed through the halls and out to the foyer. I stopped in my tracks when loud, squeaky voice yelled out my name.


Right! I forgot that Zera had a spare block, which means she was hanging out here in the foyer. I walked over to her with the intent to just say hi, but with Zeraphina, a supposedly simple conversation can go on for hours.

"Uh, hey Zera." I forced a smile her way.

"So, watcha doin' out here and not in class-gasp-don't tell me you ditched?!" Her eyes were full of amusement, which is the complete opposite of what I am feeling right now.

"Listen, Zera, I don't have time to chat right now I got to go. Just text me later if you want me to pick you up." Did I forgot to mention that I'm living at her house since my parents followed my perfect older sister when she moved to Vancouver for college and I didn't really want to transfer out of the school where all of my best friends are. So I convinced them to let me stay with Zera and her family. That way they can get rid of me earlier and still keep track of me. Its like killing birds with one stone.

I headed for the office to sign out but  was stopped by somebody calling out my name again.

"Meig." It was by a familiar voice I only knew too well.

Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!!! He had his hand on my shoulder. His touch still sent tingles down my spine. I froze right there, in the middle of the foyer, his hand on my shoulder and Zera looking at us with a glint of amusement on her face. She must think that all of this is really funny. Well, its not! I am very much scared like heck. I know exaclty how scary Logan can be when he is angry. Especially since I was the one who walked away from him and left him back in Ontario without telling him. EEEP!!

"TURN AROUND." I flinched at how cold he sounded.

He squeezed my shoulder harder when I didn't move. Turning my body to face him, I kept my eyes closed. I took a peek with one eye and saw that he was really pissed. I would be pissed too if I found out that the person I was going out with was a complete liar. Wait, that sounds exactly like me. Ooops.

I opened both of my eyes. They are green now that I got rid of my contacts and wore my glasses. I can clearly see the disbelief written all over his face when he saw mine.

"But, how?" He touched the side of my cheek and and played with my hair.

"Uummm.. Tadah?!" I spread out my arms like a magician showing off his trick.

If he looked pissed earlier, now it's murderous. Looks like he didn't like my trick. I looked at Zera with my eyes begging for help. She stepped in between me and the scary looking Logan.

"Okay! Before you go and kill my bestfriend in the middle of the foyer with a huge audience-," I looked around the foyer and there were some kids looking over in our direction. "Hey wait!!"

Logan was dragging me off to who knows where, probably because of how much he hates having an audience. It's kind of hard for him not to have an audience considering he looks like a flippin' Greek God.

Zera grabbed me back with my left arm since Logan was dragging me away with my right. He stopped walking and looked behind him, or more specifically, at Zera with a glare that clearel said "let go."

" You can't just drag her off like that! So can I please have my friend back?" Zera yanked me towards her.

"I have to talk to her." Logan pulled me back.

"well you can't." She pulled me back again.

Feeling like a damn chew toy being fought over by two stubborn dogs, I got pissed.

"Dammit, this is not a tug-o-war!" I tried to shake them off but they just wouldn't let go. Figures, they're both stubborn.

"Let her go, she's my bestfriend." Zera said clearly stating her higher dominance of me.

"She's my girlfriend!" he yelled back.

Zera stopped pulling me towards her, taken aback by the sudden revelation. With a final pull, I smack against his rock hard abs with an "Oomph!"



Its me again!!! Im so proud of myself and my friend Sarah for posting this thingy-majieg!! HEHEHEEE





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