Chapter Eleven - Bittzy

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I lay on the floor shaking. I had heard two shots fire off and make impact with someone. I lifted my head up and saw that everyone was still lying on the ground I stood up and looked around just in time to see a boy about my age running out the door frantically. He looked like he was hysterical and I figured that I should investigate.

I started weaving my way through the now raising people to follow the boy. I peeked my head out the door and saw him disappear into the woods. After glancing back at where Chelsea was calming people down, I slipped out of the front door.

"Hey! Don't go in there!" I screamed after him. I saw him glance over his shoulder, but he ignored me.

I scrambled after him as fast as I could in my white dress. I slowly made my way over and under fallen logs and trees before I caught sight of him again.

He was breathing really heavy through his rough tears. I wanted to run up to him and hug him, but I stayed back. He tried to start running again, but his foot snagged on a tree root that was sticking up.

He slammed into the ground with a loud thud and I winced. He tried to get up and push on but his legs just wouldn't allow it. He curled into a ball and leaned against the tree, sobbing harder now.

The strange boy had copper hair and dark brown eyes. His face was covered in freckles and he looked like he was about the same age as I was. His black pants had a rip in the knee from his hard fall and his white shirt was covered in dirt.

He cried for a long time before I did anything. I stepped forward and stood in front of him. My white and pink dress flowed around me magically. He lifted his head and gasped with his eyes opening up in horror.

His face crunched up and the tears started to fall again. "Are you here to take me to heaven? Or Hell? Heaven right, you look like an angel." He choked out and I chuckled at his compliment.

"I'm not an angel. You do know that you aren't dead, right?" I giggled again and he looked me over. He smiled and blushed, but that ended in him coughing and spitting up blood.

I gasped and cringed. I took a deep breath and walked over to him. I slowly lifted the back of his shirt up. His hand caught mine in a swift motion that caught me off guard.

"It's gross. Not something for a pretty girl like you to see." He rasped out and I smirked. I lifted his shirt up the rest of the way against his warning.

I found where the bullet went in easy. The poison was already starting to get into his blood system. I could see that the veins on his back were starting to turn purple already. I sighed and lightly laid his shirt back down. He stiffened at the light touch of the shirt on his wound and I knew he was hurting.

"What your name?" I asked while I looked around us for a way to get him out of here.

"Copper: like my hair." He smiled and I laughed at his silliness.

"I'm Bittzy." I smiled and waved but hesitated. "I'm going to get you out of here." He stiffened and looked me over again. When he didn't protest I stood up.

I turned, but before I could take a step he grabbed my hand. I saw the urgent look on his face. "Don't leave me," he whispered.

"I won't, don't worry." I nodded looking around again. When he didn't let go I looked back at him.



I turned to him and scooped him up in my arms. He looked surprised at my strength and I laughed. He blushed, but leaned over my arms to spit up some more blood. I smirked, but started running to my car.

I slid him into the passenger seat of the black Spider. He shot me a questioning glance, but I ignored it. I started the car but then stopped.

"I can't take him to the hospital because they have never seen this kind of bullet. I can't take him to his home and just dump him there! I need to save his life, but how?" I was lost in thought when a knock on the window came. I jumped so high that I hit my head on the top of the car. The door swung open beside me and I was yanked out of the car with force. I was thrown onto the pavement with a thud. I winced, but didn't look up to meet her eyes.

"What do you think you're doing? You can't just take my car! Where on Earth would you be going anyway?" Chelsea screamed at me. She whirled around and reached into the car to take the keys out and froze. I sighed as she yanked Copper out of the car too. She threw him on the ground next to me and he sucked in a rough breath.

"Please Chelsea! He needs my help, but I don't know where to take him," I pleaded.

"How about the hospital? He is human isn't he? That's where you take humans when they are hurt now isn't it?" She screamed back at me.

When I didn't answer she sighed and cursed under her breath. "You really do pick the freaks don't you? Listen, we don't have time to help every poor sap lying on the street! So get off your ass and come help me with some stuff inside. If you don't than I will personally put an end to him." Chelsea smiled and started to walk back to the club. I stood up and crossed my arms in front of Copper.

Chelsea whirled around and growled at me. She raised her eyebrows, waiting for me to scramble after her like I always have. "Take us to help," I demanded.

"Or what? You'll run away again? You always come back begging for me to forgive you!" She laughed.

"I'll change him," I stated.

Her eyes widened in shock, but then narrowed again. "You wouldn't."

"Try me. Either way I would get what I wanted." I shrugged and kneeled down next to Copper who was looking at me with fear filled eyes. I felt so bad for immersing him in a world that he didn't belong. It wasn't fair to bring a regular human boy into our world, especially since he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Chelsea sighed and shrugged. "Get in the back with him." I hopped up and placed him in the back. I buckled him in as gently as I could. I smiled at him and he grimaced.

I plopped into the seat next to him and looked him up and down before relaxing. Chelsea started the car and drove west bound. I had no idea where she was going, but I didn't protest. I just looked at Copper.

"What do you see in this kid anyway?" Chelsea asked from the driver's seat. I took a moment to think about it before I answered.

"He seems special. I think that for whatever reason, I was supposed to meet him and now our destinies are intertwined," I smiled at my answer and Chelsea groaned. I smiled, but didn't say anything else.

"Yeah, well, he smells like a Lakota," Chelsea grumbled.

We pulled up to a really nice hotel after about ten minutes. Chelsea parked and opened my door. I scooped Copper up and he groaned. "It's going to be ok, Copper. We are going to get you help." I whispered to him and he nodded. He wrapped his arms around my neck to stable himself. I smiled and I saw Chelsea roll her eyes.

I could feel my wolf stirring with him in my arms. There was something different about him. I needed to save his life.

Chelsea stormed forward and into the elevator after ignoring the attention we were attracting. She pressed for the level 5, I noted. We walked to room 547 and she hesitated.

I looked up at her and saw worry and fear all over her face. I crinkled my nose. "It smells like blood and wolf mixed. Are you sure this is the place?" I asked, looking up at her again.

"You smell that too?" When I nodded she shrugged. "Then I guess this is the place." She shivered and took a deep breath.

She wrapped her hand around the handle and flung the door open.

When I looked around the first person I saw was Shay. My eyes widened and he stood up to block our view of someone. A girl for sure but I didn't know who. Chelsea stepped in front of me protectively and I leaned around her to look at everyone else.

The whole wolf pack was there, plus one.

Shay's eyebrows rose. "Chelsea?"

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