2. Erwin and Levi

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After everyone had given it a shot, and most passed, Shadis told everyone to get to lunch. It was sad to see a few people being told to pack their stuff, since they simply couldn't keep their balance.

Since it was a sunny, warm day, lunch was being eaten outside on a bunch of wooden picnic tables. (y/n) sat down with her usual bunch.

"So who are those guys?" Eren quietly asked the group of people sitting at the table.

He was referring to Levi and Erwin who were sitting just a table away.

(y/n) knew who he meant without having to look behind her to see what Eren was staring at.

"Sasha told me that they're some big shots from the scouting regiment looking for talented fresh blood." She told Eren.

So those are the real scouts! Eren thought with admiration.

"Wow! But, why the scouting regiment?"

"They're low on members. For... Obvious reasons."

Then Jean came to stand by their table. "Yeah, coz' they all get killed within a few years. Seriously, you'd have to be suicidal to join the scouts."

"Yeah, or brave." (y/n) told him, rolling her eyes.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I just don't want to see pretty girls' lives get wasted just because they were naive enough to join the scouts." he said. At this remark, (y/n) lost her temper, and flipped Jean upside down within a second.

"Don't you tell me I'm naive. You're naive to think humanity will be able to survive within these walls for eternity."

She stood over Jean, who now had dust on his face after being pounded against the ground. (y/n) made eye contact with Levi and Erwin who had just witnessed the entire thing. They stared at her with amusement, though it was undetectable in Levi's serious eyes.

(y/n) broke eye contact and sat down again. She continued eating her sandwich whilst Eren was taunting Jean about getting put in his place that easily.

"Very promising..." Erwin mumbled as he sipped his tea. Levi silently agreed. Her words echoed in his head. 'You're naive to think humanity will be able to survive within these walls for eternity.' How right you are, he thought.

The day proceeded in a blur. In the evening after dinner, (y/n) had an unexpected guest at her cabin door.

(y/n) opened the door on which Jean had just knocked.

She was wearing just her short night gown, which stopped at her thighs, and the cold breeze made her hairs stand up.

"Jean? What do you want?" she asked softly, a little accusingly, but still polite nevertheless.

"I wanted to talk to you... Without, that Eren kid around..." he mumbled.

"Sure.." (y/n) said as she stepped outside, closing the door behind her.

Jean started walking, so (y/n) joined.

Wow... She looks really pretty in that dress! Jean thought, purposely avoiding looking now.

"I really want to apologize for the things I've been saying about the scouting regiment. It's completely your choice, and you are brave to choose what you're choosing."

(y/n) laughed a little.

"I think it's cute that you're apologizing, since I'm the one that tackled you."

Jean chuckled. "You're right. Apologize, and we're even."

"Fine, I'm sorry." She said, with a smile on her lips.

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