Chapter 8- Lukas Dies?

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"Is there a key or something in any of those chests?" Jesse asked pointing across the room. Olivia walked over and opened one of them up.

"Ummm..." she said, "Well, he owns a ton of Redstone torches. I wonder where he gets all of this stuff."

"Well," said Jesse, "I know he is pretty good at hacking." Just then, Jesse and Olivia heard footsteps above them.

"Hide!" Jesse whispered. Olivia frantically looked around the room and jumped into the chest. Herobrine came down a ladder and into the room, but this time, he wasn't alone. He was holding a limp person in his arms. A person with orange hair and a blue bandana.

He got Petra! Thought Jesse. Petra laid limp and motionless in his arms as he walked across the room. Jesse suspected that was what happened to her. That must be how she ended up in that cage.

Herobrine pulled out a second cage and set it down next to Jesse's. He opened the door and threw the unconscious Petra into it and slammed the door. He reached his hand into his jeans pocket and pulled out a key used to lock the door. Petra just laid there. Jesse had never seen her so helpless. She didn't know what to do. Herobrine climbed back up the ladder in search of his next victim.

"Is he gone?" asked Olivia from inside the chest.

"Yeah, you're safe," Jesse responded. Olivia opened the chest just a crack as she peered out the opening.

"Oh, no," she said, looking over at Petra's cage, "what happened to Petra?"

"I think Petra went through the same thing I did," said Jesse. Jesse noticed in the corner of her eye Petra weakly lift her head.

"J-Jesse? Olivia? Is that you?" she asked. She slowly hoisted herself up with her arms.

"Petra!" said Olivia, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, but I have no idea how I ended up in here. One moment I was surrounded with purple smoke, the next I wake up in a cage," explained Petra.

"That's exactly what happened to me!" said Jesse.

"Everything happened so fast," Petra continued, "but I think I saw... a man?"

"I can't believe I'm saying this," Jesse began, "but I think the man you're talking about is Herobrine. The same exact thing happened to me. When I woke up in this cage, Herobrine didn't leave. He blackmailed me into giving him the amulet."

"But why would he want it so badly?" asked Olivia, "All it does is locate the members of the Order." Jesse suddenly remembered something.

"Guys," said Jesse, "Lukas is still out there! Herobrine could use the amulet to track him down, and then he'll end up like us!"

"Olivia," said Petra, "is there any way you can get us out of here?"

"Well," said Olivia, "Maybe if I had something to pick the locks..." She looked around the room, then her eyes lit up. She glanced over at a glass bottle.

"I could probably break that bottle and use one of the shards as a key!" She took the bottle off of its stand and smashed it up against the wall, cutting her hand in the process.

"You okay?" asked Petra.

"Yes, I'm fine. This is nothing compared to what you two and Axel went through." Olivia took the small shard over to the keyhole in Jesse's cage. She wiggled it around a little bit, and eventually it opened the door.

"Quickly! Let's do Petra now!" Olivia did the same for Petra's cage, and it worked.

"Let's get out of here and make sure Lukas is holding up alright," said Petra. The three girls darted up the ladder and ended up back in the main room.

"Where do you think you're going?" Herobrine asked in an overly-friendly voice. Jesse looked around but he was nowhere in sight.

"We're looking for our friend!" said Olivia.

"You mean, this one?" asked Herobrine. Jesse turned around and found Lukas levitating in mid-air.

"Lukas!" exclaimed Jesse. He floated in the air, unconscious.

"He isn't..." Olivia began.

"Dead?" asked Herobrine. That word made Jesse feel like she was just punched in the chest.

"No, but I was thinking about killing him. I decided not to, though." Lukas was swept across the room to where Herobrine appeared out of nowhere. Lukas dropped to the ground, where he started coughing.

"Hi, guys," he said, still lying on the stone brick floor.

"I thought we could make a deal. I will spare the boy if you don't interfere with my plans. I will also free your friend, Axel from his curse. However..." Herobrine picked Lukas up again, brutally squeezing his body in the process.

"If you try to stop my plans, I will squeeze Lukas to death."

"Jesse," Lukas grunted through the pain he was in, "you can't let him win! Just let me die. It will be okay." Jesse had no idea what to do. If she saved Lukas, Herobrine would rule the world. On the other hand, Herobrine would be stopped, but Lukas would be dead.

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