Chapter Five - Aubrey

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Saturday morning I woke up and found that the note Shay had put into my pocket after he took me home was still sitting next to my bed. I hadn't even looked at it yet and now he told me not to go.

I grabbed the note and just held it for a couple minutes looking at the folded paper until I finally just opened it.


Meet the first place I saw you wake up that day I changed you. I will explain Emile and all about what happened that night. Plus, we have some unfinished business.

My heart pounded. "What did he mean unfinished business? Did he mean from the kitchen or something else? I don't even know how to get there. Oh wait, I'm not supposed to go there anymore anyway." I thought with a sigh and plopped down on my bed again. I buried my face in my pillow.

"Wait. Maybe he just said that because he didn't want someone to overhear us talking about going to this place on Saturday! I bet he still wants me to come!" I thought and jumped out of my bed to get dressed.

I stood in front of the mirror for a good amount of time before finally deciding that I was just going to wear my jeans and tank top. I smiled at my reflection and opened my bedroom door.

I took a step out and nearly ran into Copper, who was sneaking around just like I was. He had a note in his hand that said he would be back within the day, like I did, and he had his favorite backpack that he used only for hiking.

"Where do you think you're going?" I demanded as he looked me over.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing! You're never up this early!" Copper screamed, dropping his pack on the floor for emphasis.

I rolled my eyes "Copper I'm always up this early, you're the one that's never up. Plus why would you go hiking without me on a Saturday morning? Where are you really going?" I asked him, pointing my finger at him.

He sighed because he knew that I wasn't going to give up until he told me. "I went into your room to find some socks when I saw that note sitting on your bedside table. I was curious, so I walked over and opened it. I read it and was going to talk about it with you, but then I caught you in the hallway with him so I didn't really want to bring it up. I figured that I would go and check it out before you went there and keep a close eye on you while you were with him from the cliff above." Copper said without looking at me.

"Alright well pick up your pack. We are going hiking." I said after a moment of consideration and Copper's face lit up. I had no idea how to get to the clearing and it seemed like Copper was my only hope. Although we had been so many time together, I never paid attention to how we got there, that was always Copper's job.

"Ok, I'll sit on the ledge and watch." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Yeah no, we can both sit up there until we see him come. Then I will head down while you leave." I explained, glaring at him. He shrugged without agreeing and broke into a jog to get to the path as I followed.

We walked up the path until we got to the clearing, then we walked another half mile upwards and took a left. When I looked further forward I saw the cliff that Copper wanted us to look over.

It was high. I laid down on my stomach to look over the edge and it really was a perfect view of the meadow below. I sighed and made myself comfortable while Copper lay a few feet away from me.

About an hour had passed when Copper fell asleep. I rolled my eyes and figured I would throw rocks at him to try to wake him up. I had thrown about 4 of them when he woke up with a start. He looked over to the meadow then rolled over to me. Before I could say anything he covered my mouth with his hand.

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