Chapter Thirteen - Aubrey

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It had been two weeks since Copper was changed into a wolf. No one has dared to tell Emile about anything that had happened so it became a secret between packs. The one thing that united them the best was the mutual fear of Emile.

Copper was doing better with being part wolf, but he was constantly sick from what Luna called rejection. She said that his body didn't like the fact that he could change into a wolf now and it wanted to punish him for it.

Wither he got sick a lot or not, I was just happy that we both survived. From how Ivy said that changing two siblings so close together could kill them both, I could tell that she wasn't kidding around. That really was a life of death situation for both of us.

Axel was making a full recovery too, but he was making it a lot faster than Copper was with the help of pack blood.

Shay promised me answers when we got back home and I was holding him to his word. He told me that we could meet that Saturday in the meadow. Today was Friday and it was about five pm. We hadn't made any conversation regarding the kiss at the club because things had been pretty crazy since then but I had a feeling that it was going to come up eventually.

Copper was walking around the house with no shirt on again because he claims that whenever he puts one on, it stings his back, but I think that he just wants to show off his purple veins. Luna said that because so much poison made it into his body that his veins may always stay like that.

Copper plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. I was working on my homework in the kitchen when the door bell rang.

"It's open!" Copper screamed from the couch.

"Don't just yell that it's open! What if it's like a crazy person?" I shouted at him and I heard whoever was at the door giggle.

"It's probably just Shay or Bittzy!" Copper yelled back. Bittzy and he had gotten really close since she changed him.

"What if it's not?" I screamed over the loud TV.

"Well if you are so nervous about it, then go answer the good damn door and prove me right!" Copper turned around on the couch and pointed to the front door.

I moaned but got up. When I opened the door my mouth fell open.

"Who is it?" Copper yelled from the living room.

"Sandra! What are you doing here? Copper look it's Sandra!" I yelled and I heard him sprint out of the living room to go find a shirt. We couldn't let her know about all of our adventures lately. I had always refused to call Sandra my mom, but it didn't bother her as much as I hoped it would.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? I live here, remember? Today is Friday the twenty-second. The day I come home from my trip?" Sandra laughed from behind a bunch of bags.

"Oh here." I grabbed the top three bags from her and took a peek into them. Lots and lots of food lay before my eyes and I gasped. "Why the hell did you buy so much food?" I exclaimed.

"Well I figured that you guys didn't buy any good food so I thought that I would fill the cabinets! Plus I want to meet all of the new friends that you have made this year! I want you do invite them to dinner tomorrow night!" She cheered with a huge smile. I walked into the kitchen and set the bags down on the counter.

I rubbed the back of my head nervously. I hadn't talked Sandra for almost two months and in those two months, my dad had died. There was going to be a huge ice wall between her and Copper and I knew it. "Yeah that's real nice of you and all, but Copper and I have plans tomorrow night."

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