Chapter 21- Gill spills the beans

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As the team was about to enter Herobrine's throne room, they were stopped by a guard.

"Halt!" he snapped, "What do you need?!"

"We have to say something to Herobrine," said Jesse, "it's urgent."

"Herobrine does not want to speak with anyone right now."

"We have something really important to show him," said Petra.

"Look," said the guard, "as much as I'd like to let you in, Herobrine is not going to speak with anyone right now, and I don't want to let you in actually."

"That's it!" said Axel, "we don't have much time left, and we're not going to sit around and let some guard push us around!"

"Actually, I'm not pushing you around," said the guard, "I'm pushing you out."

"Come on! Herobrine really needs to hear this!" said Jesse.

"I'm sorry, but you've clearly been captured as slaves, and he doesn't want to hear from them."

"That's enough," said Axel as he pushed the guard out of the way and entered the throne room.

"Hey! I thought I locked you up!" said Herobrine when he saw everyone enter.

"Joke's on you, Herobrine!" said Maya, "We broke out!"

"Hehe, yeah!" said Gill.

"I guess I'll just have to send you to where your friend Olivia is then. Maybe then you won't try to escape!" said Herobrine.

"What did you do to her?" asked Axel. Without answering, Herobrine pulled a lever, which opened a wall, revealing Olivia. She was tied up so she couldn't move, and there was lava slowly climbing across the floor toward her.

"Help!" she cried.

"Don't worry Olivia! We'll get you out of there!" said Jesse.

"Why would you do this to us?" asked Lukas.

"I told you! I already took over the world, now I want to mess with the people on it," said Herobrine, "Besides, what were you even doing rummaging through my house? You already promised that you wouldn't try to mess with my plans!"

"We were searching for the... the... amulet!" blurted Gill as if he was proud of himself for recalling that.

"Yeah! And looking for Olive- I mean Olivia!" added Maya. Lukas slapped his forehead.

"Oh, I see," said Herobrine, "You're going back on your word. I thought we had a deal, Jesse, but I guess I was mistaken. Oh, well, we can just enjoy watching your friends die together!"

"No!" shouted Jesse, "You can't do that! We don't even have the amulet yet!"

"You don't, but you were looking for it," replied Herobrine.

Jesse felt she had nothing more to say, like the mission they were on was completely hopeless, and Herobrine had won.

"Jesse!" shouted Olivia, "It's getting closer!" The lava continued oozing forward, inch by inch.

"I'll save you!" shouted Jesse. She started running towards Olivia along with Axel, Lukas, and Petra, but Herobrine lifted his arm and knocked everyone back as they fell onto the floor with a huff.

"Stop!" yelled Jesse as she got up and started running again. Herobrine simply knocked her back down.

"You've lost this, Jesse!" said Herobrine.

Suddenly, someone stepped through the door and tackled Herobrine down.

"Matthew?" asked Axel.

"Yes, indeed!" he responded, "no time for greetings, we need to save your friend!" Aiden, Gill, and Maya jumped on top of Herobrine as well. Suddenly, Jesse got an idea.

"Anyone have sticks on them?" she asked.

"I do," said Axel, "but what do you need them for?"

"You'll see!" said Jesse. She looked around the room and found a crafting table in the corner. She ran over and pulled out her items.

Two string, thought Jesse, three sticks, got it! She placed the items on the table in a specific order, then they began to come together as if by magic. Jesse picked up her new fishing rod and ran over to Olivia.

"Grab this, Olivia!" said Jesse as she cast it out to her. Olivia hooked the end onto her belt as Jesse hoisted her out just as the lava was moving over to where she sat.


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