Chapter 2- Kamiki

Start from the beginning

"KAMI NO WAY!" Marie squealed as she ran to her and hugged her.

"Marie! It's been such a long time since I seen you in the flesh. You look wonderful!" Kami spoke excitedly. "How are you?"

"Aw thank you! I'm well! Just found someone new and he is the one. You look lovely as usual, Kam!" Marie was squealing with happiness. Kami grinned. She missed her very much, so it was nice to see Marie again.

"Thanks! You said that with Buttaki though. Who is it?" She asked. She was interrupted by a voice.

"Hey lord Death, I let the students know."

Just by hearing the voice, Kami's face dropped. She closed her eyes to remain calm then approached Lord Death to unintensify the situation.

"So Lord Death, long time no see!" She began. Lord Death was overjoyed.

"Lovely to see you! Nice to see Miss Law too! Haven't seen you since you became a Death Weapon. A powerful battle axe." He stated.

Megara sighed happily. "I missed it here at home. How is my brother coping?" She asked. "I miss him too."

Lord Death remembered something and perked up. "Oh he's doing well. He's due in here any minute actually so you'll get to see him very soon- oh wait here he is now!"

On cue, Megara's brother walked in. He had his earphones blaring as usual, and he was nodding to the fast pace of the music. Upon seeing his older sister, he stopped. He removed his earphones.

"Oh. Megara. You've returned. How are y-" His pleasant though monotonous greeting was halted by his sister launching herself at him.

"Justin! I've missed you so much. I hated how long it was since I last seen you. It has to have been like 3 years or something!" Meg exclaimed.

"Nope, about a year actually." Justin corrected, as his sister knocked the air out of his ribcage. "Could you at least let me breathe a little bit more. It's lovely to see you, but if you keep going I'll probably die." Upon hearing this, Megara let go, but with a smile on her face still.

Kamiki stood with Lord Death as she scanned the scene around her. She spotted Marie talking to Stein, the face matching the voice she quickly avoided a little earlier. Stein, unfortunately for Kami, spotted her as well. He approached her.

Stein decided to begin conversation. "Good morning, Kamiki."

"It's Kami." She corrected.

"Kamiki." Stein repeated, smirking.

Kami scowled. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Well I work here."

"Let me guess... Technician?" She taunted.

"I'm a professor. I taught your daughter this morning." Stein announced.

Kami furrowed her eyebrows. "Oh god. Why. Who thought it was a good idea to hire you?"

"Lord Death."

Kami spun around to face the shinigami. "Lord Death, can I ask something?"


"WHY?" She cried.

"I thought he could add some good substance to the school. Plus his skills in medicine is very advanced and what we needed for the attacks with Asura."

Kami sighed. "Oh okay. Fair enough as long as he doesn't do female physicals. Or any physicals for that matter." She had calmed down, defeated.

Stein looked at her smugly. "Oh that brings a thought. Kami where were you during these attacks?"

"South gate. A whole lot of Arachne's guys attacked the port there. Me and Meg brought down 3 of the generators too. Australia, Oceania and South America's." She explained. He took it in.

"Oh I wondered why Sid and Yumi said they were already destroyed. Good work."


"Lord Death!" A voice shouted from down the corridor alongside some quick hitting footsteps, seemingly running. "I finished the papers at last and they've been indexed too!"

"Well done!" Lord Death said, delighted. Kami shot her head up at the familiarity of the voice. The owner of the voice, Spirit, ran through the door and smiled. He looked up.

Kami and his own eyes met.

"Oh.." Was the only thing Spirit could utter. He dropped the papers on the floor, his eyes wide and his face flushed bright red. Kami blushed and smiled as she watched him try to adjust his hair- then adjust the paper on the floor. She stepped forward and knelt down in front of him, to Spirit's surprise.

"Here. Let me help you." Kami offered. "I must have given you a fright, huh?"

Spirit smiled gently. "Thank you. Yeah. Sorry. I guess I just acted stupid for a second." He hung his head in shame, but she placed her hand on the top of his head and lifted it up.

"No, I guess I never warned you. It isn't stupid, really." Kami laughed. "I've seen you do worse. Like the time you saw Stein the night after he tried to swap your toes over. Your face was a picture."

"Don't remind me. You were so scary when you found out about what he was doing."

"He needed it the jerk." Kami shook her head at the thought. "There. Sorry it isn't ordered anymore."

Lord Death spoke. "Ah no worries. Kid will have a nice time ordering those. It's relaxing."

"That son of yours." Spirit sighed.

"I know. Odd boy but I adore him." Lord Death was enlightened with the thoughts of his son. "How is your girl Spirit? I'm sure Kami would like to know too."

"Oh Maka? No idea. I know she's well, but.."

"But?" Kami asked.

"She doesn't exactly want to know me. So she won't speak to me. It's my own fault she hates me though." Spirit looked at his hand. His nails were bitten to the ends. "I'm sure she'll tell you herself though."

Kami felt a wave of guilt hit her, alongside a lump in her throat. She hated seeing Spirit upset, even after what happened to them.


"What?" Spirit sounded surprised.

"For Maka. I'm sorry. I feel like I caused her to.. Y'know..." Kami explained, her voice trailing.

"No. It was me entirely. Don't apologise." Spirit stated.

"Okay. But don't forget what I said just now, about Maka." She requested. Spirit nodded. They were quiet for a while, until Kami pulled Spirit into a hug.

"I missed it here." She whispered.

Spirit smiled. "You glad to be here?"

Kami nodded. "Yeah... I forgot to say something."

They pulled away and looked at each other. Spirit cleared his throat. "What is it?"

"I'm happy to see you again, Spirit."

"You too!"

Spirit couldn't help but smile.

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