Chapter 14 - Newsworthy

Start from the beginning

            “Greek statue, you think our friend Hera might know the details.” Nina was on Ford like butter on bread. Not skipping a beat, she jotted down some notes.

            “I didn’t think to ask her, since I’ve been too busy dodging her lightning bolts.” Ford rolled his eyes and started out of the library.

            “Chad wants the story by Monday, do you think it will be done by then?” Nina shouted after as the bell rang.


            He’d been standing there for a while, looking up at the swirling dark gray clouds. Shrugging, he walked back into the hallway and continued to think. He thought about the time that Audrey and him decided to skip school. The sky was gray like today, except the minute they stepped outside it was as if the floodgates opened and rain started pouring down. Instead, they went back to class. Ford couldn’t help but chuckle and then stopped, standing by the back door of the school. This is where Audrey and he turned back.

            He stepped outside ready for the rain to start pouring but he only heard a low rumble of thunder. Proceeding out the back towards the teacher’s parking lot he stared up at the sky, he wanted to fight Hera. At least that was something he could do.

            There was something shaking, a car, walking over to the car he looked into the glass and saw what he wished he hadn’t. Levi was bent over Mr. Lenoir’s unbuttoned pants. Watching the jock’s head bob up and down Ford’s eyes noticed Mr. Lenoir push back on the seat and moan. 

            Rage filled Ford and he got tunnel vision looking at his longtime crush and his first kiss go at it in the car. Wind picked up and whipped around the car shaking it. Ford punched the window causing it to spider glass. The two inside jumped. Quickly, Mr. Lenoir zipped up his pants and jumped out of the car. The history teacher sped after Ford and rounded the corner to see a long stretch of empty. Cursing himself he walked back to the car as wind whipped around.

            Standing on the roof, Ford looked down at the teacher as he inspected the damage Ford had done to the window and the secret relationship. 


Sitting on the school roof, Ford watched the dark clouds become darker in the night. He didn’t want to be sad anymore, but it hurt so much and he was so angry. The thunder and lightning clapped above his head. The storm raged and in a flash of lightning Hera appeared on the roof.

“Well aren’t you the gem,” The woman in Greek grab, Hera, smirked her arms crossed and her eyes square on the teenager. “Is that what heartbreak looks like? We aren’t so different you and I.”

“Tell me what I am,” Ford whispered. “That statue, which I got this power from.”

“That statue is a conduit, waiting for one of the chosen to activate it. It came to you as fate meant it to, and you gained your power as fate meant as well. Now, what you are? That’s complicated. But let’s make it less so.” With a flash of light the staff appeared in her hands. She was ready for battle. Shifting on her feet she took a step towards the teen.

“It must suck, being so alone.” Ford stood up, his eyes teary, staring at the goddess. “I get it, why you’re so angry, so vengeful. You’re the last one, no friends, no family.”

“We are so a like,” She smiled and pointed the staff at the teenager.

“No,” Ford bit his lip. “I’m stronger and you might be vengeful, but well,” A giant gust of wind simultaneously pushed Hera back against one of the fans and took the staff from her hand.

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