Chapter Sixteen - Aubrey

Start from the beginning

"Look, it doesn't matter. You don't need to worry about it. I should probably go." He mumbled and I could hear some people talking in the background.

"Okay," I drawled, "now I am worried. What is going on? Should I meet you somewhere or," I started to say but Shay cut me off.

"Aubrey, just stay out of it, I don't need your help. I need you to stay home and be safe so that you can be one less thing I have to take care of right now." Shay snapped.

"Excuse me? I don't need you to take care of me Shay. I was doing just fine before I met you. Also, going to a party isn't going to be some super dangerous feet." I exclaimed.

"Just stay home." Shay demanded.

"No, you don't get to tell me what I can and can't do. Why are you being so controlling and aggressive?" I shouted. I didn't care if anyone heard me anymore, I was furious. I've never been to type of person to take orders very well.

"What's with the third degree from you?" Shay exclaimed.

"Third degree from me? You're the one who refuses to give me any straight answers!"

"I've got to go." Shay mumbled and hung up the phone before I was able to say anything else.

Now I was furious and for sure going to the party. It had been a little while since I had gone out and had some real fun. The last time I tried to have a good party night, Axel and Copper got shot. I was looking forward to going to a normal teenage rager where I could just drink and have fun. Screw Shay, I could have fun without him.

I walked out of my house with my black dress on. It hugged my curves and looked really hot. I didn't even think about it, but I had grabbed the keys to Sandra's car on my way out. I had slid into the driver's seat before I even realized what I was doing.

I shook my head and started the car. "It's no big deal. I have a license and I know how to drive a car." I whispered to myself.

I showed up at Caleb's house at about 8:30. Right when I pulled up to the house I knew it was his. There were beer cans all over the front lawn and the trees were all covered in toilet paper. Figures.

I rang the doorbell and he answered after a few seconds with two beers in his hands.

"Hey, Aubrey! You look great! Here you go!" He shoved a beer in my hand and I nodded. I took a step inside his house to be greeted by a bunch of people from school all dressed for a party. I wasn't really good friends with anyone I could see at the moment, but when I saw a couple of boys over in the corner, I set the still closed beer on the table and went over to talk to them. They were in a couple of my classes. We knew each other's names, but didn't know each other personally.

"Hey!" I yelled over the loud music as I walked up behind them.

"Wow, is that you Aubrey? You look amazing! I didn't really think I would see any hot girls like you here." Luke, from my Spanish class, said and winked at me. I blushed and didn't try to hide it. I knew I looked good, but I just wasn't used to hearing people tell me that.

"Thanks!" I smiled flirtatiously at him. I knew that I needed to keep myself back a little bit, but the party atmosphere was encouraging and already lifting my mood. I was already feeling like I was back to normal.

Damien, from my math class, wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. I laughed as we all talked about random stuff until Caleb turned the music up loud enough to hear all over the neighborhood. My hip was plastered to Damien's the whole time we were talking and I wasn't really complaining. Damien was really good looking and he's really funny. I did find it kind of strange that he went for me, but it seemed best not to question it. Periodically through the conversation, the guys kept handing me this weird punch. It was actually really good and they said there wasn't much alcohol in it.

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