Chapter 22- Herobrine's curse

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"Enough!" shouted Herobrine throwing everyone off of him. They were thrust into the air and bounced onto the ground. Herobrine stood up angrily. He began to try shooting beams out of his eyes while everyone jumped out of the way.

"Why are you doing this?! There has to be a reason other than you want to kill us!" yelled Jesse as she dodged a beam about to hit her.

"I can't tell you!" yelled Herobrine shooting out more lasers.

"Why not? Did it have something to do with Violet?" asked Jesse as she ducked.

"How do you know about her?" asked Herobrine shooting a steady stream of light out.

"Lukas found a book! It had pictures of her in it!" Jesse ran out of the way.

"Well, I know who I'll be killing first then!" Herobrine almost hit Jesse's arm

"You don't have to do this, you know!"

"I don't have to, but I want to!"

"But if you continue this, you'll be all alone!"

"I'm used to that!"

"You need to stop! Think of all those people you're hurting!"

"I don't care about anyone!"

"Do you care about Violet? What would she say about you doing this now?"

Herobrine paused for a moment as if he were deeply contemplating this question. It's kind of weird, Jesse was just spewing out words to try and convince him to stop killing everyone. Now, Herobrine looked rather helpless and venerable with the thought of Violet. Under all that toughness, Jesse had found his Achilles' heel. He slowly sank to the ground with his head sagging.

"Did... did I say something?" asked Jesse pretending she didn't know. The white glow in Herobrine's eyes faded as he dropped to the ground. Jesse had never seen him like this before, although she hadn't seen him for too long anyway. Everyone nervously crept toward him as he covered his face.

"Are you okay?" asked Jesse as she crept closer to him. He looked like he was on the verge of tears, but he wasn't crying. Herobrine didn't answer immediately, but he slowly lowered his hands and said softly,

"Thank you. I needed that."

"Needed what? I wasn't listening," said Gill from the background- totally ruining the moment. Aiden angrily nudged him in the side.

Herobrine lifted his head, and Jesse couldn't believe what she was seeing. The color had restored in his eyes. They had sort of a pleading look to them and they were dark blue.

"I guess I kind of lost my sanity there," he said.

"Ha, kind of?" Axel joked.

When Jesse thought all was well, a question arose,

"So, Herobrine," she began, "how are you still alive? The book we found said you died a really long time ago."

"A curse kept me alive," he answered, "I thought it would be a good thing, but with everyone you know growing old and dying while you're still stuck in the same place... it's just really hard."

"Who cursed you?" asked Jesse.

"It was in a book. It's somewhere in the library. It did me more harm than good, I need to get rid of it."

"Let's do that right now," said Jesse. Everyone got up and began walking out to the library.

It took a long time, but by the time everyone had enough cobwebs on their hands, the spell book was finally found. The Order of the Stone had completed their mission, making new allies in the process. The book was dropped down a hole filled with lava where it was destroyed forever.

Later on, Herobrine restored everything he had demolished. The village was back and he took down his castle. Herobrine basically became a somewhat regular immortal.

A week later, there was a big party held in honor of The new Order. There was dancing, talking, and laughing everywhere as Jesse entered.

As Jesse walked through the crowd looking for some familiar faces, some people were whispering and murmuring things like,

"Look! There goes Jesse! She's my favorite!" or, "Hey, Jesse! Good job!" Some people just stood and beamed over who was passing by.

"Jesse! Over here!" she heard Olivia call. Jesse followed the sound of her voice and found her standing with Axel, Lukas, and Petra.

"Hey, guys!" said Jesse.

"Is this cool, or what?!" said Axel happily.

"Hey, I'm gonna go catch up with the Ocelots," said Lukas as he pushed his way through the people talking and dancing. Jesse responded,

"Okay, Luka-"

"GUESS WHAT?!" said Ivor who interrupted and startled everyone.

"Oh. Hey, Ivor. It's you," said Petra dully.

"I have very exciting news for you!" said Ivor.

"What is it?" asked Olivia.

"There's a temple not too far from here containing mysterious treasures that could change the world as we know it!" said Ivor excitedly.

"Hmmm," said Jesse, "sounds interesting. Tell me more about this temple."


The new Order, a Minecraft: Story Mode FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now