Chapter Four - Axel

Start from the beginning

He stood as strong as a brick wall now and we were all proud. Emile leaned in so close to Shay's face and whispered something so quietly that only Shay and I could hear it. "You get in the way and that little girl of yours will pay for it."

"You hurt her and you hurt my pack, she is one of us now." Shay answered with just as much confidence as Emile. Shay practically admitted that he changed Aubrey but Emile didn't have enough evidence to go higher up with the information. I was just worried for Aubrey's sake because Emile would rather take matters into his own hands than involve anyone higher up the change of command.

Emile spit at Shay's feet, then turned but didn't move. "You know that I don't approve of this new girl. If she isn't already, then I know that you are planning on changing her into one of us. You had your set Alpha but then you blew it for yourself by getting her banished. You don't deserve to have another mate." Emile started to walk away proudly.

Once Emile was of sight we all relaxed a little bit. Shay collapsed on the ground and buried his face in his arms. I walked over to him and plopped down next to him.

"Damn man you've got some balls to stick up for that girl of yours against Emile." I said, hitting his back lightly.

Shay let out a sigh and lifted his head. He nodded at me then looked at everyone else as they all gathered around. "I want a protection system set up for Aubrey. I'll take her home every day if she lets me. You guys did great tonight and I can't thank you enough for lying for me Axel. I owe you one." Shay said and I could tell that he really meant it.

"Hell yeah you do." I said playfully rubbing my face even though it really did hurt. I couldn't imagine how much Shay must hurt right now.

"She's going to be more problems than she's worth. Her attitude will never change and she doesn't belong in our world." Ivy practically growled.

"You didn't see Shay making his moves in her house earlier, though!" Emmett and Axel 'whooped' but Shay just shook his head and ignored what Ivy said. Axel knew that she was a handful but Shay had gotten himself into this mess so it was his duty to follow through with it.

Shay nodded and smirked but stood up and walked over to a bush to puke. He walked back to us and shrugged. "Guess I'm not part vampire, blood tastes disgusting."

We all laughed a strained laugh and started walking towards our camp.


I was in a slightly better mood about being Shay's lab partner today than I was yesterday. I didn't know what it was about Shay, but I couldn't get him out of my head. He was a bad boy that was probably a terrible influence, but I couldn't help but hope that he would show up to class. I also couldn't help but hope that I ran into Ryan in the hallway while walking with Shay. What an idiot.

Copper and I walked to school because we missed the bus and couldn't get another ride. I planned on having Shay drive me home and Copper was going to sleepover at his friend's house so we didn't butt heads. It wasn't like I was planning on really doing anything with Shay but I felt like we needed some time alone to talk about everything that was going on. I really needed some answers. The longer that I thought about everything, the more anxious and confused I felt.

When I got into home room I took my normal seat in the back corner and Darcy sat in Shay's seat to talk to me before class started. We were talking until the tardy bell went off when she made me promise to call her and explain everything with my life from the past few days. I nodded in agreement but was unsure of what to tell her. There were so many things that I didn't even know the answers to. She knew the bell was her queue to go back to her seat, but no one walked in right as the bell went off like normal. I looked around along with everyone else.

The pack walked in and because they are just that cool, they didn't get any tardy notes. They all sat down in their normal seat. I was looking down at my notebook because I didn't want it to seem like I was waiting for them to all come. A few seconds went by and Shay didn't sit down so I looked up and realized that Shay nor Axel were there. I tapped on Emmett's shoulder and asked him where they were, but he just shrugged and turned away.

Halfway through class I looked up from my work again as they both walked in. They were both wearing jeans and a sweat shirt pulled over their faces as if they didn't want us to see them.

Shay handed him a note and Mr. Roberts looked under his cap to make sure it was him only to have the most surprised look on his face. I took a mental note when Ivy lowered her gaze, sadly. Shay stood up there while Axel handed him a note. Mr. Roberts hit him lightly in the arm and I could just barely hear him speak.

"It's about time someone put some sense in that boy." Mr. Roberts chuckled. "Good job, Roxas."

Axel turned around and flicked him the bird. "Fuck off." With that they both stalked down the aisle. The only way I could tell them apart was that Shay was still wearing his hat.

Shay plopped down into the seat next to me, but wouldn't look at me. I shrunk into my seat. "That figures. All that progress that we made when we were alone together goes out the window when we are around his friends. Classical boy." I made a mental note.

"Alright class we are going to be doing some reading with your partner. Read pages 389-398. Begin!" Mr. Roberts commanded.

I looked over at Shay and saw that he was just drawing on a sheet of paper. He was just angrily scratching blackness into his paper. Something serious must have happened last night.

I raised my hand and asked Mr. Roberts if we could go read out in the hallway so it would be quieter. He agreed and I picked up mine and Shay's book. When he didn't move I picked up his notebook and walked out with it. He was on his feet in a moment following after me.

He plopped down next to me closer to the door and snatched his notebook back. I smiled at him, but when he laughed I got a glimpse of his lips. They bottom one was swollen!

"What the hell?" I whipped back his hood before he could say anything and got the whole view. His whole face was bruised up but his left side was significantly worse. It looked like he had bitten through his lip and it was so gross looking. His left eye was purple and his right eye wasn't much better. I seriously wondered if he could really see anything right now.

"Emile did this to you didn't he," I stated on the verge of angry tears. This was already a lot. There was so much violence all the time.

He nodded and shrugged it off. "Aubrey we can't meet up this Saturday anymore. It's just too dangerous with Emile at my throat."

"I want answers," I stated simply. "You can start by telling me who the hell Emile is and why he did this to your face."

"And answers you will get; only when the time is right," he responded.

I nodded and got up but he snatched my wrist out of the air. He pulled me back down next to him and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"I really do like you, Aubrey." He whispered and, even though his eyes still held the impenetrable blackness, he looked sincere. I remained silent because I wasn't sure if I could say the same to him and mean it. I didn't even know the guy. All I promised was that I would give him a chance.

"Aubrey!" Copper kicked Shay on accident instead of me. Shay jumped up and planted me behind him, then whirled around and growled at Copper all in a matter of seconds.

"Whoa! Hey, Shay remember me? Your girlfriend's little brother? Yeah I'm on your side! And wow, what happened to your face?" Copper asked.

Shay fixed his cap on his head and put his hood up in a huff.

"What do you want Copper?" I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest growling a little bit from in my chest.

"Chill you geezer, I just wanted to ask if you wanted the house to yourself tonight for you and your boyfriend." Copper said, shrugging and walking into his second bell.

"I'm not his girlfriend!" I screamed angrily.

Copper poked his head out and shook it right as the bell rang. I sighed, looking down. Shay grabbed my chin and made me look at him before tilting my head down and kissing my forehead.

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